How to make compost from tree leaves in bags

Many different trees and shrubs grow in each garden. And each of them drops leaves in the fall. In addition, after harvesting, there are whole heaps of plant waste. Where to put all this wealth? Some gardeners just send them with garbage, some burn them. Both solutions are erroneous. All of these components can be used to make compost. However, many people find reasons not to start a lawsuit with its preparation. One of the reasons is the lack of space for the construction of a pit or land for heaps. But it turns out that humus can be prepared in bags.

Before you consider how to make leaf humus in bags, you should understand the general concepts.

Compost is an artificial fertilizer made from tree leaves and plant waste.

For compost, in addition to leaves and plant waste, food waste such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, and even tea leaves can be used.
  • Contents? One question to answer this question is difficult. To understand its importance in agriculture, one should list its main advantages.
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    • preparation of humus relieves the gardener from the problems of exporting garden plant waste, as well as some food waste;
    • does not require any costs. All components are directly under the feet in the garden area;
    • is an environmentally friendly fertilizer that is saturated with micronutrients and humus;
    • after introducing it into the soil, it becomes loose and well breathable. In other words, the soil begins to "breathe";
    • composted soil retains moisture well;
    • can perform mulch functions. If it is enough, then they can evenly cover a certain part of the garden. Its presence on the beds does not allow weeds to sprout and retains moisture from the root system of plants;
    • humus lying on the beds attracts birds, and sometimes hedgehogs, which save plants from harmful insects or slugs;
    • in it reproduces beneficial bacteria and fungi that contribute to the decomposition of organic components. Worms are bred in it, which, on the one hand, loosen the ground, and on the other, can be used for fishing;
    • eliminates the gardener to look for a place to burn;
    • is a natural product that eliminates the gardener from over-saturating his plot with all sorts of chemical fertilizers.
    Composting in bags - a little used method for gardeners

    The disadvantages include:

    • some leaves that have flat forms are endowed with the property of cracking together into a dense mass, which makes the process of decaying difficult;
    • rapid evaporation of moisture .To ensure the decomposition process, you should often water the compost.

    After reviewing the advantages of compost, you can try to understand the technology of its manufacture.

    Sheet humus preparation technology in

    bags The main component for manufacturing is the fallen leaves of trees. Composting is recommended in the following sequence.

    Selection and procurement of components

    Components for the preparation can be foliage, mowed grass, small branches of trees and other plant waste. The workpiece technology is the same for all methods of laying it, including the preparation in bags.

    Compost availability is dependent on tree species. Products of deciduous trees such as birch, oak, maple and all fruit trees decompose faster. The finished product from such raw materials can be obtained in a year. The raw materials of evergreen and coniferous trees decompose slowly, and the aging period rises to 2-3 years.

    Leaves can be harvested with a hand-held rake. Such a rake does not damage the stems and roots of plants. Where there are no shrubs and trees, the foliage is better to collect lawn fan rakes. Garden vacuum cleaners are widely used for collection.

    Compost leaves should not be diseased.

    They can be operated in suction and blowing mode. When working in suction mode, the leaves are sucked in with a vacuum cleaner into a special collection that is included in the vacuum cleaner kit. In the blowing mode, the leaves can be collected in separate piles. The vacuum cleaner is beneficial because before the leaves are sent to the collection, it crushes it. And finally, if the leaves need to be harvested from large lawns, then it is best to use a lawn mower.

    Avid gardeners buy their own lawn mowers or vacuum cleaners. These mechanisms are very beneficial, because they chop products and collect it in special collections consisting of a bag or basket. This gardener is exempt from manual labor to transfer to a specific place.


    Before laying the leaves for compost, they must be chopped. If they are assembled with a vacuum cleaner or lawn mower, they are already shredded. If the leaves are harvested in another way, then can be used to grind them to a special leaf chopper, called a mulcher.

    Collected foliage needs to be crushed by hand or with the aid of a chopper.

    . Laying material for composting. This may be a pit, fenced compost heap or stand-alone containers or tight plastic bags.

    Collected leaves are placed in selected containers and slightly tamped.

    To create favorable leaf rot conditions, oxygen is needed. Therefore, the bag should be pierced in several places.

    Before you start laying the future of humus in a bag, a layer from the top of the soil should be laid on its bottom. After that, the bag is filled with other components.

    To accelerate the process of rotting inside the bag should be enough moisture. In addition, moisture should be maintained during the entire period of ripening. Given these circumstances, plastic bags should not be tied, but left open. If autumn or spring is too dry, it is recommended to wet the leaves inside the bag with water.

    Compost material must be rich in moisture.

    Garden compost bags can be purchased at any gardening shop. They must be black and dense.

    In the form of components, the following should not be used for the bookmark:

    • residues from animals: litter, small bones and other meat waste;
    • use fresh-cut and perennial weed grass, as well as remnants of the root system of plants;
    • waste of diseased plants;
    • fresh manure;
    • wastes containing toxic substances and toxins.

    Addition of nitrogen These plants include lawn grass, nettle, comfrey and others. If after a time in the compost does not appear signs of rotting, then it should be added to its composition of nitrogen biopreparations.
    In addition to compost, you can add plants that are rich in nitrogen.


    The compost prepared in this way is left in open bags for ripening.

    Burnt time can be from 1 to 2 years, depending on weather conditions.

    To create uniform conditions of rotting, the compost is recommended to be mixed several times during ripening.

    Devices for the production of

    Manufacturers have developed many devices for composting. However, their use is beneficial only in large farms. In such organizations, composts are made in large volumes, and the use of small equipment is not rational.

    For the preparation of humus in individual summer cottages, but also in cramped conditions, it is sufficient to use the devices that have already been recalled in this article.

    Garden vacuum cleaner - a convenient device for collecting leaves

    These devices include:

    • fan and lawn rakes - they are designed to collect;
    • garden vacuum cleaners and lawn mowers - used for collecting and grinding;
    • mulchers - designed for grinding.

    Most gardeners know that the soil is depleted over time, which means that you should not expect a good harvest on such lands. Therefore, soil fertility should be increased annually. To improve the soil will take several years.

    Thus, compost in bags will save every gardener money and will maintain soil fertility every year.

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