How to deal with cruciferous flea on cabbage and radish

As soon as the first seedlings appear on the beds, or the seedlings are planted in a permanent place, the shoots are attacked by a huge number of small black bugs - cruciferous flea. It happens that they need only a few days to make all plants useless for further growth.

Table of contents

  • What does a cruciferous flea look like?
  • Which plants are affected by a pest?
  • How to deal with fleas in the garden?
    • Use of special preparations
    • Use of folk remedies
  • Preventive methods for the appearance of a pest on plants

What does a cruciferous flea look like?

There are several types of this harmful parasite:

  • wavy;
  • is lightweight;
  • notched;
  • blue;
  • black and others.

Flea beetles are painted in black, blue, green colors, there are also two-colored insects - on a black background is clearly visible meandering strip of yellow hue. The length of insects is different - from 1.8 to 3 millimeters. Pest can be found in almost every region of the country, except the northern ones. He is rightly considered the most dangerous enemy for cruciferous plants.

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The adult individuals are capable of wintering under the plants with fallen leaves in the upper layers of the earth, greenhouse and greenhouse cracks. They wake up in early spring when the soil thaws. As a rule, this time is in April - May.

For the first time, weed plants form their diet, but as soon as seedlings appear on the beds, the flea moves to the garden plots, , damaging the foliage of the plants, leaving in them grooves resembling ulcers. On young leaves, the holes of the flea gnaw through. The peak of their activity occurs in the morning and evening.

The female lays the eggs in most cases directly to the ground. The larvae that emerged from them hid for the first time in the soil, feeding on the roots and roots of plants for several weeks. Then they pupate, and after one and a half weeks we can observe the appearance of a new batch of young beetles, actively destroying the plants.

Cruciferous flea close-up

What plants are affected by a pest?

The main objects for nutrition of a flea chooses turnips, leaf mustard, cabbage, cress, radishes, turnips, horseradish, turnips, spinach. Cultivated flowers most often suffer from parasite alissuma, gusts, matiolla.

How to deal with fleas in the garden?

Experienced gardeners will always be able to protect their garden from the pest, using not only chemicals but also folk tricks to fight.

Use of special preparations

The insecticidal agents known to many are quite suitable for the destruction of a flea:

  • Karbofos;
  • Aktara;
  • Decis;
  • Sherpa;
  • Arrivo.

Any of the drugs can be purchased at a specialty store. It is best to treat the beds by them in the evening when the sun has already gone down. Fleas still remain on the foliage.

It is not recommended to use drugs for early ripening crops!

When working with chemical compounds, one should strictly adhere to the requirements of the instructions for their use.

Use of folk remedies

- wet environment - the easiest way. It should only be abundantly water the beds, as the flea does not tolerate damp places;

- method of dry pollination of foliage - is performed with a gauze bag, which must be shaken above the plants. In the bag you can lay wood ash in its pure form or with the addition of tobacco dust. It is best to perform such procedures in the morning so that the deterrent settles on the foliage that is damp from dew. Flea plants on dirty plants fear. By the way, the row spacing can be treated with mothballs or tobacco dust;

- application of infusions and herbal decoctions:

  • ash at the rate of 1 to 3 steamed with boiling water, infused for two days. In the infusion, add soap;
  • garlic and tomato stepsons( one glass each) are skipped in a meat grinder. Everything is diluted in a ten-liter bucket of water, filtered. It is necessary to add a spoonful of soap. Before spraying, the solution should be slightly heated;
  • leaves and dandelion roots in the amount of five hundred grams are skipped in a meat grinder, everything is poured into a bucket of water, strain out. It remains to pour a spoonful of soap, and you can use the infusion for processing;
Cruciferous flea on cabbage
  • hot water( ten liters) is poured two hundred grams of tobacco. On the resulting mixture, you must pour a spoonful of liquid soap;
  • Pour a glass of ordinary vinegar into a bucket of water. You can replace it with a couple of spoons of essence;
  • green wormwood is infused, you can add garlic, crushed in gruel( one hundred grams per bucket), into the water. Having filtered the infusion, they should be watered with small droplets of the plant;
  • four kilograms of potato tops filled with ten liters of water, everything is brought to a boil. The broth is allowed to cool, filtered, diluted twice with water. Treatment should be carried out in the evening;
  • is the same recipe, only used tomato stepchildren.
A simple means is to cover the beds with seedlings with covering nonwoven materials. They perfectly pass lighting, water and air, reliably protect shoots from a flea.

Make flags of dense material, fasten them on sticks, spread something sticky with resin or grease. Flags are necessary to swing over the plantings, barely touching the leaves. The procedure is recommended to be carried out during the day when it is very hot.

After dampening a piece of cloth in machine oil, place it next to the bed. Best of all, if such traps are arranged with an interval of three to four meters. After a couple of days, just turn the fabric to the other side.

Prophylactic methods for the appearance of a pest on plants.

Try to prevent the occurrence of a pest. It is necessary to constantly remove cruciferous weeds by all available means.

In the fall season, the garden must dig .This will help get rid of the flea, which will be on the surface and freeze in winter.

Do not neglect feeding plants with organic compounds, regular watering, loosening the soil. All this will help accelerate the development of plants.

Cruciferous flea on a leaf

Some gardeners recommend combining planting cabbage, radishes and other cruciferous with potatoes, garlic, dill, cumin. These plants emit phytoncides, deterring flea.

Do not neglect the weather conditions - sow early crops, while the flea is still asleep, or do it in June, when the activity of the pest decreases.

Remember that it is imperative to fight with flea! This will help you to save the future harvest not only vegetables, but also berries, strawberries for example. If you do not take timely measures, then all plants will be destroyed in the early phase of their growth.

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