How to connect two TVs to a satellite dish

How to connect two TVs to a satellite dish


Modern technologies provide a lot of new opportunities for people. So, a few dozen years ago, the presence of a television in the house, which broadcast several channels, was a great happiness. Today, the availability of a TV that broadcasts hundreds of channels is not enough. A large number of users want to install just two copies of such equipment, which differ qualitative picture from satellite television.

By purchasing and installing at home a set of such television, only a small percentage of subscribers are aware that this kit is designed for only one TV. Often in families the tastes do not match, so there are several such devices in the house. In this case, the owner faces a serious problem regarding connecting them to a satellite dish and dividing the signal.

There are two main ways that you can simultaneously connect two TVs:

  • with the aid of a high-frequency modulator;
  • with the help of two receivers.


  • 1Unacceptable connection option
  • instagram viewer
  • 2Optimum connection option
  • 3The choice of the receiver is a task for the professional

Unacceptable connection option

There is a fairly simple method that allows you to connect two TVs to one satellite dish. However, he is unlikely to suit anyone. This method consists in using one receiver. In this case, the first device is connected to the first TV through the "tulip with the second output of the "tulip" connected to the RF modulator, which allows you to connect other monitors.

Unfortunately, such a connection option has a lot of shortcomings. It is possible to control the channel switching only in the room where the receiver is located. In this case, two TVs will show one channel. In addition, the image quality is reduced.

Optimum connection option

To properly connect two TVs to a satellite dish and allow independent viewing to each device, you must connect it to the receiver. After the signal hits it, it can be divided as convenient for the user and, accordingly, independently manage the channels. TV channels switch exactly on the receiver, so different monitors will broadcast different channels. Buy and connect the two receivers - a pleasure not cheap, but there are no alternatives to this.

Each room is equipped with a separate device. Installation is based on the principle of a sequential chain. In this case, all devices are connected to the output port.


The choice of the receiver is a task for the professional

To effectively connect two TVs to one antenna, it is very important to select the receiver correctly. This task can be called the most responsible, requiring a special approach. The cases when the receiver does not support certain parameters are common, therefore it will be necessary to abandon individual TV channels or purchase another receiver.

In recent years, the number of receivers is continuously increasing, therefore it is senseless to recommend a specific model. Any receiver is a complex device characterized by a number of characteristics. It is simply impossible to understand them in their entirety to an ordinary user. Therefore, the choice of the model should be trusted only by specialists. Only this approach will ensure a high-quality picture and the maximum number of television channels.

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