Types of home-grown kalanchoe

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About two hundred people belonging to the genus of Kalanchoe plants around the world. At the same time, they may look like real giants, 2–4 meters tall, with strong ligneous trunks, and dwarfs, imperceptibly living on tree branches or on stones and not exceeding 15–20 cm tall.more comfortable under a rainforest canopy.

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But at the same time among the Kalanchoe there are no indigenous inhabitants of the middle zone - all plants come from tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australia. Therefore, in our country, these interesting plants are grown as indoor, perfectly acclimatized to the living conditions in the room, and with proper care, many species of Kalanchoe regularly bloom and easily reproduce.

Kalanchoe daegremona( Kalanchoe daigremontiana)

The most famous representative of the genus in our country is Kalanchoe Degremona, originally from Madagascar. A perennial herb with pointed fleshy leaves in nature can reach two meters in height, but in room conditions more often the shoots do not grow longer than 50 cm. The leaves of the plant have a uniform green or gray color, and sometimes are covered with brownish or purple specks and stripes.

In winter, Kalanchoe Degremona, as pictured, blooms, forming at the top of the shoot a large loose inflorescence consisting of elongated purple or pink flowers. A characteristic feature of the species is considered to be numerous brood buds, located along the edge of the toothed leaf and giving a mass of tiny rosettes with aerial roots, which, when dropped, quickly root and give rise to new Kalanchoe plants.

Kalanchoe pinnate( Kalanchoe pinnata)

Kalanchoe pinnate, in the photo, it also comes from Madagascar, widely known for its healing qualities. The plant with powerful upright shoots forms a shrub up to a meter in height. The fleshy, oval-shaped leaves at the bottom of the stem are simple, and closer to the top are divided into 3 - 5 parts. In contrast, Kalanchoe Degremona in this species has round-shaped teeth on the edge, and the leaves are just as glossy bare.

This species is also characterized by reproduction by children, which are formed in recesses along the edge of the leaves, but more often this occurs on already decaying leaf plates or leaves that have already fallen from the stem. As in the photo, the feathery Kalanchoe when flowering forms powerful inflorescences, crowned with drooping flowers up to 35 mm long. The tube of the flower is greenish or motley, with pink specks, and the corolla is most often of brown – red color.

Kalanchoe sprawling( Kalanchoe prolifera)

Kalanchoe Prolifera in the wild is found in the central regions of Madagascar, where it can grow to almost two meters in height. A young plant of this species of Kalanchoe initially forms a strong upright stalk, at the top of which a rosette of feathery leaves is formed, forming a rounded crown of the plant as it unfolds. Gradually, the old leaves fall off and, like in other species of Kalanchoe, the trunk becomes bare.

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The first flowering occurs only a few years after planting, closer to spring. Peduncle is very large, sometimes up to a meter in height. Paniculate inflorescences consist of elongated flowers with green tubes and orange corollas.

Kalanchoe beharensis

This type of Kalanchoe is often called elephant grass or the Maltese cross. Plants originally from the south of Madagascar are distinguished by tallness and large, unusually shaped leaves covered with gray-gray short dense felt.

Like other related plants, the feathery Kalanchoe blooms, forming loose inflorescences on top of the shoot from small, up to 7 mm in diameter, greenish and light yellow flowers. This type of Kalanchoe tolerates dry periods and coolness.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld( Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

One of the most ornamental species of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, as pictured, is well known to amateur flower growers due to its lush blooming. This plant in nature forms semi-shrub forms, consisting of erect, low-branched shoots with a height of 30 to 60 cm.

The form of undulating, glossy leaves is ovoid. Leaf plate dense, fleshy. The lower leaves are larger than those located closer to the top. The average length is about 4–6 cm.

The flowers of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, as in the photo, are gathered in umbrella inflorescences. The diameter of the flower is 12-15 mm. In nature, there are predominantly plants that form red flowers, but thanks to selection, gardeners have the opportunity to grow Kalanchoe in a wide variety of colors.

The most popular terry variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, in the photo, is Kalandiva, pleasing with long flowering and lush inflorescences with white, yellow, orange, pink and scarlet buds.

