When to plant gooseberries?

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Many summer residents grow gooseberries on their own backyard grounds. But those who decide to do this for the first time are interested in the question: how, where and when is it better to plant gooseberries.

Gooseberry is not fastidious plants, it does not require special care, fruits well. But when growing it, in order to get large, fragrant berries, some rules must be observed. If you choose a place for planting correctly and give the plant everything you need, then the gooseberry bush can successfully bear fruit for up to 50 years and, at the same time, produce up to 10 kg of crop.

When and how to plant?

For planting gooseberries, it is best to purchase two annual bushes or strong two annual cuttings. When buying planting material, special attention should be paid to the roots, they should not be shorter than 20 cm. 2-3 strong shoots of at least 30 cm in length with several buds should be obligatory.

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Gooseberry can be planted in the fall and spring. But when is it best to plant gooseberries in spring or autumn?

Most gardeners claim that autumn gooseberry planting is much more efficient. The best period for this is the end of September and the first decade of October.

The root system of the plant has time to get well and get accustomed before the onset of cold weather, and in spring the bush begins to develop rapidly. If we talk about spring planting, then it is very important not to be late. Planting should be carried out while the plant is in a state of calm.

As the gooseberry buds bloom very early, the planting procedure must be done before the beginning of April. But it should be remembered that the survival rate of the plant after spring planting is much worse.

How to plant a gooseberry in the fall?
Before planting the gooseberry it is necessary to shorten the shoots. Weak - completely removed. You need to choose 2-3 strong rods and cut them so that there are a few buds left( about 3-4).If the root system is too long( about 25 cm and more) and interferes with planting, then it can also be cut a little. The need to cut and remove excess shoots is to ensure good nutrition of the plant in the spring.
If you leave a lot of long twigs, in the spring they will start to develop very strongly and quickly, and the root system weakened during transplantation will not be able to give proper nutrition for good growth of the bush.

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Thus, the leaves and flowers will be weak and can dry out, causing the growth and fruiting of the gooseberry to become dull.

The soil for planting shrubs needs to be dug up in early September, chop up all the lumps and remove weeds. Then dig holes, the size of which must correspond to the root system. Often their depth is about 35-40 cm, and the diameter is about 50 cm. When digging a hole, the top layer of soil, which is rich in useful substances, is separated from the lean, located a little deeper.

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When the pits are ready, they need to be fertilized. To do this, prepare a mixture of two-thirds of the upper fertile soil, 10 kg of compost and 200 g of mineral fertilizer( superphosphate and potassium salt).The fossa is half filled with the mixture, and the remaining third of the earth is filled with a tubercle in the middle. In this form, the pits are left for several weeks, this gives the opportunity to land the ground.

After the time has elapsed, each seedling must be placed in a mound vertically, or slightly obliquely, straighten the roots and sprinkle with earth. The root neck of the seedling dips into the ground by about 4-5 cm. The soil around the bush must be compacted, watered abundantly and mulched with humus. It is best of all to carry out landing to cloudy and windless day, it promotes the best plant survival.

Where to plant gooseberries?

In order for the bushes to grow well and bear fruit, before planting it is necessary to find out where to plant the gooseberries.

It should be remembered that the gooseberry is a heat-loving shrub. Therefore, choosing a place for landing, you need to take care that the area was smooth, lit and no wind. Groundwater should not be closer than 1.5 meters to the ground. If the soil under the gooseberry is constantly wet, swampy, then the plant, after a while, will die.

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It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that in a few years the gooseberry bushes grow very large. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the distance when landing. Often the best option is the distance between gooseberry bushes 1 and 2 meters( provided that the bushes are planted in rows).

Often, if the backyards are small, the owners cannot determine where to plant the gooseberries. In this case, it can be placed along the fence. But we must remember that the bushes are planted no closer than 1.5-2 meters to the fence. The plant will feel good between small fruit trees, but the distance is also important here( 1-1.5 m).

It is necessary to ensure that the soil around the bush is loose and without weeds. During the fruiting period, it is necessary to water the plant well.

Video instruction on how to plant gooseberry

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