What to do if the refrigerator turns on and immediately turns off

What to do if the refrigerator turns on and immediately turns off


We all want electrical appliances in the house to work stably. However, the situation when the refrigerator turns on and immediately turns off, is quite common. It can happen with new and old technology, and there can be several reasons for this behavior.


Causes of malfunction

Let's start with a list of reasons. These are standard, frequently occurring breakages, but fixing some of them will be quite expensive.

  • Compressor motor failed.
  • Broken (burned) start-up relay.
  • Problems with the electronic unit (if the refrigerator is modern).
  • Low mains voltage.

Determining the correct cause is the first step towards troubleshooting. They always start from the simplest. First check what voltage on the network, there are no jumps, sudden falls, inspect the outlet, check the contacts. Then they ring the compressor, inspect the relay, check the status of the electronic control unit.

How to fix a breakdown

To determine the wrong operation of the refrigerator is very simple. You just need to listen to him. If it starts to buzz, and after a few seconds or 1-2 minutes stops, then with nothing wrong. Especially bad for the device, if it is often turned on and off. In this case, it should be disconnected from the network for the time being until the cause is clarified.

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In the process of inspecting the device it can be found out that the relay is fused. It should be replaced, and it will cost you relatively inexpensive. It will be much more expensive to repair the control board. And the most unpleasant situation is the failure of the compressor. If the refrigerator is old, in this case it is better to get rid of it altogether, changing it to a more modern appliance. So do or make often enough. If you feel sorry for parting with your favorite equipment, you will have to change the compressor, which is quite expensive.

You can eliminate the malfunction of the compressor by measuring the resistance of its windings. It must correspond to the nominal value. How to do it correctly is a separate topic. In principle, there is nothing complicated, you just need to check the resistance between each pair of terminals. If the motor is all right, then you can breathe a sigh of relief and proceed to inspect the relay.

The relay failure can be detected by eye, having disassembled it. Often, experienced masters determine the cause immediately, since the breakdown is common. It is also possible to install a new one in place of the old relay, and if after that the refrigerator starts to work normally, then the cause of the breakdown is considered to be established.

In some cases, the relay is repaired. If the core of the solenoid is destroyed, which happens most often, then instead of it a wire and even a rod is installed from the ballpoint pen. Strezhen should be strictly vertical, but such artisanal repairs do not fit the whole technique. In more modern models, the relay does not have a coil-solenoid. Instead of them, there is a semiconductor in the form of a tablet, which, when burned, collapses. Usually the most modern refrigerators work very quietly, and nobody turns their attention to turning them on and off. Masters are only called after the refrigerator has stopped cooling at all.

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