Making devices for planting and weeding potatoes with their own hands

Smooth lines of potato bushes look very beautiful, showing order, and forming comfort for self-hilling or with the help of a cultivator. An unpleasant routine activity with the help of certain devices, for self-planting, can become a fun simple and enjoyable task, and designing your own necessary hand tools can be a process of technical creativity.

Today there are special devices-marker, scriber, hedgehogs, plow for planting and weeding potatoes. They will greatly facilitate the work of the gardener. Work, when using these simple devices, is much faster, and the result is the same effective, high-quality, if it is done by hand.


  • Marker for planting potatoes
    • Elementary marker
    • Marker
    • Mittlaydera In three wells simultaneously
  • Scriber landing
  • potato homemade manual plow
    • 2 depleted plow
    • for trimming knife
  • Cultivator hedgehogs for weeding
  • Nozzles for weeding with a trimmer
    • How to make hedgehogs with your own hands, drawings
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Marker for planting potatoes

Marker is a device that is needed to facilitate manual planting activities, as well as tothe beds were smooth, with evenly distributed holes for potatoes. In consequence, these beds are not difficult to handle mechanized or manual devices.

Marker for planting

potatoes Today you can buy ready-made markers, but it’s better to make a home-made marker, then the distance between adjacent plows, to organize holes for planting, will fully correspond to the distance between the wheels of the motor-cultivator or tractor.

Markers can be elementary or very complex. You can make them from any material that is on hand:

  • Stakes of wood;
  • Solid board;
  • Special or round metal pipes.
No matter what the device handle or frame will be made of, the main thing is the distance between the components that make the holes.

Elemental marker

This is a wooden stake about 90 centimeters high and about in diameter 60-70 mm .The horizontal bar, which is fixed at a height of about 150 millimeters from the base, will serve as a support, limiting the depth of the hole. Before starting work with this device, it is necessary to make a rough outline of future holes using twine. It is stretched along the length of rows at a distance of approximately 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 centimeters between the beds.

The distance between the beds depends on the subsequent method of tillage, manual or mechanized. The gap between the pits in a row is about 30 centimeters , depending on the size and type of potato that will be planted.

Marker Mittlider

This is a more complex version of the marker, which is made of pipe, with an external Ø 21 mm. The distance between the holes will be equal to 29 centimeters. The cone with which the holes are made is made of Ø 55-65 mm pipe. It must be welded to the frame.

Drawing a marker Mittlayder

At the initial row of the frame have parallel to the string and, applying the necessary force, immersed in the soil. Then we put a cone in the hole that we have plotted, and so on. In the other row, the pits are made like on a chessboard. Marker, made by this method, allows you to plant potatoes in small areas , while receiving a high yield.

Three holes simultaneously

This model consists of metal pipes and 3 cones.

Drawing marker for planting potatoes in 3 holes

The welded frame of the marker is made of a special lightweight and strong pipe measuring 25x25x2 millimeters. To do this, you can take the usual steel pipe Ø 32 mm, which is used for plumbing or gas pipeline. Cones are made of aluminum or acacia wood, oak .

A hole is made in the cylindrical part and an M8 thread is cut. In the pipe there are three such through holes Ø 9 millimeters. Through these holes, the cones are attached to the frame with M8 bolts. With the help of bolts the size of 40-80 millimeters, you can adjust the depth of the fossa. The distance between the cones is 45 centimeters .In order not to get injured, you need to put plugs on the open ends of the carrier pipe. The height of the bolts may vary. This will depend on the depth of the desired fossa. The larger the bolt, the wider the possibilities.

Marker for planting potatoes on 3 holes

Wood cones must be treated with sandpaper, apply varnish or drying oil so that the soil does not stick to them when working on them. All metal components must be treated against corrosion. The height of the frame must be done under your height. The values ​​indicated on the drawing are suitable for the cottagers with a height of 175 centimeters.

Scriber for planting potatoes

Planting potatoes using scriber will reduce this process several times. Everything is done easily and without straining. It is not difficult to make it, any man will be able to do it and will take no more than 2 hours.

A drawing of a scoop for planting potatoes

To make it you will need two Ø 10 stakes and two boards with a length of one and a half meters .Stakes are made from dried bars or not thick spruce trunks. They need to process, sharpen the edges and make pens. Then nail the wooden cross to them.

It is necessary to make the required distance between the stakes. If the potatoes are subsequently processed by a mini-tractor, then the distance should be about 65-70 centimeters, if it is a cultivator, then a distance of 60 centimeters will be rational. For manual processing, the stakes must be placed between 45-55 centimeters.

