Description of cabbage variety golden hectare and its characteristics

Cabbage Golden Hectar is actively grown in Ukraine and Moldova. Every year the variety becomes more popular with Russian gardeners due to its characteristics. It became widespread for the possibility of obtaining a friendly early harvest and excellent taste.

Table of Congreso opttreats early ripe grades. From the moment of germination of seeds to the technical maturity of fruits, no more than 110 days pass. Cultivation of a grade occurs by a seedling method in separate tanks or the warmed greenhouses and greenhouses. Plants are planted in open ground 50 days after germination.

The variety is distinguished by good germination of seeds. Plants have a compact semi-raised outlet. The leaf is small, round shape. Young plants have a light green color, there is a slight wax coating. Mature heads have a rounded shape, even. The average value. Density is high. Weight ranges from 1.5 to 3 kg. Productivity varieties high.

The yield of products with proper agricultural technology reaches 90%.With one square meter receive up to 8.5 kg of crop, from 1 hectare to 850 quintals.
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The grade possesses excellent tastes. Good for fresh consumption, in salads, for sourdough. It is subject to transportation.

head of cabbage golden hectare

Advantages and disadvantages of golden hectare

Let us describe the advantages of cabbage golden hectare for which it is becoming more widespread:

  • high yield;
  • disease and pest resistance;
  • earlier and amicable ripening;
  • high taste;
  • high content of micro and macro elements.

The cabbage, Golden Hectar, contains a large amount of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, amino acids, vitamins of group B, A, PP, K.

Of the shortcomings of the variety, not very good indicators of keeping quality, as well as some demands on the soil are noted. With a general simplicity, the variety reacts negatively to acidic and infertile soil.

Features of sprouting seedlings

Cabbage Golden hectare belongs to the early varieties. It is diluted by seedling method. Cabbage seeds germinate well at low temperatures. The optimal conditions for growing seedlings are +18 degrees.

Sowing of seeds produced in the first half of March. For germination use individual peat pots or special containers. The soil is suitable ready for cabbage or cooked yourself. Previously it must be treated with a disinfecting solution.

Before planting, seeds are soaked in a solution of manganese. This increases germination and reduces the risk of infection. Until the first shoots appear, seeds are kept under the film at a temperature of +20 degrees. After the first shoots, the film is removed, and the temperature is reduced to +10 degrees. A week later, the young plants are again placed in heat, trying to withstand the daily temperature of +17 degrees, night +9.

Saplings dive in the stage of two mature leaves. Immediately after transplantation, the plants are kept warm, gradually lowering day and night temperatures again. A certain mode allows you to grow strong frost resistant seedlings.

Saplings before planting in open ground are fed in 3 stages.

  1. stage. The first feeding is carried out 10 days after diving plants. Potassium and superphosphate solutions are used.
  2. stage. Re-feeding is carried out 10 days after the first fertilizer application. Ammonium nitrate is used.
  3. stage. The third dressing is needed 10 days before planting in open ground. A mixture of potash, ammonia and superphosphate fertilizers is used.
Cabbage seedlings

Preparing a plot for breeding

The Golden Hectare variety is a unpretentious type of cabbage. It does not require special soil preparation or site selection. For maximum yield, gardeners choose a well-lit area for cabbage. The lack of light leads to the formation of small leaves and poor head formation.

Loamy or light loamy soil is considered optimal for the variety. Cabbage reacts negatively to the increased acidity of the soil.

To increase the yield, it is recommended to carry out preliminary preparation of beds for cabbage. Preparation consists of adding lime mortars to the soil in autumn to reduce acidity, as well as adding fertilizers to increase the fertility of the soil. The best predecessors for the Golden Hectare are:

  • solanaceous( pepper, tomato, potatoes);
  • legumes;
  • pumpkin;
  • onions.
Fertilizing the soil before planting

Planting in open ground and subsequent care

In the open ground, seedlings are planted in the state of 4-5 adult leaves. From the moment of the appearance of the first shoots to the transfer to a permanent place, at least 40 days must pass. The best is considered the second half of May, when the threat of the last frost has passed.

Plants are planted in the ground according to the 60 * 60 centimeters scheme. The thickening of the planting leads to a deterioration in the quality of the crop. For seedlings prepare deep holes. Plants are placed to the bottom leaves. The earth around the roots is well compacted.

The Golden Hectar variety is unpretentious to care. It requires regular watering as the topsoil dries. On the next day after watering, loosening the soil is recommended. This procedure allows you to knock down a frozen earthen crust and improve the penetration of oxygen to the roots of plants.

Cabbage feeding is done 2-3 times per season. The first stage is recommended to be carried out in 15-20 days after landing in the ground, the second in the middle of the season. The third feeding is made during the formation of heads.1-2 weeks before the harvest, the watering of the plants stops completely.

Cabbage seedlings planted in the ground.

Diseases and pests of the variety

Golden Hectare is a variety resistant to diseases and pests. It is less susceptible to color flow, keel and ripening of ripe fruits.

Diseases should beware of white rot. It is characterized by the appearance of putrefactive plaque on the lower leaves.

Plant disease occurs in open ground with its high acidity. Powdery mildew may appear during severe night frosts.

Preventive spraying is recommended to prevent contamination of plants with diseases and pests. During the formation of heads, they are watered on top of water.

White rot on cabbage

Crop storage rules

Harvesting is done after the completion of the formation of heads. The technical maturity of cabbage comes in 100-110 days after emergence of shoots. This period falls on the end of July - the beginning of August, depending on the time of sowing and planting in open ground.

Fruit maturity is determined by the termination of the increase in the weight of the heads and the yellowing of the upper leaves. To collect choose a dry sunny day. Cabbage perfectly transports transportation, preserves commercial quality for a long time. The variety is not suitable for storage during the winter period. To prolong its safety allows hanging heads in grids in dark cool rooms with dry air.

Storing cabbage in a grid
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