Kalanchoe Felt( Kalanchoe tomentosa)

Another native of Madagascar, Kalanchoe felt is sometimes called the cat's ears for the shape of ovoid, with a pointed tip of the leaves and a dense felt on them. The shoots of this species of Kalanchoe are also erect, densely stretched from the top by silver-gray-gray leaves.

On erect peduncles inflorescences are formed in the form of an umbrella or a panicle. Small flowers, with a trimmed silver tube up to 12 mm long and brownish, purple or red corolla.

Kalanchoe marble( Kalanchoe marmorata)

Kalanchoe marble or variegated can be seen in the mountainous regions of Ethiopia, with half a meter, strong shrub with feeling not large obovate leaves are best in the valleys, and at an altitude of 1500 to 2500 meters, where the portion of the perioddrought and cool.

The leaves have a rounded-toothed edge and color, which gave the name to the whole plant. Leafy plates of a greenish-brown shade are covered with large purple or brown speckles, which conceal the plant well against the background of clay soil and stones.

The marble Kalanchoe inflorescence is umbrella-shaped and consists of delicate white flowers with four pointed petals and an extended tube, up to 7 cm.

Kalanchoe grandiflora( Kalanchoe grandiflora)

The closest related species of Kalanchoe marble comes from India. This Kalanchoe grandiflora, outwardly very similar to the previous plant, but does not have a characteristic pattern on the leaves.

In nature, the height of this Kalanchoe does not exceed 60 cm. On erect stems, leaves of light green color are densely arranged on short petioles. When hit on the leaf plates of the sun, they acquire a pinkish or purple hue, especially noticeable along the edge.

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The inflorescence consists of pale yellow flowers with four petals and a noticeable scent. Flowering of this species of Kalanchoe occurs in the spring. The plant tolerates a lack of watering and staying in cool rooms.

Kalanchoe marnier( Kalanchoe marnieriana)

A shrub with bluish, juicy leaves located on both sides of the shoots reaches a height of 60 cm. Due to the creeping shoots, the plant can cover an area of ​​up to 70 cm in diameter.

In nature, during the winter, the leaves of Kalanchoe Marnier turn lilac – pink, which adds decorativeness to the plant. Orange-pink or red flowers are located on the wilting peduncles and form a pictorial picture, no matter where the Kalanchoe grows. In Madagascar, the birthplace of this species, Kalanchoe can be found in the wet rocky places in the northeast of the island.

Kalanchoe paniculata( Kalanchoe thyrsiflora)

Herbaceous perennial, the stems of which grow to 60-centimeter length, comes from the rocky areas of South Africa. Stems erect, practically not branching, seated with obovate leaves, tapering to the petiole. Fleshy, dense leaves have a green color, sometimes along the edge of a red or purple border. Leaf plates of the lower leaves are much larger than the upper, young ones.

At the top of the shoot, a paniculate elongated inflorescence is formed in the spring, combining yellow flowers 1.5 cm in diameter. After flowering on Kalanchoe, numerous affiliated sockets appear, rooting well and giving the next generation of plants.

Kalanchoe Lucia( Kalanchoe luciae)

This species of Kalanchoe is distinguished by large, very fleshy, crab-like leaves arranged in pairs on both sides of the stem. The lower leaves have a bright green-purple color, and the upper, green appear gray-gray due to the wax coating that protects the fabric from the sun. Leaves located almost vertically give this Kalanchoe an original look, making the plant look like sea acorns or other mollusks stuck to stones.

The flowering of Kalanchoe luciae can be expected no earlier than two or three years after planting. The adult bush forms a powerful long flower stalk, covered with yellow flowers. Most often, after their withering, the plant dies, but it is easy to resume it with the help of the children forming at the base of the socket.

Kalanchoe tuboflora( Kalanchoe tubiflora)

Like Kalanchoe Degremona, the photo shows the Kalanchoe trumpetoforum, forms a lot of kids on the leaves. This species also lives in dry semi-desert areas of Madagascar and forms strong bushes up to 70–80 cm high. Otherwise, it is difficult to compare these close relatives.

At first glance at the Kalanchoe trumpetofor, narrow, up to 13 cm long leaves of a greyish-green shade, draw attention to themselves. On the light background color brown spots are clearly visible, giving the plant an even more unusual look. Flowers that appear on high peduncles have an elongated shape and burgundy-red color.