The board from the bottom must be nailed with a margin on which you want to install a note from a narrow rail. It is made at the same distance as the stakes. With its help, determine the beginning of the pits.

Pens need to be made for themselves, so that later there will be no problems when working. The board from the bottom must be installed so that, when pressing on it, a hole is obtained, with a depth of approximately 10-15 centimeters .

Scriber for planting

potatoes The idea of ​​working with scriber is as follows: putting it on the edge of the plot, you must hold it with your hands on the handles in front of you. Then put pressure on the board from the bottom, while the stakes sink into the soil, and the mark leaves a mark. Then her hands move, making movements back and forth, in order to increase the pits. Two ridges of holes should turn out, and the third ridge will be a note from which it is necessary to follow, but already in the other direction, setting the count to the mark.

At the same time, a man who plants potatoes follows a razmotchik. The whole process is quick and easy. Use this technique and facilitate your work on the site.

Homemade hand plow

When it comes time for planting potatoes, gardeners act in the following way: they make markings for planting, dig holes in the shovel, put potatoes in them and then put them to sleep with their hands. While the potato grows, it is necessary to spud it, is more often done with a chopper. It takes a lot of time and effort. Today this process can be facilitated as much as possible.

Manual plow is a very simple device, which is operated simultaneously by 2 people. It consists of:

  • 2 dump body for work , with a knife for trimming;
  • front, so that one person pulls him forward;
  • Arm in the back, to control the second person.

He performs work on cutting rows for disembarking, helps with hilling potatoes, and also loosens the ground.

Manual plow-tuck for planting potatoes

In order to make such a device you will need:

  • Hollow tube for vertical stand Ø2,5 centimeter, about 1 meter long.
  • A piece of hollow pipe Ø3 / 4 inch for the manufacture of thrust front and rear;
  • sheet thrust, 2 millimeters thick, for making dumps;
  • A lanyard, that can be replaced with a metal plate with holes, is needed to connect the front with a vertical stand to adjust the angle of attack;
  • blowtorch or a gas torch to heat metal at the folds;
  • Welding equipment;
  • For the treatment of joints, an grinder is required.

Long pipe should be bent at a distance of about 30 centimeters from the beginning, the angle should be 10-15 °.To perform the folds help pipe bend. In case of its absence, you can make a fold with the following method:

  • Fill the pipe with sand;
  • On the edges of the pipe we dress caps ;

Estimated place of bend we heat with a blowtorch and begin to bend.

The smaller tube, like the perpendicular rack, must be bent. To adjust the height, we make holes on the upper edge and the same holes on the vertical section of the intended plug.

Changing the location of the bolt in the holes, you can change the height of the rack for the comfort of the cottager.
Manual plow with a plow and handles.

. The front end looks the same as the rear, but is different in size. The height of the handle should be such that the one walking in front can easily be between the handles, clasping them.

The height of the vertical part should be 60 centimeters, it is necessary to make it flat at the ends and drill holes for connection with the vertical section.

To adjust the angle of attack, a lanyard is used, which should be located between the pillar and the strut.

At the distance of 30 centimeters from the bottom, an angle for attaching an front is attached to a vertical stand. Then, at a distance of 25 centimeters from this hole, weld the same corner of the size 25x25 to the plug. It also makes a hole, and weld it to the rack above the first corner.


plow 2 identical plates 2 mm thick will be required. On them we round bends. Using welding, smooth seams, fasten 2 half of the plow to the perpendicular rack. Grind them with a grinder so that they are sharp.

Knife for cropping

Knife for hilling potatoes

We take the most durable carbon steel. Cut a knife in the form of an arrowhead, sharpen it at an angle of 45 ° . This angle will make the knife sharp for a long time. With the help of welding we fasten it to the vertical stand from the bottom, we polish it.

Manual plow to work on the site is ready!

Cultivator hedgehogs for weeding

They remove the grass with roots, unlike flat-cutters, which only cut the stems. Hedgehogs row the soil between the rows, which results in distinct rows and beautiful beds. The loosened soil passes oxygen and fluid well, which increases the growth of potato roots, and this is a guarantee of an excellent harvest.

Hedgehogs for weeding

potatoes Weeding the walker with the help of certain feet or an twisting milling machine. Mill twist shaft selection force. The advantage of paws is ease in installation and care in loosening the earth. They loosen the soil at a depth of 4-7 centimeters, depending on its condition.

In order to work, the feet need to be fixed in certain fixtures at a distance equal to the width of the row. The fastener needs a slight overlap that will cover both legs. Adaptations can be either one or two-sided. If the device is one-sided, it is necessary to attach the legs so that the blades are located in the direction of the aisle.

