Cleaning cesspools: a review of best practices + how to clean yourself

Even the simplest form of sewage from cesspool is able to significantly increase the level of comfort in the suburban area. However, this solution has significant negative - the capacity for storage and primary processing of waste requires periodic removal of the contents. Agree, cleaning cesspools must be carried out according to the rules that were not caused environmental damage.

Owners of private homes and cottages which are not connected to centralized sewage network, we We offer meticulously proven, systematic information about the methods and the specifics of cleaning. With our help, you will be able to choose the best option to get rid of waste accumulation and learn how to implement it.

Detailed description of the methods used in practice is based on the personal experience of household owners. Take into account the requirements of standards of public services. Information confirmed by photos and video applications.

The content of the article:

  • Removal of accumulated filth
    • Method # 1 - draining and pumping raking
    • instagram viewer
    • Method # 2 - the biodegradation of wastewater
    • Method # 3 - Application of chemical agents
  • The solution to the problem of silting
  • Several of the recommendations
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Removal of accumulated filth

Principle of operation cesspool simple - the drains of sewer pipe adapted to enter the container and accumulates them therein. If it is a sealed version of the construction, it is filled with it quickly enough.

In the case of sump without a bottom with attached thereto a well absorbing waste need not so often as part Liquid drains out through its filtering walls and the bottom filter, subjected to processing inside ground.

In any case of these non-aromatic accumulation accumulated at the bottom in the form of an insoluble precipitate, it is necessary periodically to get rid of.

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Pumping sewage from the sump

Cesspool in fact is recessed into the ground sealed drive from which you want to pump regularly drains the accumulation of

Cottage WC on the sump

Cesspools arrange separately for toilets or for receiving the mixed waste, i.e., coming from toilets, kitchens, baths, showers and other facilities

Cesspool overflow

Pumping sewage from cesspools to overflow produce far less than from conventional raked. In such constructions there is a partial recycling of waste water, whereby it can be disposed of in the ground. The volume of the waste is significantly reduced mass

Prevention sedimentation pits filter bottom

Settled to the bottom of the system and passed through the precoat filter large fraction must be pumped to prevent silting filter component transmissive clarified water into the underlying ground groups

Storage evacuated sludge

Extracted from the sump sediment can be used to produce compost, putting it in layers in a compost pile, and alternating with the land

Biological means to reduce sediment

To reduce the sludge volume, acceleration and amplification processes its processing and disinfection using Biologicals - stabilized aerobic bacteria colonies

The use of chemical agents for cesspools

To accelerate and streamline the processing of the waste mass, dividing it into clarified water and a minimal amount of precipitate chemicals to help cesspools

Removal Acronym volume of sludge raking

Adding to biological and chemical agents into the sump eliminates unpleasant odors, disinfects and reduces runoff sediment. As a result, you can remove it yourself or occasionally cause scavengers

Pumping sewage from the sump

Pumping sewage from the sump

Cottage WC on the sump

Cottage WC on the sump

Cesspool overflow

Cesspool overflow

Prevention sedimentation pits filter bottom

Prevention sedimentation pits filter bottom

Storage evacuated sludge

Storage evacuated sludge

Biological means to reduce sediment

Biological means to reduce sediment

The use of chemical agents for cesspools

The use of chemical agents for cesspools

Removal Acronym volume of sludge raking

Removal Acronym volume of sludge raking

At the disposal of contemporary cottagers and homeowners for this, there are three main ways:

  • removing impurities by pumping;
  • the use of drugs to biological decomposition of the waste;
  • chemical cleaning.

Figuring out how to effectively clean sump, consider the features of each of these methods. Depending on the situation, you may need only one of them, but often it is necessary to carry out cleanup activities at the complex. For example, after the use of biological agents may require additional pumping sewage.

When you need to start clean-up? Strategies should consider at the stage of the creation of sewage, for example, providing access roads to assenizatorskaya machine.

No need to wait until the run-off will fill the last cubic centimeter capacity. Excessive filling of the cesspool several times increases the likelihood of contamination of the site. If two-thirds of the capacity occupied sinks, it is time to reduce their level using the available tools.

Method # 1 - draining and pumping raking

Optionally, the sump can be cleaned even manually using a conventional bucket on a rope. Owners of small suburban structures and do. The work is extremely unpleasant, it requires training. To begin to wear protective clothing or other clothing you do not mind staining. This is necessary in order to protect the skin, drains can be quite aggressive.

