Proper cultivation of root parsley

Parsley is the most popular seasoning. It is added to various dishes, and also make healthy cocktails from it. Root varieties are special, as it is possible to eat not only the upper part, but also the root itself.


  • What parsley is called the root
  • Features
  • growing popular varieties of root parsley
    • Sugar
    • Alba
    • Harvest
  • Planting before winter
    • Selecting a location for planting
    • Soil Preparation
    • planting technology
  • Rules Plant Care

What parsley is called the root

Parsley root isone of the subspecies of Parsley curly and belongs to the family of umbrella crops( celery).

This plant is a biennial crop. Its height reaches one meter. In addition to the outlet forms a powerful root , which is often used in cooking as a seasoning.

Stems erect and branched. The leaves are shiny dark green color of a triangular shape. The fruit has a longitudinal shape in the form of eggs.

Features of growing

Many people believe that growing this plant is quite troublesome and does not want to plant it in their area. But this statement is untrue. Since the parsley care

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is not much different from the usual varieties .

Root Parsley cannot be transplanted

Significant differences can be considered:

  • This type of parsley has a root, and it must be planted in a permanent growth place. Replace it can not .
  • All gardeners know that before planting the seeds must be soaked in water for two days. But this applies only to leaf varieties. Seeds of root species do not need this. Because during the soaking potassium is washed out of the seeds, and this will lead to a weakening of the plant.

Experienced gardeners in order for seedlings to appear faster, it is recommended to hold the seed under hot water for about 30 minutes .Then dry and stop planting.

Popular varieties of parsley root

Today, retail chains offer a fairly large assortment of seeds of different varieties. Among the most popular species are the following.


Sugar Root Parsley

Sugar - the species is one of the oldest representatives. It was launched in 1950.The ripening period is 95 days from the appearance of shoots .

The mass of root vegetables reaches 75 grams .It is famous for its versatility in its tasty roots and foliage.

Of the shortcomings should be noted short shelf life.


This late-ripening variety is very popular among summer residents. Maturation occurs through 170 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Bushes are powerful and sprawling.

The mass of one fruit is 230 grams .With one square meter you can get 5 kilograms of a good and long-stored crop.



Mid-season variety ripening takes 130 days .Bushes lush sprawling with aromatic leaves.

Fruits have a conical shape weighing 120 grams and a length of 23 centimeters. Roots can be eaten both raw and tinned. The yield is 3.5 kg per square meter.


Planting in the winter

As you know, parsley can be planted in the fall and spring .According to many gardeners, planting under the winter is the best option. Planted seeds give much better seedlings. Plants grows strong and resistant to many diseases.

Choosing a landing site

This moment is quite important. This plant will grow well in sunny open areas of .Although a small shadow will not be a barrier to harvest. As for the soil, it should be with a low level of acidity and loose.

Planting should be done in places where tomatoes, onions, potatoes or cabbage were grown before. But after parsley itself, these crops can be planted after 3 years.

Soil Preparation

Begin preparation should be at the end of October .The first step is to dig up the soil and fertilize it. As for landing time, everything will depend on the weather.

Start sowing should be when the soil froze 2 centimeters deep into .As a rule, this is the first half of November. Seed should not be pre-soaked , otherwise the plants will not rise until frost.

Seeds of root parsley

When purchasing seed, you should pay attention to the shelf life.

Landing technology

  1. In the ground, you need to make a neat trench distance between which should be 15 cm .
  2. Then the furrows are sprinkled with slaked lime.
  3. Parsley is sown to a depth of 1.5 cm .
  4. Trenches fall asleep and tamped down.
  5. To protect against wind and cold, the ground must be mulched. As mulch is used humus.

When planting in the winter, it is necessary to use twice the amount of seed. Since in the spring can not ascend all the seeds.

Plant care rules

As mentioned above, caring for the root of parsley does not cause much trouble.

Regular weed removal is a prerequisite for proper care

It should consist of the following items:

  1. Feed .It is one of the most important components of care. It is necessary to apply fertilizer several times a season. It should be noted that the plant loves mineral fertilizers. The first time feeding is applied after thinning. To do this, it is necessary to dilute 30-40 grams of complex fertilizer in ten liters of water. After the second thinning, 10 g of ammonium nitrate and 50 g of potassium salt or ash dissolved in a bucket of water are applied. And the third time fertilized with wood ash. Norm one glass per 1 m2.
  2. Watering .The norm for the season is 3-4 watering. In the case of a dry summer, their number increases. When this is poured into the soil 2 buckets of water per 1 m2.Irrigation should be done in the morning or in the evening.
  3. Thinning .It is held twice. The first time after the appearance of 1-2 leaves, the distance between plants should be 3 cm. And the second after the formation of 5-6 sheets so that the distance between the plants is 10 cm.
  4. Loosen the soil after each watering or rain.
  5. Regular removal of weeds will ensure the likelihood of pests and diseases.

Growing parsley root is a rather uncomplicated and interesting process. It is only important to follow the basic rules of planting care, and then any summer resident can get a rich harvest. Which will delight him not only in the warm season, but also in winter.

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