The benefits of thuja oil and how to use it

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Oil of thuja is obtained by steam forcing young cones and needles of this tree. For the manufacture of 1 liter of oil must be at least 250 kg of raw materials. The result is a clear, oily liquid, sometimes with a slight yellow tint. It has a characteristic sharp aroma, as well as the tree from which it is made. The healing properties of the oil were discovered in homeopathy in the 19th century, it was used to treat viral and inflammatory diseases, as well as bronchial asthma. Because of its pleasant smell and positive effect on the skin, it is used in cosmetology and perfumery.

Composition and beneficial properties of

oil Useful properties of thuja oil are determined by chemical composition. Its components have a complex effect on the human body in many diseases:

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  1. Tanning agents have a local astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and bactericidal effect.
  2. Sesquiterpene alcohol inhibits the cough reflex at the level of the central nervous system, dilates the bronchi.
  3. Thujone is a neurotropic poison, which in high concentrations can cause hallucinations, convulsions and damage to areas of the brain, but is harmless in small quantities.

Resin and other substances are also included in the essential oil of thuja. With local effects, it reduces inflammation, fights pathogenic microflora, eliminates pain, has a tonic effect and restores the body’s own defenses. It also activates the regeneration processes and heals wounds.

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Indications for use

The oil is used in traditional medicine, both independently and as part of complex treatment of a number of diseases. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis, calculate the dosage and duration of treatment, as well as test for an allergic reaction. The tool can be recommended:

  1. Tuevoy oil is indicated for viral respiratory diseases, which are manifested by fever, nasal exudate, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes.
  2. It is used to treat adenoids in children, as well as in the postoperative period for the prevention of relapses.
  3. In asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, the remedy dilutes and removes sputum.
  4. Oil stimulates the regeneration and disinfects the mucous membranes, therefore, it is widely used in dentistry for the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, bleeding gums.
  5. The agent is effective in inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system, including infectious origin.
  6. Oil has a general tonic effect, allows you to restore the immune defense after past illness, stress and fatigue.

Tui Edas butter producers also guarantee its effectiveness against papillomas and warts. This property of the drug is not proven, but it can help with some cosmetic defects of the skin. It can relieve inflammation, swelling and fatigue, eliminate rashes, including those of nervous origin. Oil is also recommended to be applied on stretch marks.

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Instructions for use

The product is produced in glass bottles with or without a dropper. Each box contains 1 bottle, as well as instructions for the use of oil of thuja.

The drug for medicinal purposes is used only as directed by a physician. Based on the severity of the symptoms and the age of the patient, he will calculate the exact dosage and duration of the course of therapy.


  1. Tui oil with sinus is instilled into the nose. It is allowed to drip 2 drops into each nostril no more than 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 14 days. If it was not possible to eliminate the symptoms of the disease during this time, the course is repeated after 10 days break.
  2. Tui oil with adenoids for children is used as part of inhalation. In 200 ml of hot water add 3 drops of therapeutic agent. Couples should be inhaled for 20 minutes without covering their heads with a towel.
  3. In viral respiratory diseases that are manifested by a cold and fever, both instillation and inhalation are beneficial. The allowable course of treatment is 14 days, but in most cases it is stopped earlier, with complete elimination of the symptoms.

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract and adenoids, it is useful to wear the aromamedallion with thuja oil. To do this, put 2 drops of oil in a small glass jar, put it on the neck and do not remove it during the day. Couples get into the nose when breathing and have a therapeutic effect all the time.

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In cosmetology, oil is applied dotted or added to massage mixtures. It is recommended to combine thuja oil with olive or sea buckthorn to reduce its toxicity and aggressiveness. The resulting mixture in a small amount is distributed to problem areas and rubbed with massage movements.

Thuja oil is not mixed with other esters and is not added to the composition of cosmetic or perfume products.

Contraindications to the use of

Despite all the positive properties of the drug, not all patients can drip thuja oil into the nose or inhale it in pairs. Among the contraindications to use can be distinguished:

  • individual sensitivity to individual components;
  • gestation period( thujone can provoke abortions);
  • pathology of the central nervous system( epilepsy).

If signs of an allergic reaction are observed during the treatment with tuvé oil, the course should be stopped. Allergy sufferers experience intense exudate excretion from the nose, tearing, reddening of the visible mucous membranes. Swelling of the face may develop.

Tui oil with a cold, sinus, adenoids, infectious and inflammatory processes in the body - is an effective therapeutic tool. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor, make an accurate diagnosis, determine the extent of the disease and ensure that there are no contraindications.

Methods of application of oil of thuja - video

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