Description and Characteristics of Red Scarlet Potatoes

The Red Scarlet potato variety was bred in Holland. Tubers are well transported and have good taste and therefore are in great demand among gardeners. Consider the rules of cultivation, description and characteristics of the variety.

. Contents;Features of

cultivation. Growing Red Scarlet variety.

. In order to get big yields of Red Scarlet potato potatoes, you need to be well acquainted with agro.hnikoy cultivation.

How to prepare seed potatoes for planting

To prepare tubers for planting, vernalization of tubers is carried out, that is, one month must be kept in the light. tubers intended for planting are taken out of storage to light in a warm place and laid out in boxes in a single layer. Suitable room with a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius.

After vernalization, the potatoes are laid out in the boxes of the

. Keep the light in the room, since dense sprouts with a violet tinge will not form without it.

To sprouts grow evenly, the tubers should be turned once a week. If the room temperature is high, the variety is sometimes sprayed with water from a small dispenser.

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Potatoes prepared for planting have sprouts in 3 cm., Sprouts are stocky. Large tubers are cut into pieces so that so that in each part there is a good sprout .

So that Red Scarlet, sliced ​​for planting, does not start to rot immediately after planting, the tubers are dried for 5 days and only after they start planting.

Planting potatoes

A special feature of planting is planting in high ridges. This method showed high yields of tubers from one bush. When planting in the ridges is to make nitrogen fertilizers, which will contribute to a good build-up of the vegetative mass of the bush.

Nitrogen fertilizer for potatoes

Also add 250 grams to the well.ashes, after which the tubers spread sprouts up. The hole is dug out within 8 cm of .After planting, crests up to 12 cm high are formed over potatoes.

Planted tubers according to the 70x35 cm scheme.

Basic care after planting

When the first shoots appear, they should be riddled up, bringing the ridge to 20 cm., it will mean that it is worth hilling.

Watering in the absence of rain should be carried out by three times during the growing season. :

  1. Before flowering.
  2. During flowering.
  3. One week after the potatoes have faded.

If a pest such as the Colorado potato beetle is seen at the time of cultivation, it will be necessary to get rid of it with the help of fungicides or to pick it up with your hands, removing orange eggs from the bottom of the leaf plate.

Feedings are carried out three times in the summer season. The first one is introduced one month after planting the tubers with a complex nitrogen-potassium supplement.

If the tops grow beautiful and green, needs an in top dressing.

The second dressing is applied during flowering, and the third after a week after flowering. That is, top dressing always coincides with the mandatory watering. Fertilizers are applied only after watering.

Basic information about the variety

In order to understand the large quantities of various varieties and choose the best one for yourself, you should get acquainted with the description of the variety as best you can.

Description Red Scarlet

The peel of the variety is rather thin and has a pink color. The skin is smooth to the touch. Eyes occasionally located on the surface, 1 mm deep.

When sprouts begin to grow in the light, they have a purple hue at the base. When the is cut, the pulp has a white or slightly yellowish shade .

During the cooking process, the flesh does not change color.

The shape of the tuber is oval-elongated and almost all the tubers are aligned in shape and size. The weight of individual tubers in a bush ranges from 80 to 120 grams.there are also larger tubers up to 150 grams, which is quite rare.

Red Scarlet Tubers are not very large

In these large tubers, the shape becomes irregular and differs from the main mass. The starch content is 10-16% and therefore the potato is almost never boiled soft during the cooking process.

The number of tubers in one bush can vary from 15 to 20 .Since their formation in the bush passes almost simultaneously, the size is almost the same.

The height of the bush is quickly formed and has stems of medium thickness. The variety blooms with red-violet flowers. The sheet plates are dark green in color and slightly wavy on the edges.

Characteristics of the variety

It’s not easy to choose a place for a variety: it is grown in the central and southern regions of Russia, here it shows a high yield. He is suitable not hot and humid climate. If a large heat is established in the region, then the tubers planted in the crests of the should be watered more often on the in order to maintain moisture in the ground.

When planting in the wells need to add potash.

Potash fertilizer for potatoes

The characteristic yield of Scarlet depends on the region of growth. In some, you can get 45 tons per hectare, but there are abundant yields when it is 60 tons per hectare. Since the tubers contain a large amount of amino acids and various minerals and vitamins, the taste qualities are at a good level.

This is an early ripe variety and young tubers can be dug 65 days after planting. Variety of table purpose and potatoes can be used as for cooking, and for frying , because the slices of the cut tuber well hold the shape and do not fall apart.

Culinary tip: Red Scarlet is suitable for cooking chips and french fries.

When growing a variety, it should be remembered that it has 6.5 points on the scale of drought tolerance. Therefore, if there is no rain in the region during the flowering period, the plantings need timely watering.

The soil on which the crop grows, , must be loose for moisture to penetrate well to the root system.

Cultivation rules for

Even if the variety is resistant to adverse environmental conditions, it still needs the necessary care, otherwise you will not get a good harvest.

Red Scarlett is planted in May, when the earth warms up well and shoots can be seen in two weeks.

Council for cultivation: if there are few seed potatoes, then tubers can be divided into in such a way that each part has eyes, of which the bush will later develop.

Tubers are planted according to the 70 x 35 cm scheme, the first shoots can be seen after 14 days, but if in the region at this point there will be return frost shoots may linger for a week.

After sprouting for potatoes, care is required for 60 days, after which you can start digging new potatoes.

Useful qualities

Some people believe that there is nothing more in tubers than starch and therefore should not be eaten. But this is far from the case. Tubers contain :

  1. Vitamins of group A.
  2. Vitamins of group B.
  3. Vitamins of group C.
  4. Vitamins H and PP.
The saturation of a variety with vitamins makes it useful for a person.

Therefore, if the human body is deprived of these vitamins, then in time there will be a shortage of these vitamins.

Use potatoes need moderately , and not eat tubers around the clock.

Storage Rules and Features

This variety has high keeping quality, but in order to preserve the tubers until the next harvest, it is necessary to create certain conditions in the storage areas. These conditions, above all, have:

  • Basement;
  • Warm drawers on the balcony;
  • Specially equipped pits.

Follow to ensure that the chosen place does not freeze in winter, otherwise the potato will lose its taste and will start to deteriorate. The upper limit of the temperature should not rise above +5 degrees.

You can store, folding potatoes in vegetable boxes, bags. The main thing is to get air to the potatoes. Also, there should be no daylight in the storage areas so that the potatoes do not germinate and turn green.

culture Resistance to diseases

The variety is well resistant to various diseases and pests:

  1. Potato nematode.
  2. Raku.
  3. Virus A.
  4. Virus Yn or PVYn.
Concerning diseases, the variety possesses the average resistance of to scab and late blight sometimes arising on the leaves. And late blight tuber never happens.

Particularities of

agrotechnics In order to entrust large yields of potatoes, it is necessary to fulfill certain planting and care requirements:

  • When planting, it is impossible to save the distance between plantings of potatoes in order to save;
  • Plant in high ridges and do not forget about timely watering and loosening;
  • The area allotted for planting should be sunny;
  • Timely water and feed the plantings.

Early potatoes, and planting, should not rush to the terms of planting in the open ground .The beginning of June is also like - then at the end of August you will get a wonderful harvest, which will be stored all winter, and will serve as an excellent side dish for meat and fish dishes.

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