Kalanchoe dissected( Kalanchoe laciniata)

Kalanchoe dissected in nature is found in subtropical areas of Africa. The plant is distinguished from other relatives by a deeply dissected, almost feathery form of succulent bright green leaves. Stems erect, but with a significant length may wilt. For the formation of a compact Kalanchoe bush must be cut.

Abundant bloom, yellow or orange flowers are simple, with four pointed petals.

Kalanchoe Manginin( Kalanchoe manginii)

This ampelous variety Kalanchoe is best known for indoor gardening. The shoots of Kalanchoe Mangin are erect at first, then wilted and can reach 35–40 cm in length. The leaves are round or obovate and have a green or purple color, depending on the plant variety.

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The plant that blooms at the end of winter pleases with an abundance of orange-pink, bell-shaped flowers located in the tassels at the ends of the stems. This type of Kalanchoe is ideal for hanging baskets. Growing does not require special knowledge and conditions.

Kalanchoe Purple( Kalanchoe Porphyrocalyx)

Among the species of Kalanchoe growing in Madagascar there are real epiphytes settling in places where it is difficult to even talk about the presence of some fertile soil. Kalanchoe with amazing flowers in the form of double-colored bells can perfectly sat down feeling both on tree trunks and on stone placers.

On bushes up to 30–35 cm high, an abundance of light-green elongated leaves. Flowering, unlike other types of Kalanchoe, is short and takes only two weeks.

Kalanchoe Pumila dwarf( Kalanchoe Pumila)

The variety Pumila from the central regions of Madagascar is a dwarf among other species of Kalanchoe. The height of the graceful shrub is only 20 cm. Shoots, at first maintaining a vertical position, sag as they grow.

At a young age, fan-shaped leaves with a wavy edge have a dark green color and are covered with a bluish wax coating, but later turn purple or brown.

Bright flowers against a background of grayish foliage are collected in small paniculate inflorescences and are distinguished by a purple-pink color and beautiful curved petals.

Kalanchoe Loose Flowers( Kalanchoe laxiflora)

Kalanchoe Colored Flowers is a native inhabitant of the rocky humid areas of Madagascar, where the shoots of the plant, up to 50 cm long, easily climb onto rather steep ledges and stones. The leaves are bluish-green, usually with a reddish border around the edge. Sometimes there are varieties with brown or red foliage. The plant has similarities with Kalanchoe Mangina, but larger and more powerful.

The leaf-shaped plates of an egg-shaped form do not exceed 6 cm in length. The edges of the leaves are rounded-toothed. Peduncles reach a length of 50 cm, and the hanging ones consist of a green tube and a red, lilac, orange, or violet-pink corolla 10 to 20 mm long.

Kalanchoe Gastonis-Bonnieri( Kalanchoe Gastonis-Bonnieri)

Another type of Kalanchoe from Madagascar, due to the shape of elongated, folded along the longitudinal line of leaves that earned a home comparison with donkey ears. The plant reaches a height of 50 cm. Young, silvery-green leaves are clearly visible against the background of the leaves of the lower tiers, painted in brown or reddish tones and covered with dark spots.

Kalanchoe blooms in winter, revealing bright yellow flowers on long brown peduncles.

Kalanchoe Hilderbrandt( Kalanchoe hildebrandtii)

This variety of Kalanchoe is often called “silver spoons, because of the apparent similarity and shape of the leaves with the cutlery, and their color with a touch of noble metal. The height of the shrub is from 30 to 40 cm. Flowering occurs in the winter, when small flowers of bright orange shade appear.

Kalanchoe synsepala

Large smooth green leaves with jagged edges and contrast bordevoi border can not but draw attention to themselves. Kalanchoe of this species - the inhabitant of stony dumps and slopes. The plant is extremely unpretentious and can endure both the heat and the drop in night temperatures up to 15 ° C.

In the adult Kalanchoe of this species, long shoots are formed in the leaf axils, at the end of which a new rosette of leaves is formed. So drought-resistant spectacular shrub settles. Inflorescence paniculate, friable, flowers simple, small in size with white or pinkish corollas.

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