Mechanical cleaning of the sump

For mechanical cleaning of cesspits use special machines - cesspool emptier, which pumped the contents of the container and its export for recycling

Then you need to take care of the protection of the respiratory tract, and it is not just a characteristic stench. Couples coming out of the sewer, contain methane, which breathing is extremely dangerous to humans. For the same reason it is not recommended to carry out cleaning work alone, especially if you plan to work in raking.

If the one who is at the bottom, fainted from toxic fumes, partner able to help him. In addition to the protective suit and respirator need to wear high rubber boots or shoe covers and gloves.

Still need a sealed container, which will be disposed of contents raking. Later, these impurities need to get to a designated dumping their place.

Cleaning raking cesspool emptier

The distance between the machine and vacuum trucks cesspool must be no more than four meters. This point should consider in choosing a site for sewage, and in the further portion replanning

Manual cleaning - it is a long, dangerous and unpleasant. If the budget allows, it is better to use for pumping sewage into the container is not a bucket, and a special fecal pump.

It will go much faster, the risk of contact with the mass of waste will be considerably less. But about the security measures in this case should not be forgotten.

fecal pumps

To clean the sump with your hands, you can use a fecal pump. Periodically, the pump will need to be washed, as he hammered solid waste

Has removed much easier to clean using specialized equipment, such as cesspool emptier. This is a car that drove up to the site and evacuates the waste water through a special hose.

Distance between object and cesspool emptier purification should be no more than four meters. Pit depth of more than three meters, this technique does not serve, but such deep structures usually do not occur.

Manual cleaning of the sump

For the sake of safety during manual cleaning cesspool of all procedures to perform better together: one is working at the bottom, and the second insures its top

Even in the construction pit should take into account such nuance: scavengers charge a fee not for the amount of sewage pumped out, and for every visit. For the sake of cost reduction is necessary so to calculate the amount of raking to the amount intended for pumping waste water, fold roominess cesspool emptier. It should be remembered that the pumping start, if the well is filled by two thirds, and not "to the eyeballs."

Method # 2 - the biodegradation of wastewater

The processing of waste by means of microorganisms is widely used in various VOC septic tanks and industrial production. But for cesspools today developed biological products line, which are able to do that at emptying cesspits fails - to reduce or eliminate the characteristic of sewage unpleasant smell.

Bioremediation cesspool

Depending on the form of release agents for biological treatment may need their preparation. Generally, granules or powder is simply dissolved in a small amount of water

The machine sanitation leaves, and over the site for a few hours, or even days, hovering suffocating sewage spirit. The use of biologic drugs significantly improves the situation.

To do this, choose the right tool and use it according to the instructions. release bacteria for cesspools in the form of gels, liquids, powders, granules, etc.

The microorganisms decompose the contents of sewage water and neutral environmental yl. From the water permeable hole goes into the surrounding soil, and gradually accumulates yl. Naturally, the degree of such purification lower than the high VOC, water can not be used for irrigation and the pellet - as fertilizer. But raking fill rate decreases significantly.

Of course, the sludge from sewage facilities by itself is not going anywhere, it also need to be removed or pumped with the help of the above described method with the assistance of vacuum trucks. There is one more important thing - not all waste water be recycled by bacteria.

Biologicals for sewerage

For biological cleaning of cesspits are special preparations. Some of them are designed to process dissolved in the effluent of toilet paper

Inorganic waste is caught in the sewer, accumulate on the bottom and reduces the amount of free space in the storage container. Aggressive household chemicals, for example comprising chlorine, may create an environment for destructive microorganisms. Owners of washing machines and dishwashers should be careful in this regard.

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Means for cesspools and septic tanks

The action of biological agents based on natural phenomena recycling natural bacterial process

Colonies anaerobes in powder form

Biologicals are delivered as powders which shuts ordinary water without the slightest difficulty

The prepared liquid for application means

On sale are prepared for submission to the drain pit preparations. They are more expensive than powdered, also have shorter shelf life

The introduction of the powdered agent without dilution

Powdered biological agent can be applied without dilution. However, the effectiveness of its action is reduced at times when

Means for cesspools and septic tanks

Means for cesspools and septic tanks

Colonies anaerobes in powder form

Colonies anaerobes in powder form

The prepared liquid for application means

The prepared liquid for application means

The introduction of the powdered agent without dilution

The introduction of the powdered agent without dilution

Method # 3 - Application of chemical agents

If biological treatment for the environment just a holiday, the use of chemicals can pose a threat.

