DIY satellite dish setup

Let's see today how satellite antenna is being tuned to a satellite. On devices of class Satfinder( generally we call all devices for pros) a bunch of inscriptions, many to the uninitiated are incomprehensible. Readers will be unanimous with the authors - it is unpleasant to do unfamiliar things on their own if you do not understand the subject. Rejoice if the spacecraft hangs where it should be, and the guidance passed without a hitch. Let's see how the self-tuning of the satellite dish is carried out.

satellite antenna guidance. So, the installation work has been completed, the satellite antenna is hanging on the correct section of the wall, from which the spacecraft is viewed, which allows you to catch TV shows. The process of refined fit begins. The good news is that professional devices are autonomous: if necessary, no need to pull the cable from the receiver to the roof. Let's study the theory pages, let people who know not strictly criticize, it is difficult to choose effective information from a network full of spam. Let's try to teach how to set up a satellite dish with your own hands.

instagram viewer

  1. The concept of satellite is not so obvious. In television, the term is understood as a spacecraft, motionlessly hanging relative to the Earth, due to the fact that it makes a revolution in orbit exactly one day. Eutelsat is constantly visible at one point. This fact satellite TV owes existence. If the spacecraft deviates from its position to the iota, special ground tracking stations will immediately return the satellite to the site, adjusting the orbit.

  2. satellite antenna pointing A satellite is often understood as a transponder, but the opinion is wrong. Any spacecraft broadcasts in a number of bands. There are many windows of transparency in the atmosphere, and it is logical to occupy each one as needed. For the satellites, many ranges have been invented, Ku and C are used more often. They differ in frequency. The antenna and any electronics path work optimally only with a limited range. The converters are either Ku or C, and the hybrid ones cannot work equally well along all the frequencies. Under the transponder should be understood part of the satellite, broadcasting in the selected range( sub-band).There are many transponders on one satellite, but not vice versa.

In the menu of most instruments for catching digital gears from space there are subsections Add transponder and Edit transponder. As readers have now guessed, inside it is possible to make satellite transceiver settings. We believe that this concerns the frequency and type of polarization. In addition, the instrument for detecting spacecraft contains subsections:

  • to find a satellite( Find Satellite);
  • add satellite( Add Satellite);
  • edit satellite( Edit Satellite);
  • flipping satellite database( List Satellite).

Satellite Search

It is clear that it is much easier to work by entering satellite information in the database: the name of the spacecraft, a number of technical parameters suitable for discussion in the article, including frequency characteristics and wave parameters.

What is LO Freq in an

satellite dish? The masters know how to set up a satellite dish independently, but in theory there is complete chaos. Let's discuss the term LNB.In RuNet, they did not find an explanatory explanation for what it was and where it came from. LNB comes from the English Low Noise Block, which translates literally into Russian as a low-noise block. Hams have already understood what it was about. The first cascade of the receiver( including the television one) is assembled on low-noise microcircuits. Reason: the sensitivity of any receiver depends on three parameters:

  1. Directional properties of the antenna. The brighter is the central lobe in the radiation pattern, the higher the antenna gain, the lower the coverage of the sky.
  2. Cable length up to the first amplifier stage. In the feeder, the signal attenuates, and while the amplitude is small, the fact is critical. Cut the cable to the amplifier trying to cut.
  3. The receiver sensitivity sensitivity formula includes a noise temperature depending on weather conditions and noise of active elements( transistors) of the first amplifier stage.

So, we see that the mentioned parameters are taken into account in the satellite dish: the dish has a large gain, knocking out of the common household antennas known today, the converter is located on the irradiator( the cable to the first amplifier stage is missing), the receiver is made low noise to increase sensitivity.

We derive a simple rule: any converter is a low-noise unit( LNB), but not any LNB is considered a converter.

In many branches of technology, low-noise circuitry is used, there is no need to equalize the two concepts. The LO Freq parameter is closely related to the device, many people have seen it, but will hesitate to explain. As answered in the article at http: // explanation-description-lnb.htm our fellow mind, LO is the Local Oscillator. To understand what a local generator is, we turn to the theory of reception. The input unit of the receiving device operates with a number of frequencies. For signal processing and noise reduction, each cascade has to be adjusted to the wavelength requirements. It is not comfortable. They agreed to mix the input frequency with the frequency of the local oscillator in a special device. And the difference between them is constant. The generator is called a local oscillator, the frequency adapts to the input while maintaining a constant difference.

So, LO Freq - LO frequency.

Frequency Equalization for the

Signal What is Down Freq in the Satellite Dish

If the low-noise block is engaged in amplification in the converter, and the local oscillator produces the reference frequency, the mixer( Downconverter) reduces the frequency to the specified value. Down Freq - frequency and transponder number, exclusively on the Eutelsat W4 NTV + broadcasts in the right circular polarization on half a dozen channels. By specifying this frequency to the instrument, we determine where to conduct the search. Where to get LO Freq and Down Freq. There are special tables on the Internet, it is permissible to ask the provider.

The difference between the Down Freq and LO Freq will be the intermediate frequency formed after the mixer, this is 1684 MHz( typical values ​​are 950 - 2150 MHz).Please note that each transponder has its own encoded information symbol rate( Symbol Rtate).For the above example, NTV + is 27500.

Electromagnetic wave characteristics for the satellite antenna

We have already determined the actual frequency at which frequency the device will begin to search for the transmission, however, polarization is also implied. The settings of the angles of the converter's position, some specific parameters depend on it. In order for the device to catch the signal, you need to specify what to look for. In the case of NTV + polarization right circular, on the device is designated Polarity.

The structure of the electromagnetic wave in a simplified form

Also happens to be linear( vertical or horizontal).Details of the signal structure can be found in the support service of the provider or on the website, which provides information about the satellite.

Diskey and satellite antenna

Disek is both a protocol and a device operating according to a specified protocol. Tasks include switching cables as needed. For example, two antennas are worth, it is permissible to be connected in turn to the receiver for reading channels. In order to control the switches, a special protocol was invented, through which a 22 kHz harmonic signal is transmitted along the power supply circuit( 13–18 V).As you can see from the menu, self-tuning of a satellite dish can be carried out using these switches. On the screen there is an option 22K( On / Off) disconnecting the harmonics( apparently, so as not to confuse the cards).

Finally, the professional instrument beeps in a different manner, detecting the signal of the spacecraft. To avoid beeping, disable the Buzzer option. We believe that now the installation of the Tricolor satellite dish will not cause difficulties for readers. The question remains, how to choose a transponder? We believe it is easier to call the support service of the provider.

Finally, newbies are interested in the issue of converting converters into one line. This is done with the help of multifida. The term means the set of converters itself and the guide bracket on which the detachment is placed. As a result, with the help of a single plate, it becomes possible to catch the signal of a number of satellites, which provides certain advantages. Converters are switched via Disek to the required number of inputs. We will consider programming the devices in the near future, but readers already know that control is conducted along the power supply through 22 kHz signals. For this purpose, a special protocol has been adopted, supported by receivers, converters and even instruments for self-guidance of a satellite dish.

The power of the converters also goes via the same cable, the device for catching satellites also works from it. Protocol servomotors goes on the power supply circuit. This minimizes the amount of communications for laying.

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