Photo favorite growers varieties Ahimenes

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dozens. Modern lovers of flowering ornamental plants have a unique opportunity to endlessly expand their collections and enjoy all the new bright and unusual colors of achimenes. And yet everyone has their favorites.

Photos and descriptions of the varieties of achimenes, favorite flower growers, will become a guide for those who are interested in this plant and want to see the bushes covered with flowers on their windowsill.

Akhimenez Ambroise Verschaffelt

In 1855 as a result of the crossing of achimenes grandiflora var.alba and cultivar Rinzii was obtained by Ahimenez Ambroise Verschaffelt, named after one of Belgium's most prominent gardeners, Ambrose Vershaffelt.

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The cultivated Ahimenez variety had a long, happy life. Erect with brownish stems and green foliage bushes decorated with large flowers. Each halo bears an openwork network of purple veins, and its center is marked with a bright yellow spot.

Achiménez Double Picotee Rose

The plant is derived by G.Mossop, it is distinguished by its flowering stability and by the fact that, according to the description of achimenes, medium-sized flowers steadily hold a fancy shape. The Double Picotee Rose variety is achimenes, representing a spectacular family of plants with terry flowers resembling a rose. The corollas are white terry, with thin, barely noticeable purple tones and streaks, which become brighter closer to the throat, giving the flower a volume and additional attractiveness. Ahimenez bush, as in the photo, compact, with bright green foliage and pinkish-brown stems. The same shades are present on the back of the leaves.

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Ahimenez Double Pink Rose

G.Mossop selection belongs to the Ahimenes variety with rose-shaped flowers. This is the Double Pink Rose, received in 1993 and still enjoying great love from the adherents of this room culture. Light pink petals are decorated with brighter streaks. Fly flower, very elegant. The leaves are bright, with a toothed edge and a pubescent surface. The plant does not differ in large size, willing to bush and blooms profusely.

Achiménez Blue Star

In 1953, the famous Blue Star Ahmenes Blue Star by Roblin appeared. Bright blue-violet flowers of this ampel variety and now can be found in many collections of gardeners. The reason for this choice is abundant flowering, the classic form of the flower of Ahimenes and its simplicity.

Akhimenez Glory

Admire the scarlet, with a yellow spot inside the throat and burgundy speckles flowers achimeneus Glory flower growers can, thanks to the efforts of R.Brumpton. The plant forms a lush crown of upright shoots and dense green leaves, the back side of which is painted in purple tones. The variety of achimenes is distinguished by reliable growth and flowering.

Akhimenez White Glory

Since 1990, when the White Glory variety appeared, the achimenes of the Mossop selection has never let down lovers of this indoor culture by regularly pampering with large white flowers. Ahimenez, as in the photo, attracts attention with compactness, abundant formation of colors and their unusual texture. The edges of the petals are fringed, closer to the throat is a lemon-yellow spot.

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Ahimenez Rosa Charm

Rosa Charm, achimenes, long familiar to many culture lovers, is characterized by the formation of simple pink flowers with a white spot inside the pharynx and a neat crown around. The base of the petals is decorated with yellow strokes and lilac longitudinal stripes leading to the edge. The variety of achimenes forms a compact, upright and, as it grows, a drooping shrub with glossy bright green foliage.

Akhimenez Stan’s Delight

Akhimenez Stan’s Delight of G. Mossop can be called one of the oldest terry varieties since it appeared in 1993 or 1994.The flowers of achimenes are distinguished by a thick-terry form and a carmine or raspberry-red halo coloring. In the pharynx, under the central petals, a yellow spot with a burgundy or brownish speck can be seen. The edges of the petals are rounded-toothed, which only complements the decorative effect of this variety of achimenes. This plant is characterized by the formation of upright shoots with dark green foliage, on the reverse side having a distinct purple shade.

Achiménez Lavender Lady

Bright achimenes Lavender Lady of McFarland selection is an ampel variety with large, simple flowers of a rich lilac shade with a yellow spot in the form of a dentate crown in the center of the corolla and slightly wavy petals. Decorative plant provides not only abundant flowering, but also dark foliage with a purple hue.

Achiménez Peach Blossom

One of the first varieties of achimenes, which was met by amateurs and adherents of this interesting ornamental plant, was achimenes Peach Blossom. The variety was obtained Borges back in 1954, but is still desired in many home collections. Large pink corollas in the center are painted in brighter tones, and the pharynx region is colored with a yellowish or creamy spot. Ampel plants of this variety Ahimenes are densely covered with flowers of dark green foliage.

Read also: These magical terry achimenes

Ahmenez Rainbow Warrior

In 1993, another favorite grower was introduced. Ahimenez Rainbow Warrior is the result of G.Mossop. The plant attracts attention with large flowers of purple-violet color, which in the center changes to yellow tones. The corolla is decorated with chaotic ornament of burgundy strokes and specks, turning into a mesh pattern of veins to the edges of the petals. And the shoots of Ahimenes, as in the photo, and his foliage have a green-purple color.

Ahimenez Purple King

The patriarch among the popular varieties is Ahimenez Purple King, bred by Park back in 1936.The plant can be found under a different name. A synonym for this variety is the name Royal Purple. This famous variety is characterized by large purple-violet flowers with fringed petals and a noticeable pattern of darker veins.

At the entrance to the throat, the corolla has a yellow spot with dark brown specks. Young shoots are erect, but then they, as in the photo of achimenes, take a drooping or semi-amber shape. The leaves of this Ahimenes variety are dark green with a purple tint at the base and a jagged edge.

Ahmenes Elegance

Ahmenes Elegance selection G.Mossop appeared in 1990.Flowers of this famous variety can be called huge, and their bright coloring in pink and crimson tones attracts everyone's attention to the plant. The flowers of achimenes at the beginning of flowering manifest all their colors, then the main role is assumed by pink and purple shades. The leaves on the upright shoots of this variety Ahimenez are small, dark, with sharp denticles.

Blooming Ahimenez in July - video

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