Chicken droppings as fertilizer for tomatoes and cucumbers

Tomatoes - a culture demanding on top-dressings and fertilizers, so you should pay special attention to this issue to get a rich harvest. Is it possible to fertilize them with poultry( chicken) droppings and how justified this feeding is in today's article.

Table of Contentsenough nitrogen in the soil. But with its oversupply, the reverse process is observed: the appearance of fruits slows down, the bushes grow into green mass, the fruits become tasteless and deformed.

Another well-known fact is that tomatoes do not like planting in fresh manure, they begin to “fatten”, that is, the leaves and stems actively grow, and the fruits are not tied, the concentrated nutrients are poorly absorbed and the roots often “burn”, the plants becomeprone to many diseases. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms, weed seeds and other undesirable components are often found in such manure.

For planting a tomato they use only the manure that they managed to overtake for at least a year. This natural fertilizer is ideal for creating "warm beds".

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In the autumn, a layer of soil in the greenhouse is removed, and the bottom is covered with natural insulation:

. Chicken droppings close up.
  • Straw.
  • Sawdust.
  • Spruce needles.
  • Spruce branches.

The next layer is laid with fresh manure approximately 8-12 cm, and the cut greenhouse soil is poured on top, the entire greenhouse is poured over and covered with plastic wrap. Such warmed ridges will help the plants to cope with spring frosts, so it is possible to plant tomatoes earlier.

Fertilizing tomatoes with organic fertilizers

Manure reduces soil acidity due to its high content of calcium and magnesium, while potassium and magnesium are found in the most suitable simple form for tomatoes. From manure, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released, which is necessary in the process of photosynthesis. Manure types used for feeding tomatoes:

  1. Horse horse - the most suitable for culture, ideal for laying in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  2. Cow - is used for all types of soil, it decomposes for a long time;
  3. Sheep and goat - is able to saturate plant roots with nutrients for a long time, the most effective. Pork
  4. - most often used in greenhouses, effective at the onset of spring.
  5. Rabbit is similar in action to the horse, but the difficulty arises in finding the right amount of fertilizer, as there are few large farms and farms.
  6. Chicken Manure - extremely useful and saturated with potassium, magnesium, phosphoric acid. Fertilizing the soil once, for the next few years, making supplements is not required.
Chicken droppings mixed with straw
It is worth remembering that solutions based on chicken droppings should be used only for application to the root of plants.

Application time for

manure The start of feeding the crop is approximately 3 weeks after transplantation into a greenhouse or an open ridge. Use mullein for this purpose.500 ml of mullein is combined with a bucket of water and 1 table spoon of nitrophoska. The resulting solution is watered each bush 500 ml each. The next feeding is done when another brush with flowers is formed, and the third - during the third flowering.

Tomatoes do not like:

  • Too fertilized soil with organic fertilizer.
  • More than 3-4 feedings.
  • Urea is suitable only for spraying and never adds to the plant root.

Is it possible to feed vegetable crops with humus

Chicken manure surpasses cow manure several times in the content of many substances: nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, chalk, manganese and zinc. Use only to feed after watering or rain, and the mixture can not be poured into the well.

The litter has a beneficial effect on the soil and 3 years after feeding, is a “long-lasting” fertilizer.

But do not forget that in its pure fresh form it is by no means necessary to bring it in! Especially in the seedlings.

Benefits of making chicken humus for tomatoes and cucumbers:

Infusion on chicken litter
  • No toxic substances.
  • Long beneficial effect on the ground.
  • Improves soil quality.
  • Accelerates fruit ripening.
  • Reduces soil acidity.
  • Easy to use.
  • Increases plant resistance to disease.

Using chicken fertilizer

  • From fresh chicken excrement, you can prepare a liquid mixture for feeding. Use 1 part of dry matter or fresh manure per 20 liters of water, leave the mixture in the open air to evaporate urea, and after 10 days use it for its intended purpose: watering the rows between saplings.
  • Compost pits are a very convenient way to get excellent fertilizer for laying the next harvest. Litter is mixed with soil and placed on a grassy substrate or on harvested tops. The following year, compost mixed with straw, sawdust or peat is useful for feeding plants or as a bookmark in the greenhouse. The unpleasant smell of a compost pit can be removed by covering it with a layer of earth or straw.
  • Infusions are prepared in the following proportions: dilute 1 l of water and 1 l of dry or fresh excrement and store for 2-5 days in a warm place for fermentation. After that, you can plant tomatoes and feed them immediately. Before feeding, the infusion is diluted with water at a ratio of 1:10. Infusion is stored for a long time, so it is possible to use this concentrate the whole season.

Chicken droppings are used for tomatoes at all stages of the life cycle: before planting, it is possible to use granulated and liquid. During active growth of plants used infusions.

Infusion is used twice per growing cycle:

  • The first time it is applied 20 days after transplantation into the greenhouse.
  • Repeat the procedure after 30-35 days.
Watering a tomato infusion on chicken litter

When dry, the litter is applied in the autumn after harvesting all crops. It is moistened with water, evenly distributed over the entire surface of the soil, and then leveled with a rake and left until the spring thaw. During the winter, this fertilizer will perepret well, and from the beginning of spring you can begin digging the site.

Having made the first dressing, you should definitely observe its result. Tomato leaves - these indicators. If the plants grow too actively, the leaves and stems become thicker, there is no need to add more fertilizer, it threatens to produce a lush green bush without ovaries and fruits.

Taking care of their health, more and more gardeners and plant growers choose natural, organic fertilizers. Observing all agrotechnical requirements, norms and terms for the application of top dressing, you will be able to get an excellent and tasty harvest every year!

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