Bulgarian pepper - a vegetable crop that has great nutritional value of .As part of its pulp contains a large number of nutrients, including vitamin C. The fruits themselves - bright, beautiful and juicy, perfectly combined with any products. And everything is good, but in order to get them, needs pepper to properly care for : water it, feed it and stepchild. However, there are many opinions about the last action today. Some gardeners say that pasynkovanie - vital action, allowing to improve the quality of the crop, others - that it only destroys the plant. So, where is the truth? As always, in the middle.
Table of contents
- Should I peacock pepper in greenhouses and open ground?
- Pros and cons of stading
- When and how to pinch a plant?
- How to remove stepchildren,
scheme Should I peacock pepper in greenhouses and open ground?
Proper formation of the bushes allows the pepper to direct all the forces and nutrients to set the ovaries and develop large fruits.
It increases the volume of the crop , helps the plant to get more sunlight, as well as abundant and long bloom.
But it is necessary to tear off the stepsons correctly, taking into account the peculiarities of pepper and its condition.
Pay attention! Bell peppers like to grow in contact with leaves or even stalks. If they are too close and thickened, pasynkovaniye necessarily, if remotely - you can do without it.
Why Shaping the Pepper:
Pros and Cons of Growing
Each gardener can choose whether to form a pepper bush or not. To make it easier for you to do this, let's go over all the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.
The advantages include the following:
- increase in the quantity and quality of the crop;
- providing access to a large amount of sunlight;
- increase in the size of grown fruits;
- improved bookmark ovary;
- abundant and long-flowering plants;
- formation of sweet and fleshy fruits.
The disadvantages:
- slow growth of the bush( for some gardeners, this is important);
- cessation of flowering and the death of a plant if staining is improperly performed.
As you can see, the benefits of the procedure are still greater. Yes, and the shortcomings will not be revealed if we approach the matter with special scrupulousness and care, having previously learned all the rules of procedure.
In a rainy summer pasynkovanie pepper must be carried out necessarily .

When and how to pinch the plant?
Stacking is best done with after pepper reaches a height of 25-30 cm. .Until that time, his seedlings only gaining strength and energy for fruiting.
Ideal for the formation of the bush is the moment of the first stepchildren. As a rule, plants by this period already have 9-11 leaves.
The procedure is to produce with a knife or scissors with a well-sharpened blade .
After treating each hive, it is important to thoroughly disinfect the instrument used to prevent the transmission of pests and diseases.
Delayed removal can lead to slower plant growth and even death.

It should be said at once that it is possible to form any varieties and hybrids of peppers that grow in the greenhouse and in the open field, except low-growing plants that have a fruiting type of .
In addition, should avoid cracking plants that do not need ( seed producers usually indicate this on the package).
All other healthy peppers are processed according to the following scheme:
- carefully examines all pepper bushes and shoots available on them;
- selected 2-3 of the most powerful shoots, which will later be the basis of a single "skeleton" of the plant;
- removes the top of the bush so that it acquires a more compact form and is able to develop magnificent shoots along the sides;
- removed all lower shoots( at the top there should be only 4-5 pieces);
- the remaining stepchildren are scanned for the presence of shoots, if there are many, part is deleted;
- eliminates all dried and yellow leaves, as well as fruitless shoots( this should be done 1 time in 4 days).

stepson removal scheme The remaining shoots on the bushes will quickly gain strength and will develop superbly, after which they will be able to produce up to 25 pieces of juicy, sweet and fleshy fruits from a single plant.
But all this should be done with the utmost care not to destroy fragile plants.
In addition, should not be forgotten about the care: they need to be watered and fed in time, as well as regularly loosen the ground near the bushes.
Without this, there will be no point in processing, you will just waste your time and energy.

. The first "crown" flowers that appeared on the bushes of pepper, you must remove .One can do without carrying out this procedure only when growing a large fruit intended for collecting seeds.
But it should be understood that you practically will not receive a harvest from such a bush.
Growing pepper in your garden is easy, much harder to get a rich harvest of fleshy and sweet fruit.
For this it is important to properly care for the plant, combining all the available methods: watering, loosening and feeding.
If they are weak and helpless, it is better to abandon the procedure , if healthy and strong - to hold it on a nice, but not too sunny day.