Practically has no stem, similar to ordinary grass. The beneficial properties of chlorophytum consist in the natural purification of air: it effectively fights household pollution in a room, kills harmful bacteria. Chlorophytum is familiar to many since the time of school. He was often observed growing by each class and other audience. Looks like street grass, only with long, wide leaves with a light stripe in the middle.
In the last century, similar plants were planted in institutions because of the unpretentiousness of care and the transfer of sudden changes in temperature. This flower quietly tolerates a lack of moisture, does not require special rules of care.
Useful properties of chlorophytum
In addition to the great benefits that can be obtained from the plant, chlorophytum fits well into any room. It is planted in pots on the windowsills, looks good on a regular shelf. The pleasant color of its leaves is combined with any decorated room, it can grow in darkened corners of the apartment. The plant is not afraid of dry air, lack of moisture, and delayed care.
The flower is characterized by rapid growth, active reproduction, relatively inexpensive.
House benefits:
- decorates the house: it fits to any decorated room;
- Chlorophytum is useful for allergy sufferers and people suffering from lung diseases;
- improves air quality: cleans it of dust and germs.
What is the use of
? The cultivated flower in the kitchen is actively fighting the harmful fumes of gas burning. The purpose of chlorophytum is to give oxygen and adjust the microclimate in the house. Not afraid of being in too hot rooms, the pots with the plant can be installed near the double boiler and even the oven.
Chlorophytum can grow in any conditions, which is characteristic of not many houseplants.
In addition to good oxygen recovery, chlorophytum is useful for its ability to humidify indoor air. It is an excellent alternative to expensive humidifiers.
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For a long time, the indoor flower has been researched by botanists. As a result of these activities, it was found that the plant is actively fighting against harmful microorganisms that live in the air. It was also proved that in order to enhance its antimicrobial action, it is necessary to plant it near geraniums, in parallel to use aroma lamps with the addition of lemongrass essential oil in the house. In combination, this gives an effective antimicrobial action, which cleans the air well.
Due to the fact that the plant fights well with dust, chlorophytum is often planted on window sills, loggias and in places where windows constantly open. Having installed chlorophytum on your windowsill, you will notice that dust and dirt will be much less.
But if we talk about the practice of Feng Shui, the Chinese argue that this plant is struggling with poor energy in the house. And if you give such a flower to a person who works a lot and does not devote time to life, then he allegedly will finally pay attention to other aspects of his life besides his work. Chlorophytum brings harmony, cosiness and comfort to the house.
Damage to Chlorophytum
There is a perception that Chlorophytum is harmful to cats. Many consider him to be a poisonous plant, due to the fact that after eating it with a cat, she develops an emetic reflex.
In fact, an animal uses it like ordinary grass in order to cleanse its body, for example, from lumps of wool. Constantly licking itself, the cat swallows a lot of wool, which completely clogs its stomach. If the animal is a pet, it will eat similar plants to rid your stomach of excess. If the cat walks on the street, then there will be ordinary grass to solve the same problems that the owner may not even be aware of. Therefore, the belief that talking about the dangers of chlorophytum for cats is wrong is a myth.
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The only thing that is not recommended is to allow a small child to try the plant. Too hard leaves cause injury to the mucous membranes, so the chlorophytum should be kept at home away from places that are accessible to children.
The flower can be grown in the kitchen, far away from children.
Chlorophytum Species
Chlorophytum has more than 200 species, but most often chlorophytum crested is used for growing indoors.
Chlorophytum crested useful properties
Crested chlorophytum is a room perennial with narrow long leaves. It has bright foliage, assembled in a symmetrical outlet in diameter up to half a meter.
The beneficial properties of crested chlorophytum lies in its cleansing properties. Often, in an enclosed space, the air accumulates enough bad fumes and substances: cigarette smoke, detergents, exhaust fumes that come from the street. Also, the plant copes with dry air, radiation from electrical appliances. In fact, many plants help to cope with these problems, but chlorophytum still ranks first among them.
By planting such a flower in the house, you can not use expensive air purifiers.
Benefits for people.
Most of its beneficial properties are given by chlorophytum during watering. Taking moisture into itself, the flower sends air enriched with phytoncides into the room. And it is very useful for people who have pulmonary pathology. Also, the plant is useful to plant, allergies and people who often suffer from colds.
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Another useful property of a plant is to absorb ammonia, nitrogen, formaldehyde, acetone, carbon monoxide. Therefore, without such a plant is very difficult to do if a person lives near the roadway.
Flower does not require special care. It can be a long time without watering, has the ability to quickly recover if it was launched.
Despite the fact that chlorophytum can live without water for a long time, it still needs it. Gives plants beneficial properties after regular watering. In summer, the flower requires more moisture, so watering is abundant. In the cold season it must be reduced. It is necessary to be careful with the liquid, so as not to flood the plant, otherwise it will cause rotting of the root system.
If the ends of leaves begin to darken in chlorophytum, they are cut with scissors, and soon the plant will again take on a luxurious look. Periodically, the leaves of the plant can be sprayed from the spray.
Due to the peculiar structure of chlorophytum leaves, dirt and dust accumulate in their hollow, therefore, if possible, it is recommended to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
Plant lighting does not require much, so the pot with chlorophytum can be installed in any convenient place.
Chlorophytum is an indoor plant that is very important to have in every home. This is especially true of people living in polluted areas. The harm of chlorophytum absolutely does not bring, but its benefits are large enough.
Unpretentiousness in the care and inexpensive cost of the flower allows you to buy it for everyone. Therefore, if there is a choice between chlorophytum and another plant, it is better to give preference to him.
Flower for home - video