To remove waste from cesspools often use:

  • formaldehyde products;
  • nitrate oxidizers;
  • ammonium salt.

Even those who are far from chemistry, it is known that formaldehyde - hazardous substance. Its only advantage - relatively low price. This drug is toxic and can cause cancer. For these reasons, the cleaning has removed practically do not use formaldehyde.

Based cleaners nitrate oxidizers in the security situation have a much better performance. Their composition is similar to the components of fertilizers of this type, ie, at the correct dosage and followed the instructions in this cleaner is completely safe. These preparations are characterized by high cost, which is fully justified high efficiency.

The crystals of ammonium salts

ammonium salts - is an effective chemical for cleaning cesspools, but must apply such chemistry with caution in accordance with an instruction

When added to the formulation effectively dilutes drains waste parallel neutralizing unpleasant odors. After the effect of the drug is complete, the contents of the recycled sump pump can quickly deflate and be disposed of.

Another useful property of nitrate cleaners is that their effectiveness is not reduced by contact with even the most aggressive household chemicals. Tools of this type are suitable for cleaning not only the pit but also the entire sewer system.

Just how safe products based on ammonium salts, accurate data is not currently available. Therefore, when using this tool, as well as any aggressive chemicals, you need to carefully study the instructions and accurately perform it.

The presence of chlorine-containing agents in waste water can weaken the effect of the use of this drug, but according to reviews, with unpleasant odors he copes very well.

Filled sinkhole

Wait until the sinkhole will be filled up to the top - this is a bad strategy. Cleaning should be started when the amount of sewage is 60-70% of the volume of the container

Choosing a method for purifying sewage, should take into account the specific situation. For example, if you need to clean up the cesspool under a separate toilet, you should pay attention to the means which are capable of dissolving not only sinks but toilet paper.

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Coagulants and flocculants in water purification

For gray wastewater purification, merged into a hole of the kitchen and bath, sufficient to use coagulants and flocculants

Purification of the dirty water by chemical means

Dirty water used in hygiene procedures in the processing of products, purified chemicals that remove organic and mineral inclusions

The result of action of chemicals

After introduction of coagulants or flocculants contamination precipitate, which does not pass through the precoat filter

Flocculent precipitate in the purified water

Formed as a result of chemistry flakes with molecules and molecular compounds are deposited on the bottom, and the purified water is disposed in soil or in relief

Coagulants and flocculants in water purification

Coagulants and flocculants in water purification

Purification of the dirty water by chemical means

Purification of the dirty water by chemical means

The result of action of chemicals

The result of action of chemicals

Flocculent precipitate in the purified water

Flocculent precipitate in the purified water

The solution to the problem of silting

Sedimentation - a serious problem for permeable filter wellAnd for tight cesspit. In the first case the liquid part of the precipitate can not be drawn into the ground due to tight silt layer which covers the internal wall structures. In the second case will have to pump sewage often as deposits will reduce the volume of the container.

One indication that the sump is formed inside yl, is the appearance of the characteristic odor - hydrogen sulfide vapors. Figuring out how to clean the silt cesspool, it must be remembered that in this case it is necessary not just to neutralize waste or pump out the contents.

Cesspool overflow

If the septic tank is filled too quickly or frequently silts up, you might think about its improvement with the help of additional capacity and overflow

It is necessary to remove all the plaque from the walls and bottom of the container. For this purpose, chemical agents or chemical cleaning techniques, but the most effective is often a combination of these methods. When mechanical cleaning is performed first pumping bulk impurities. After that, using a hose to the tank is necessary to supply water at high pressure.

Jet treated inner surface of the sump thereby to break a sludge deposit and to divide it into separate smaller particles. Treatment is carried out as long as the container is filled by about 25%. The contents Bilge pump or cesspool emptier, and then disposed of.

For chemical cleaning silting structures using chemical cleaners intended for dissolution of solid inclusions - nitrate oxidizers already described above. Usually they also cope with silt. After some time, all or almost all of the content becomes liquid, it can be pumped without problems.

