Corado is a chemical agent for killing the Colorado potato beetle and potato ladybugs in private farms, on private garden lands. It is also effective against other pests. This insecticide is officially registered by the state, freely sold in stores. Corado is a pesticide( that is, a toxic chemical), and its use is possible only clearly according to the instructions.
- description and characterization of drug Ladder
- History
- Composition
- General properties of neonicotinoids
- Features imidacloprid
- Analogs
- instructions of the drug from the Colorado potato beetle
- Storage conditions
- lens to
- processing time
- Application Technology
- Impact
- Precautions
Description and characteristicsdrug corado
Insecticide manufacturer Korado is a Russian company, Your Farm( headquartered in Nizhny Novgorod).Liquid;for convenience, the dosage is packaged in a package of various volumes:
- 1 ml ampoule per bag;
- box of 5 ampoules 1 ml each;
- bottle 10 ml pack;
- 25 ml bottle in a box.
Each individual package is supplied with instructions.

Historical background
Liquid in an ampoule or bottle is a solution of a substance called imidacloprid at a concentration of 200g / l. This newest chemical was developed by Bayer, a German chemical and pharmaceutical company. Recently, the validity of its sole world patent has expired, and now Imidacloprid is free to produce and sell any enterprise. China produces large quantities and supplies them to other countries for packaging.
Imidacloprid belongs to the chemical group of neonicotinoids - artificial analogs of the natural alkaloid nicotine.
Composition of
Alkaloid nicotine is contained in the tops of plants of the Solanaceae family. Especially a lot of it in tobacco. Even in antiquity, it was observed that the infusion of tobacco has a devastating effect on many insects. In the twentieth century, artificial pure nicotine was synthesized, but it turned out to be a strong poison not only for insects, but also for humans. Scientists have continued research and developed new substances - neonicotinoids, in small doses poisonous for insects, but relatively safe for humans and animals.
In the modern world, 5 main neonicotinoids are used to combat insects in everyday life and agriculture:
- tiakloprid( only for large agribusinesses),
- tiametoxam( Aktara),
- acetamiprid( Stojar, Mospilan),
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- acetamiprid( Stozhar, Mospilan),
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- acetamiprid( Stozhar, Mospilan),
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- acetamiprid( Stozhar, Mospilan),
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- ;,
- imidacloprid( several dozen drugs).

General properties of neonicotinoids
- High toxicity for many insects, gnawing leaves and sucking vegetable juices( including the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae).
- Practically, there is no “addiction” effect: insects do not adapt to poison.
- Chemical penetrates the plant and spreads to the stems, leaves, flowers. Saved there for 2-4 weeks. Almost does not fall into the fruits and tubers.
Features of Imidacloprid
Since Imidacloprid is not protected by a global patent( unlike other “brothers”), it is available for any manufacturer and packager. Because of the competition, it has the lowest price on the world market. This chemical is widely used to treat plants from many insects: aphids, greenhouse whitefly, various beetles, flies, thrips, soil pests.
It is especially appreciated that the substance can be applied not only by spraying, but also when watering, treating seeds and tubers. It will spread through the vessels of the plant and kill any insects that will eat leaves, stems, processed grains or tubers for 2-4 weeks. Into the growing fruits, the poison penetrates weakly.
Imidacloprid is found in many agrochemicals. That it is contained in the popular treaters of tubers of seed potatoes( Prestige, Taboo, etc.).

Imidacloprid at a concentration of 200 g / l is named by each manufacturer differently. The company “Your farm” named him Corado, and other companies: Confideline, Commodore, Tanrek, Bison, Imidor, Biotlin, Iskra Gold. If Korado is recommended only against the Colorado potato beetle and apple aphid, then other drugs of a similar composition fight with different aphids, tsvetoyoy, thrips, bedbugs, greenhouse whitefly.
That is why your farm has produced two more drugs with the same content - 200 g / l of imidacloprid: Cortlis( from aphids on currants, apple and pot plants) and Corado - protection against onion and carrot flies. The same manufacturer offers a two-part chemical based on Corado - “Zukobor number 1”.To fight the Colorado potato beetle, Stozhar is also recommended, in which there is another neonicotinoid, acetamiprid: it is believed to be less harmful to bees.

