We carry out planting and care in the open field for the stranger Babian

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video Some bulbiferous plants, such as gladioli, are incredibly popular, such as plants, gladiolus, incredibly popular plants, other

, they are incredibly popular, for example, gladiolus, incredibly popular plants, other

circle flower growers. Babian belongs to such decorative rarities, planting and care in the open field behind which, with due attention, can be achieved even by beginners in floriculture.

Peculiarities of Babian plants.

Plants related to irises, gladioli and Ixia in the wild can only be seen in southern Africa, and most of the 80 species are endemics inhabiting the expanses of the Cape Province of South Africa. Thanks to dense juicy corms, the Babians growing on rather dry plains accumulate moisture and endure a dormant period. However, not all plants manage to wait for awakening. Tubers dig and eat the baboons, after whom the entire genus was named.

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As a decorative crop today, several species are grown, differing in size and shape of flowers, their color and appearance of leaves. Despite the varietal and species diversity, planting babians in open ground and caring for all cultivated plants of this genus follow the general rules.

For garden beds in August to be decorated with white, yellow, pink and purple flowers, at the same time reminiscent of gladioli and tulips, for Babians it is necessary to create conditions close to the nature of its homeland.

Planting babians in spring in open ground and caring for a flower

A guest from Africa in Russia is grown as indoor potted or garden flower. In the latter case, small corms with a thin elongated neck are waiting to be planted in open ground in spring, and care for babian continues until autumn, when the plants that have finished flowering are dug out and their underground part is sent to storage.

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When choosing a site, you need to take into account that the Babians are light-requiring. Despite caring for babian, when planted in open ground in Siberia, in the Ural region and the Non-Black Earth region, it can freeze slightly during spring frosts and early autumn cold weather. Therefore, it is better to plant flowers under the protection of shrubs, large perennials, alpine slides or buildings.

The landing period begins in mid-April and lasts until the end of May. With a long spring corms can be planted in bulk peat pots, and when the soil and the air warms up, transfer the peeping babians to the garden.

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In addition, the ground in the area should be loose enough that the tubers are not afraid of rotting and actively developing the roots. Babians add peat and sand to the dense soil for planting; drainage of fine claydite and sand is made at the bottom of the planting furrow 5–7 cm deep.

Especially beautiful Babian in the open field, as in the photo, looks in small clumps, so between the tubers leave about 10 cm, necessary for the growth of the leaf outlet. When the planting is completed, the site is watered, trying not to erode the soil, and mulch.

Babian care when grown in open ground

Although babians accumulate moisture and nutrients in corms, during the summer period the plants are watered regularly and abundantly, trying to prevent the soil from drying out. In addition, care for babian after planting in open ground includes:

  • manual weeding of the site;
  • feeding, held once a month;
  • soil mulching;
  • protection against pests, fungal and bacterial infections.

Since the corm and the entire root system of the plant are close to the surface, the soil is treated manually until foliage appears and throughout the entire growing season.

Peat mulch simplifies maintenance and helps avoid over-flowering African beauty.

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Babian is thermophilic and develops well when in the flowerbed the soil and air are heated to 22–28 ° C.If the summer is cold, the thermometer sometimes freezes at +15 ° C, the plant stops developing, its defenses diminish, and the danger of weakening and killing of corms increases. To prevent this from happening, it is better to place a greenhouse of film or dense non-woven material over the plantings on such days.

Top dressing stimulates the growth of greenery, and starting from the second half of summer, the flowering of babians, starting in August and continuing, if the weather permits, until the end of September.

Residents of the southern regions can observe how, after the death of the peduncles, the entire aboveground part of the plant fades. In the middle lane when growing babians in open ground, it is not always possible to wait until the flower goes to rest. The bulbs are dug before the onset of cold weather and the onset of autumn rains, causing infection with fungal diseases and rot.

Babians keep corms in the winter in cool, dry peat or sand. The optimum temperature that allows the plant to form the beginnings of foliage and future peduncles is 10–12 ° C.

Introducing Babian -

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