Why your favorite anthurium turns yellow and dries

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Anthurium dries and turns yellow: content errors

  • forest areas of Central and South America. The long flowering of certain species and the unusual foliage of others has made many varieties of anthurium popular with room gardeners.

    Plants are quite unpretentious, but when growing them, we should not forget that anturiums are from the tropics, where plants do not experience severe temperature drops, rarely suffer from lack of nutrition and moisture in the soil or air. If the grower manages to properly maintain the habitual conditions of growth for Anthurium, then the plant responds with a good foliage condition, frequent and long flowering.

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    But how to find out the reason why the anthurium turns yellow and dries? Where is the mistake made, and what insects can harm the inhabitants of the tropics?

    Anthurium dries and turns yellow: content errors

    If still recently a healthy indoor flower noticeably loses its attractiveness, its foliage fades, becomes brown or yellow, and the flowering is not so lush, it is necessary to first of all assess the conditions in which the plant is located.

    Normally, a healthy anthurium has brightly colored, shiny or, depending on the species, matt foliage. At the same time sheet plates are updated during the entire growing season. Their natural aging and dying off is also accompanied by a change in color, but the process goes almost imperceptibly. But when the anthurium turns yellow for some external reasons, it is already difficult to pass by the pet's poor state of health.

    All home grown anthuriums are heat-loving and plants for which the optimum air temperature is 18–26 ° C.

    If the temperature background begins to fluctuate sharply or goes beyond these limits, it is worth waiting for the deterioration of the foliage, and with insufficient attention, the roots of the anthurium suffer.

    Lowering the air temperature often leaves dark dead skin on the leaves of anthurium. But excessively warm air, especially if the humidity in the room is not too high - this is one of the most common reasons why anthurium dries.

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    The detrimental effect of such conditions is similar to how the leaves of a plant feel under direct sunlight, also dangerous to the inhabitants of the humid shady forests of Colombia. Wilting and yellowing of anthurium is inevitable with a long flower in the sun. Therefore, plants placed on the southern windows are necessarily protected either with a film or with another improvised screen.

    But what to do if the anthurium dries in the winter when the sun is not so bright, but it is warm on the windowsill? Obviously, the problem of such a plant:

    • in a lack of light, which can be compensated for by installing an additional backlight that prolongs the daylight;
    • in excessive dryness of the air, which can be moistened with the help of careful irrigation of foliage, use of household appliances and devices;
    • in drafts and cold air from the window;
    • in nutritional deficiencies caused by lack of supplements or overgrowth of anthurium roots.

    In the latter case, it is especially important to help the plant by adjusting its feeding or transplanting it into a new fresh substrate.

    Soil and irrigation characteristics for anthurium health

    Actively blooming anthurium species during the growing season need regular fertilization, which should support the formation of new buds and the general condition of the anthurium. When choosing a means for feeding, it is better to give preference to formulations with a limited amount of nitrogen, which activates the formation of foliage, and a high content of phosphorus, which is responsible for the quality of flowering.

    If the anthurium turns yellow or dries, this may be due to the excess nutrients in the soil. In this case, mineral salts that are not absorbed by the roots of anthurium provoke the burn of the underground parts of plants, as well as the active reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

    When there is a suspicion that the anthurium is drying due to an oversupply of fertilizers, it is necessary to rinse with an earthy lump, or transplant a pet into a new substrate.

    Transplanting is obligatory when the plant root system has completely penetrated the substrate and no longer has free space. This procedure is best done at the beginning of spring, crossing the plants into a new, more voluminous pot. But do not forget that anthuriums have a rather effective tool for getting nourishment from the atmosphere. These are the air roots of anthurium, which cannot be removed, but it is more beneficial to use their susceptibility to foliar feeding and spraying the crown with clean moisture.

    Read also: What to do if indoor anthurium does not bloom for a long time?

    Fungal and bacterial damage to the roots of anthurium

    But the excessive irrigation of anthurium is extremely negative, and in this case, especially when the soil is dense, the florist observes not only the yellowing and drying foliage. One of the most serious problems for lovers of anthuriums is the development of root rot, which is promoted by excessive soil moisture and lack of oxygen in the soil.

    The appearance of rot on the roots of anthurium can be controlled with a wide range of fungicides.

    But this measure is not enough. Since it does not solve the main problem. If the grower has a suspicion that the anthurium is drying and yellowing due to putrefaction processes, the plant must be removed from the pot for inspection and processing.

    After cleansing the roots of anthurium from soil residues, the blackened, destroyed areas are cut and treated with crushed coal and, if necessary, fungicides. The plant is transplanted into a new disinfected soil, and the pot itself must be steamed or treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

    Anthurium is difficult to tolerate infectious and fungal diseases. Therefore, it is much easier and more effective to do prevention, having established a competent watering and picking up a loose soil mixture for the plant.

    Anthurium pests

    One of the reasons why anthurium dries can be harmful insects that have settled on a plant. Anthurium does not often suffer from any pests, but if yellowed areas are found on the leaves, the surface of the leaf plates has lost its evenness or already dries out, there is a reason to conduct a thorough inspection of the plant. Among the pests detected on anthuriums are spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, scale insects and thrips. If the plant is contained in moist soil, mushroom mosquitoes begin to spin around the pot.

    Most insects, parasitic on plants, feed on juices, because of which, with a significant number of pests, the anthurium turns yellow and noticeably weakens.

    Thrips and mealybugs are more likely to inhabit new shoots and foliage, these same insects along with aphids can be found on buds. A sign of the presence of ticks on the anthurium is a barely noticeable cobweb on the forks of the shoots and in the sinuses.

    The most persistent and malicious occupant is the photo pest of anthurium and other indoor plants - thrips. The insect feeds on the juices of not only the leaves and stems, but also the inflorescences, causing damage to the stipules and the cobs.

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    Green or gray aphids settling on anthuriums are hidden on the back of leaf sheets. As a result of the destructive activity of pests near Anthurium, the leaves turn yellow and curl, inflorescences dry up.

    Many of these pests can be treated by treating the aerial part of the plant with a soap solution obtained from insecticidal or green soap.

    True, it should be borne in mind that anthurium pests are on the plant not only in the form of adult insects, but also eggs and larvae. Gradually hatching generations, if not to repeat the treatment, occupy the vacated space and continue to harm the culture.

    In addition, modern insects easily produce immunity to fairly weak agents. And some varieties, like the silo depicted in the photo, are not at all susceptible to such an effect. Therefore, the florist must be ready not only to re-irrigate the foliage with soapy water, but also to treat the anthurium with a systemic insecticide. A day after the treatment, the foliage of the anthurium is washed with clean water, carefully covering the ground from the ingress of excess moisture.

    Although pest control is not as laborious as root rot, prevention is always healthier and easier. For example, mites on an anthurium, like other species, are infested under conditions of low humidity. And here it is extremely important to pay attention to the care of indoor plants, as well as regularly flush the foliage, which is prevention from the appearance of pests on the anthurium and helps the plant to breathe.

    Prevent the spread of pests on healthy plants by placing new, newly acquired anthuriums in quarantine. In 3-4 weeks you can usually reveal all the hidden problems of the green pet, take measures to treat it and not damage the rest of the collection.

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