Is it possible to grow a whole bucket of potatoes from one bush

Due to the abnormally hot weather conditions that have developed in recent years, the potato harvest began to decline. It is becoming more and more difficult to grow a good crop and to predict, how many kilograms will be needed to get the maximum from one hectare of land .How to avoid this problem, calculate the norm, correctly select planting material, how to get a bucket of potatoes from one bush? Answers to these questions can be found in our article.

Table of contents

  • Norm of sowing potatoes
    • How many potatoes will go pesch plspdpdp
    • Increase in Productivitywhich you are going to sow, planting density( depending on the region) and others.

      How many potatoes will be used per 1 hectare of land

      Perhaps you had to wrestle before, approximately estimating how many tubers you need to plant a field, below is the generally accepted sowing rate in kilograms per hectare of land.

      Planting potatoes

      The area of ​​a hectare is 10000 square meters, the optimal number is about 65000 units , the total mass of which will vary within four tons.

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      When harvesting potatoes, it should be noted that some may deteriorate, so there should be a stock of approximately 20% of the total mass.

      Whether the consumption depends on the grade

      . Undoubtedly, the grade must be chosen correctly, each of them has its own characteristics and requirements for care. Everything will depend on the size of tubers that will take. Provided that they are average - consumption per hundred square meters is about the same.

      Formula for calculating the rate of sowing potatoes

      Seed potatoes for planting

      To determine the desired number of kilograms of tubers per hectare of land, use the formula:

      H = G * M

    • D - planting density( thous. Pcs / ha);
    • M is the average potato mass.

    How to increase the yield

    The most pressing question among all gardeners is how to increase the yield. Let us examine the basic principles of its increase.

    Selection of planting material

    One of the first and basic principles is the selection of planting material. It is worth taking a responsible approach to business - your crop directly depends on it.

    The first rule for the selection of seed material is that tubers of diseased and weak plants are not left for reproduction.

    Potatoes are selected for seed during the collection of .If you dug up a bush and all vegetables are about equal - you can safely put them off for planting, there is nothing terrible in this, it is much more difficult to select from the general heap. It is very important in no case to mix varieties.

    Powerful plants are noticeable during flowering, it is worth highlighting them with an identifying mark. Then make the selection of potatoes from the marked areas. If the tubers are laid from one bush, all are about the same size, smooth and even - in the future, they will give the best yield, due to strong genes.

    Calculation of the amount of planting material

    Using the formula above, you can easily determine the amount of seed potatoes you need. But, you are unlikely to be able to calculate, by the mass of the vegetable, how much crop you will get , since this is fully influenced by the growing conditions, fertilizer of the soil and proper care.

    Planting density

    Planting density and planting rate are determined by the potato variety, seed tuber properties and weather

    It would seem that the thicker the plant is, the more we collect, but not. In fact, if you plant too often, will decrease the nutritional area of ​​one plant, , which will result in fewer tubers.

    But if the area of ​​food will be 70 * 20 cm - the harvest will be decent.

    When to plant?

    Planting time of potatoes directly depends on the region of .In the southern regions, planting is carried out in late March - early April, the farther north, the later the earth warms and sows.

    When planting potatoes in cold land, the likelihood of tubers freezing and, as a result, slow germination and development is high.

    Increased Yield

    Due to genetic characteristics, some varieties can form up to 16 tubers, while others only 7-10, but do not forget about the importance of fertilizers. Any potato needs additional feeding during the formation of tubers. Below are some effective ways to increase the yield of potatoes.


    Decayed bark

    In order to use bark as a fertilizer, it must be rotted, becausethe process of its decomposition in the earth can take a long time. With the help of bark, you can not only fertilize potatoes, but also protect them from pests, for example, by mixing bark, ash and compost in equal proportions.


    Wood ash - natural fertilizer

    Ash - an excellent potash fertilizer, except for potassium in its composition it contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and a large set of trace elements. It is suitable for plants sensitive to chlorine, becausein its composition is missing this element. Also it loosens the soil and changes its structure , in addition, with its help you can deoxidize the soil in the area. If you use ash as a top dressing - you need only 150-300 grams per square meter. Bring it in a dry form in the pit when planting.

    Onion Husk

    The benefits of onion peel are that it contains a large amount of minerals.

    Onion Husks will not only serve as an excellent fertilizer, but also protect your plants from wireworms and other soil pests. It should be put in the hole before you put the potatoes. Husk should be exclusively from healthy bulbs, to avoid infections and fungi .You can also insist onion peel in water for three days, then dilute with 10 liters of water and water.

    Stimulating Notch

    Cuts on potato tubers to stimulate growth and obtain a rich harvest

    Another well-known method is the stimulating cut. This is a longitudinal incision of a tuber with a sterile knife, in order to avoid infection and further rotting of the .This method will accelerate the seedlings, as well as help the plants to get stronger already before the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle.

    We grow potatoes in a bucket

    This method is suitable for people who do not have a vegetable garden. Let's sort out growing potatoes in a bucket:

    Growing potatoes in a bucketIt should be washed and dried. Then at the bottom is to do 4-5 holes.
  • can be hayed with as drainage. Top with a little earth mixed with compost.
  • We place a medium-sized potato, cover it with dry grass and wait for germination.
  • As the hay is deposited, it should be little by little underlay .
  • Watering and feeding the potatoes should be done once a week.

If you follow these tips, harvest will be in 13 tubers with one bucket .This method will protect the potatoes from soil pests, as well as suitable for growing seed potatoes.

A bucket of potatoes from one bush is real

To collect a bucket of potatoes from a bush it is important to take care of them correctly and constantly.

If you want to get the maximum yield, it is worth planting potatoes a little less than usual, this will increase the nutritional area of ​​one plant.

Also, during planting, add a half-bucket of humus to one well, then pour 1-2 tablespoons of wood ash, mix it in the hole, put the sprouted tuber, bury it and lay it on top with hay. Regular watering is important - every four days. If you are chasing the harvest - do not miss it.

For high yields of potatoes, planting seed should be fed with humus and ash

Once the tops have faded, mow it and leave the potatoes for two weeks, letting dry out. After that, digging potatoes and get a good result.

For both the beginner and the gardener with a lot of experience , it is useful to recognize some of the features of caring for potatoes, as new varieties appear from year to year, climatic conditions change. If you stick to the tips, get the desired result.

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