Filtering the bottom of the absorbing well

After cleaning the absorbing wells it is recommended to replace the filter of his bed: Removing the old filling and fill the vacated seat back layers of sand, gravel and crushed stone

It is worth noting that the use of chemicals will cost considerably more expensive than emptying by pumping, but to perform this operation easier, and it will take less time. In the process of physically removing the sludge will have to put up with a lot of dirt, which this procedure is usually followed.

The cesspools have no bottom in addition to clean or refresh the sand and gravel filter, which is at the bottom. Safest filter will remove all contents and re-lay the pure components: a layer of sand, gravel and \ or gravel about 40 centimeters thick.

To prevent sedimentation sump, it is recommended the diversion of water from it on the field of filtration. It is best done at the stage of creating structures, but you can perform this operation later. To do this, approximately half the height of the sump to install horizontal sewer pipe for removing liquid waste.

Silted cesspool

If cesspit silted up, it must be pumped out and immediately cleaned wall using a scraper or chemical means, e.g., nitrate oxidizers

For the filtration field devices need to excavate the ground to the level of the branch pipe laying. Lay down agrovoloknom layer, and the top is poured rubble. This "cushion" laid the pipe coming out of the sump. The pipe must be perforated, it just need to do the holes at equal distances.

Poured on top of the tube another layer of gravel, and then harboring agrovoloknom. It turns out that the pipe is surrounded by the filter material. This will ensure the rapid removal of the liquid contents of the sump and its safe disposal in soil column.

Several of the recommendations

If cesspool problems began to arise more frequently, it makes sense to improve facilities available means. some suit cesspool overflowWhich functions like a septic tank. To this end, next to the existing capacity arrange another, about the same.

The first container must be sealed, and the second - permeable or without a bottom. And a second container can be sealed to make, but then should be provided at the conclusion of juice filtration field or into the drain well. Overflow between the two departments set with a slight slope in the upper third of the containers.

First effluent will flow into the first compartment, where they will settle, the solid waste will fall at the bottom, and the liquid component of the sewage spill the contents when it reaches the desired level.

In the second compartment will fall mainly liquid effluents to be quickly moved in the filtration field for recycling. As a result, the hole would have to be cleaned much less frequently, and the probability of siltation construction significantly reduced.

The freezing of the soil pipe

Sewer pipes freezing occurs most often due to faults during installation. If this happens, you need to warm up the pipe to restore the sewer

In winter, the sewage in sump can be frozen, that will cause problems in the sewer. To remedy the situation, you need to unfreeze the frozen mass. Traditionally used for this purpose heat gun or her self-made analogue. In the absence of the power supply hole near the frozen diluted fires using a blowtorch, etc.

For artists who have at least a little experience with the electrician, available another way to defrost a cesspool - heated directly by an electric current. Middle frozen sump metal pin pierce approximately the depth of freezing.

You then need to take the power cable of suitable length. Its end is trimmed and attached to the pin, and on the opposite end of the fed 220V power supply.

For complete defrosting facilities may need a lot of time, sometimes need to wait for about one day, it all depends on the size of the pit. When performing this type of work it is obligatory to perform electrical safety requirements, for example, to use protective rubber gloves, shoes, etc.

If the freeze is not a hole, but it leads to sewer, indicating flaws in laying communications, for example, a trench was not deep enough or missing insulation. Fix these problems can be in the summer, and during the cold weather care should be taken to unfreeze pipes.

To do this, you can also use an electric current. At the end of the cable you need to clean up a segment equal to the length of the circumference of the pipe. To calculate this value, simply multiply the diameter of the pipe to 3.14, ie, the number "pi".

Then secure wire wound around the frozen pipe. In the power supply cable is fed through a couple of hours of heating the contents of the tube will melt and work the sewer system resumes.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

A practical embodiment silty sump purification is presented in this sequence:

There demonstrated procedure pumping of waste from the sump via fecal pump, which should be cleaned periodically:

The process and the result of applying bioaktivatory for sump clean you can see in this video:

Although the sinkhole and is a very easy option autonomous sewer devices, it requires proper care and timely treatment. Modern tools allow you to get rid of the accumulated waste in the building quickly and efficiently.

We have questions about cleaning cesspools? Or maybe you know other equally effective means and have tried them in practice? Ask your questions, share your experience in the block located at the bottom of the article.

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