Instructions for use of the drug from the Colorado potato beetle
Use of the tool is more reasonable only with real danger to the crop. It carries environmental risks and is not suitable for mindless prevention.
Storage Conditions
Use within three years from the date of manufacture.
Store in a room where it is not colder than -5 degrees and not higher than +25.Do not allow fire, do not burn.
Objects of Exposure
Chemical causes paralysis of the nervous system of insects.
The Colorado potato beetle and its larvae die from the direct impact of a pesticide on them( contact influence), as well as from eating the foliage( intestinal poisoning). The egg-laying does not suffer, but the hatched larvae also die from the poison in the food( greens remain poisonous for almost a month after treatment).
28-point potato ladybug - a dangerous beetle, a destroyer of potato tops in Primorye and on Sakhalin. Fighting it is similar to the activities of the Colorado potato beetle.
Aphid on apple is destroyed at any stage of the growing season. It is advisable to capture it in the initial period of settlement.

Processing time
- Treatment is carried out once, at the first detection of pests on plants.
- Avoid windy weather.
- Before the rain must pass at least 4 hours. Then the chemical will penetrate inside the plant, and the sediments will no longer weaken its action.
- Select the evening( after 18 hours), in the extreme case - morning( up to 10 hours).So less influence of the sun and safer for bees.
- Temperature does not play a big role( optimal range is wide: from +10 to + 26).
. Application technology.
. Pesticide is applied by spraying. Spraying should be fine( a broom is not suitable).
- In the ampoule( bottle) there is a liquid concentrate, which is diluted with water - first in a small amount, then adjusted to the desired volume. Prepare the solution before work, do not store for a long time.
- Recommended dosage: 1 ml of concentrate per 4 liters of water.
- Landing no need to flush. Sufficient surface spraying at a rate of 4 liters of solution per 1 hundred. If at least a third of the plant is processed, the desired concentration will be in the tissues
- Corado can be mixed with fungicides( from plant diseases), except for copper-containing drugs.
Effects of
In the very first hours, insects almost cease their livelihoods. Total death occurs in 2-3 days, maximum - in 5. Protection against nascent larvae and newly arriving individuals lasts at least two weeks, up to a month.

- Usually the drug does not irritate the skin, mucous membranes of eyes and mouth, but it is better to protect yourself with standard protective clothing.
- All work should be carried out in the absence of children and pets.
- Do not spray flower plants frequented by pollinating insects.
- Avoid splashing on other plantings, especially green crops. They quickly get inside the plants, they do not wash off with water. Heat treatment( cooking, roasting) will not help either. The pesticide is destroyed only from time: in the plant in a month, in the soil in almost a year.
- Corado is destructive for aquatic inhabitants. It is impossible to spray near water bodies, especially to send them the remnants of the solution. They are poured into the hole, covered with earth.
- It is allowed to go to the cultivated plantation three days after processing. After 10 days, the concentration of poison in the leaves and tubers decreases. For insects foliage will be poisonous for another 10-20 days.
- Imidacloprid has the 3rd( middle) class of danger to humans, mammals, birds. The( accidental) use of concentrate and freshly harvested herbs should be avoided. Symptoms of poisoning: breathing problems, trembling limbs, lethargy;In this case, an urgent appeal to the doctor is required, otherwise the liver may suffer. Prolonged food exposure to small doses can disrupt the endocrine system.
Corado is very effective in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. It acts quickly, does not cause addiction, reliably protects the landing for another month. The chemical agent is used strictly as needed, with thorough observance of all safety rules.