The highlight of landscape design - creeping tenacious

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To turn your backyard into an oasis of enjoyment, many gardeners use the land cover in the oasis of enjoyment, many people use soil textures to create an oasis of pleasure. The creeping zhivuchka is an original lively floral carpet, with the help of which the voids between trees and shrubs of the garden are filled. The plant tightly closes the ground, so that weeds do not grow on it. The whole season you can enjoy the magnificent decoration of a paradise.

Brief description and common types of

Perennial plant - creeping tentacle or ayuga belongs to the family of crimson. It grows up to 30 cm in height. Small flowers are located on an erect stem, adorned with wide leaves.

The plant got its name for its unpretentious temper. It is drought tolerant, grows on stony ground as on fertile soil. Occurs in deciduous forests, sunny glades and even among dense shrubs.

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To date, more than 40 varieties of creeping tentacles are known, which grow in different parts of the planet. In its original form, the plant was remembered by people with bright blue flowers. But, thanks to the work of breeders, new decorative options appeared. They mainly differ in the following features:

  • plant height;
  • leaf shape;
  • flowering period;
  • color of buds;
  • drawing on the leaves.
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On the provided photos of creeping survivors, you can clearly see these differences.

The most well-known variety used by gardeners is Atropurpurea. It has glossy brown wrinkled leaves with a bronze tint. They form flower carpets 8 cm high and are light-loving plants.

The appearance of Burgundy Glow is distinguished by small leaves that come in various colors. Depending on the soil and light, they shimmer in red, brown or lilac. The tenacious Burgundy Glow grows well under the shade of shrubs or trees.

The original variety zhivuchki - Multicolor( Multicolor).Bright purple leaves, on which red, orange and yellow spots are visible, change color depending on the light. In the shady part of the garden on the green leaves appear stains of yellow or pinkish hue.

A creeping tentacle variety - Variegata has greyish-green leaves framed with a cream border. Truly a work of art!

Dark purple shiny serrated leaves are characteristic of the variety - Black Scallop( Black Scallop).Blooms such zhivuchka blue. If it gets a lot of light, the leaves darken over time.

Despite the fact that the zhivuchka grows well in shady places and in the light, it is better to avoid areas under the scorching sun. Ideal - under sprawling shrubs.

Planting and caring for carpet flowers

In order to grow a flower carpet in the garden plots, it is important to follow the basic rules for creeping and tenacious planting of carpets.

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The plant is propagated by sowing seeds or dividing the bushes. But, before that, you should prepare the soil and choose a suitable place in the garden. Since Ayuga is an unpretentious plant, it will take root anywhere in the flower garden. However, in the shaded area zhivuchke will be better.

The ideal soil for planting is a loam that is enriched with biohumus. The prepared seeds are sown in prepared small wells and ground in powder.

It is better to purchase material for planting in special stores. Seeds that are harvested on their own lose their varietal characteristics.

Planting creeping zhivuchka possible and vegetative way. To do this, the root of the plant is divided into stolons, in which there are 3 internodes. To get a landing material, zhivuchku actively water about a week. During this time, grow new roots. Liked plants are dug, and then, divided into parts with a sharp knife or scissors. New seedlings spread in the prepared hole at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Covering them with earth, the main thing is not to cover the top of the plant. It is possible to land a creeping creep in such a way in spring, until it blossoms.

Planting a flower carpet can be done by dividing the plant into rosettes. On each handle should be 3 pieces. Thanks to this, the creeping tenacious survives faster. This method is applicable during the whole warm period.

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The basic rule of care for an acorn is to control the growth and thickness of the carpet. Because of this, it must be periodically thinned and watered during droughts. If the flower pillow is pleasing to the eye in one place for more than 6 years, nitrogenous fertilizers must be introduced into the soil. And in early spring add some soil.

In winter, the tentacle can not be covered, because it is not afraid of frost.

The highlight of landscape design

Experienced gardeners use zhivuchku to create different compositions. It decorates shaded areas, turning them into a haven for recreation. Against the backdrop of tall trees and spreading shrubs, zhivuchka like a soft carpet, which attracts the eye. And in harmony with other garden flowers, masters create magnificent compositions. In the photo creeping zhivuchki in landscape design all its charms are clearly visible.

It is an excellent supplement in areas where lawn grass does not grow or dry out. The original base for the alpine slide and zest at the trunks of majestic trees. Those who have ever been in a garden decorated with a creeping little bug will want to return there again.

Growing creeping zhivuchki on the site - video

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