It is used as a top dressing for garden plants. But you should know that this fertilizer has its own characteristics. Pork manure without problems can be obtained in large volumes, it has more useful components than in the feces from cattle. It should be remembered that there are negative points that prevent many gardeners to apply this type of fertilizer on their beds.
- possible to use pig manure as fertilizer
- Benefits and harms of the garden
- composition of fertilizers
- Application on
- practice when fertilizer can not be applied
- How to make fertilizer from manure alone
possible to use pig manure as fertilizer
Frankly speaking, the use ofin the garden fertilizer as such implies a preliminary preparation .The bottom line is that in the body of large horned animals, whose product they encounter more often, food passing through a complex digestive system is subject to special processing. For example, due to methane fermentation without oxygen, the acid will decompose into particles containing nitrogen.
But in pigs the digestive tract is different in its structure, the acid comes out with feces. But in this there is nothing terrible - manure should be composted, which will allow the acid to decompose into useful components.

The use of such manure as a fertilizer in a greenhouse or greenhouse, in which the humidity level is always elevated, is not recommended. Otherwise, there is a possibility of increasing oxidation processes. To neutralize it, the compost( at your discretion) should be added:
- dolomite flour at the rate of 1 to 100;
- superphosphates - one and a half - two kilograms per centner;
- double superphosphates - from seven hundred grams to kilograms for the same weight;
- five hundred grams of lime per hundred kilograms of manure. Note that this option is less acceptable, since many useful components will disappear in the fertilizer.
This can occur even if fresh manure is simply scattered over the soil surface before the onset of the winter season. The problem is that the fertilizer contains an excessive amount of ammonia and nitrogen, and this amount depends on the presence of litter in pigs during their housing.
Conducting a conversation about manure bespattering, implies a nitrogen level of fifty - seventy percent, contained in a soluble form, which is very convenient for assimilation by crops.
Benefit and harm in the garden
It is imperative to know the stages and periods of decomposition of organic matter, because it depends on what soil and for which plants you can apply manure.
Fresh, it should not be used for black soil and other soil compositions enriched with humus. They may become unsuitable for planting.
The ideal option is alkaline earths containing many carbonates. Acid fertilizer will make the soil neutral, improve its condition. In other cases, waste prior to use are pre-training.

Pork manure mixed with horse is suitable for any beds. If sawdust or straw is mixed with waste, it is allowed to deposit it in loamy soil.
Composition of fertilizer
In the feces there is a lot of phosphorus, but if you compare it with an analogue of mineral fertilizers, it is better consumed by plants, because it does not stick to the soil. Potassium is also well absorbed, as it is contained in highly soluble compounds. If you determine the average, the dry fertilizer contains:
- organic - 86 percent;
- nitrogen - 1.7;
- ash - 14;
- phosphorus - 0.7;
- potassium oxide - 1.2.
It is better to apply pig humus to early vegetables - it should be introduced into the soil in autumn. Pumpkins, cucumbers, onions, carrots, cabbage and zucchini are planted on the beds so fertilized.
Manure in the fresh and semi-threshed state is allowed to use for plants that are related to nitrogen consumption to the first group of - potatoes, peppers, eggplants, blackberries, cherry, raspberries, dahlias, cloves and others.
But it is better to lay a rotted form under tomatoes, beets, corn, garlic, currants, apples, pears, juniper and others.
Quite often, the manure added under perennial plants shows its qualities only the next year.

Practical application
A number of features do not always make it possible to understand whether manure can be used as a fertilizer composition. The main thing to remember is that the degree of benefit and harm depends on the stage of decomposition that the manure passes. It is caused by the fact that when rotting material significantly changes its composition. According to the degree of freshness, four types are distinguished:
- in fresh form .This option is not more than three months, contains the maximum amount of acid, nitrogen and other harmful elements. They can ruin any land and harm plants that need nitrogen. But if the soil should be fertilized urgently, and there is no other manure, then it is necessary simply to lower its acidity level, mixing it with the waste obtained from other animals;
- semi-ruled .Its term is from three to six months. It still contains a sufficient amount of toxins, but the level of biological pollution is significantly reduced. It is impossible to spoil plants with such fertilizer, but still it is necessary to introduce it carefully( up to 3 kg per square of area), and only in autumn;
- flushed .Lies from six months to a year. Strongly withered, lost almost half the mass. The level of acid and nitrogen decreases. This material contributes up to seven kilograms per square meter and it is better to do this in the fall to provide an opportunity to ripen finally;
- humus .Lies at least a year. Almost does not contain acid, the nitrogen level is optimal, weed seeds and microorganisms disappear. It is added to the soil at any time.

When fertilizer cannot be used
Non-refractory manure contains a high level of nitrogen concentration, which can burn the plants or create a tool. The application of fresh product to the ground will not give a good effect, because the nitrogen will evaporate.
If you want to act correctly, then apply pork fertilizer during the autumn digging period - humus or rotted, with at least one year's aging.

How to make fertilizer from manure yourself
The most suitable way is composting. So the nutritional value of fertilizer will increase, and the unpleasant smell will disappear.
Faeces must be layered between which to spread straw, l or any sawdust. Compost must have contact with the ground so that the worms can hide in the ground for the winter. To raise the nutritional level, additional organic matter from plant residues should be added. Preparing a bunch, you must wait a year to finally mature the compost.
This can be achieved by increasing the heap area and reducing its height. In the finished form, the compost will be loose, dark, smelling soil. If there is a smell of rot, it means that the waste is not rotting, but rotting. The pile must be mixed to ensure that it has access to oxygen.
Having studied the use of pig manure as a fertilizer component, it is possible to enrich the plants with useful components without incurring extra costs. To use such material is good if there are pigs on the farm.