Home care for spathiphyllum

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It’s not easy to create a green world in an apartment so that the plants will enjoy a healthy look and beauty of flowers. Unlucky for those who do not have windows to the south side, obscures the upper balcony. A find for such flower lovers will be the spathiphyllum depicted in the photo, and care at home is simple. A flower that does not require special conditions will become a resident of a window facing north, or it will be perfectly arranged in the shadow of other plants.

Features of the female flower

The name of the flower Spathiphyllum comes from two Greek words, and is translated as a flower and a veil, is a description of the flower, consisting of a set of inflorescences, assembled into a "corn" and framing a white sail.

The plant belongs to the family of aroid. This flower has large, hard leaves coming out of the ground. The plant is imported from the tropics of Colombia, but is found in many tropical regions. In culture, breeders have created many hybrids of different sizes, color sheets and flower. The cover can have a white, cream, green shade. The ear is of all shades to red.

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Most often there are two types of spathiphyllum from which selection is conducted:

  • spathiphyllum is blooming;
  • Spathiphyllum of Wallis.

A house plant, a resident of a window sill can be a compact Wallis flower. It has smaller leaves, and its height does not exceed 40 cm, which is very convenient in a room flower garden. Spacious rooms will decorate a free-flowering shrub. Caring for them is the same, and the flower stalks are different, 12 cm at Wallis and twice as long as his big brother.

Spathiphyllum cleans the air in the home, absorbing phenolic emissions from furniture. It collects benzene compounds and saturates the air with ozone. Increased ozone content creates an atmosphere of mountains. The presence of 4-5 plants increases the content of oxygen ions tenfold.

How to care for spathiphyllum at home?

You bought a plant in a flower shop, brought it home and expect it to show off? No, the soil is filled with food so that was enough for the time of sale. And while the spathiphyllum has not adapted to the new conditions, it is better to transplant it immediately, so as not to create double stress.

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We will begin to reveal the secrets of home care success behind the spathiphyllum by preparing the soil and transplanting or rooting the plant:

  1. The nutrient mixture is made up of equal amount of humus, peat, peat, and peanut planting from the plant, from peat humus, peat, peat moss, and rooting of the new plant:
    1. and sand. In the substrate you need to add a crumb from ceramic pots or tiles and crushed birch coal.
    2. The container should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous diameter. It should be noted that the plant needs to be transplanted annually, and each time the capacity increases. The drainage hole is covered with a convex crock, expanded clay balls or pebbles are poured on top.
    3. Propagate the spathiphyllum by disassembling a nest of leaf thickets into separate fragments after transplanting after soaking a clod of earth. When planting should not deepen the neck, there will be no flowering. Do not take a spacious pot, the roots should be cramped. Earth compacted and well watered.
    4. Not scary, if the leaves of a new plant dry out a bit, the plant needs to adapt.
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    It’s easy to choose a place for a new resident. Usually in summer the spathiphyllum develops well and blooms in a warm room on the north window. However, in winter, when other plants have a dormant period, this flower needs a lot of light and can be placed on the south window. You can place the flower on other windows, but remember that direct sunlight will not only burn the leaves, but also create the conditions for the disease of the root system.

    An indispensable condition for the decorativeness of a flower is its need for bathing. No wonder the second name of the spathiphyllum is the female flower. He loves the shower, if not, irrigation of leaves from a spray bottle will do. He likes to bask in the shade, in the warmth, but not in the hot air.

    Sacred consider a female flower in magic and assign him to help him get pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

    The plant likes watering, but the roots can rot from overflowing. Therefore, experienced growers are waiting for the flower to ask for a drink, drooping and dropping leaves. Such a temporary drought will not damage the plant. However, in winter, watering is reduced, and the shower is not satisfied with the plant, only spraying is rare.

    How to care for a female flower spathiphyllum, so that he pleased his flowering? It is necessary to feed the flower regularly during the growth of green mass and flowering. To do this, use liquid fertilizer, diluted in the recommended dose, watered only on wet land. In winter, the plant is not fertilized.

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    Absolutely can not tolerate the plants stream of fresh air with the ominous name of the draft. Therefore, put them away from the vents, balcony doors. For prolonged flowering, it is necessary to cut out the old arrows at the very base in order to give the opportunity to release the next peduncle. Duration of flowering depends on simple, but mandatory care.

    The secret to the success of home care for the spathiphyllum is to provide the plant with the necessary conditions and prevent diseases and pests.

    A spider mite, which is found on leaves with difficulty, is dangerous because of the presence of a spider web on the back side and a pale plate with bright spots from punctures. Another common pest is a shield aphid, determined by the presence of dark spots on the leaves. It is possible to use for struggle both national remedies, and special preparations.

    A sign of overflow, lack or excess fertilizing, other abnormal conditions of maintenance will be drying up leaves. The reasons need to find the method of eliminationIn the extreme case, disassemble the flower and transplant the most healthy appendage according to all the rules, but only first hold it in soft water so that the roots appear.

    It is impossible to make a room flower in the summer to fresh air. The plant will not be happy with climate change and can get sick.

    How to care for spathiphyllum - video

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