Paws, which have one-sided blades, can be installed using another technique, which makes it possible to process the ridge simultaneously from both sides.

There is another device for weeding by hand, which is called a plowman. This is a frame, with a knife and a drum. His wheels are placed in the aisle, the knife cuts the grass, and the spinning drum catches it and throws it back.

Cultivators exist manual, electric with a benzo engine. For weeding use devices with 2 knives, which are mounted at an angle of 45 °.It is best to carry out weeding with a cultivator, on which three serrated mini forks are installed instead of knives.

For comfort, these devices are mounted on wheels: the summer cottage pushes him, pressing as close as possible to the garden bed.

Cultivator for weeding on wheels with two knives

Using a device with a nozzle the hedgehog weeds and spud potatoes immediately. Hedgehog consists of 2 cones attached to the frame. Cone made of 3 steel wheels having different diameter. Pointed spikes are welded to the wheels.2 hedgehogs are attached to the frame, spinning, they simultaneously hook on the grass and row the soil from the row spacing in a row.

Cultivator with nozzle hedgehog

Electro cultivators are more dynamic, they are used for small gardens. Their main drawback is the need to pull the cable from the outlet, which is not always comfortable. It is more rational to use cultivators with a gasoline engine. But such cultivators are less dynamic than manual ones, but the most productive. On all types of cultivators wear nozzles hedgehog. The strength of the engine is selected depending on the state of the earth, the heavier it is, the stronger the device.

Weeding nozzles using the

trimmer. For weeding, use a trimmer with an electric motor on top. Between the rows, we often weed the trimmer head with fishing line.

It happens that a knife with 3 blades is used to remove the grass. Steel knives are attached to the trimmer with a flat stand. If the rack curve, then attach the nozzles of plastic. If the knife stumbles on any obstacle, the device will fold back or break.

3 blade knife for electric trimmer

On the market or in the store you can buy tips for trimmer with earthen mills, which are shaped like disks with curved blades, and are mounted on a single axis. More often in one nozzle 4 mills.

Ground mills for

trimmer The size, diameter and number of milling cutters depend on the motor power of the mowers. The instructions for use for the nozzle indicates for which mowers it is suitable.

Do not do the nozzle yourself, becauseIt is difficult to choose the width and diameter so that it does not break the device. We can not carry out weeding with a trimmer on complex, clayey lands.

Professional gardeners before applying trimmer treat all rubbing elements with grease on silicone.

Processing rules for potatoes using a trimmer:

  1. Before processing, you need to protect your eyes and with, because during weeding, the cutters spin at high speed, lifting dust and dirt into the air.
  2. We need to treat the area from weeds when the grass is still small. Processing should be done once every two weeks .
  3. Weed better in the morning , then during the day the grass will dry out and turn into straw.
  4. No need to immerse the cutters to a depth of more than one and a half centimeters .With this technique, the land is cultivated, and the soil receives oxygen and nitrogen, which is excellent for potatoes.
  5. You can not immerse the cutters also because this can break the device.
  6. If the engine on the device is not very powerful, then you need to take a break every quarter of an hour .
  7. At the end of the summer season, the nozzles must be treated with disinfectant to remove all germs.
Weeding potatoes with a mowing machine

A broken cutter can be replaced with a self-made cutter. To do this, you need to carve a circle out of the steel sheet, and bend the cavities. The diameter can not be larger than on the used cutters. It is forbidden to put additional cutters on the trimmer shaft.

How to make hedgehogs with your own hands, drawings

If the gardener likes to work with the tool and at the same time save a lot, you can make hedgehogs for weeding with your own hands or order them at the organization for working with metal. First of all, you need to understand how hedgehogs will work, draw several drawings. They can be used both on the cultivator and for working with the hands of the .

Hedgehogs for hand work can consist of a device for loosening, frame and holder. The ripper is a hollow tube with steel teeth welded to it. It is fixed on the spacer frame and attached a wooden handle. Using it you need to roll the ground back and forth, which requires certain physical forces.

There are many versions of hedgehogs for the motoblock and the cultivator. Many developers made their individual devices. The traditional version of the hedgehog is made with steel discs. 3 disks of various diameters are required:

  • 100, 200, 300 mm;
  • 240, 180, 100 mm.

Assembling the fixture produced on the pipe Ø25 millimeters. Using the jumpers, steel discs are fastened together, starting with the largest and ending with the minimum. There are developers who use 5 and 6 facets instead of disks. The distance between them should be 18 centimeters, and the maximum disc Ø 36 centimeters. For the teeth used steel bar, cut into 40 pieces.

Homemade hedgehogs for weeding

Approximately for the construction you will need 5 pieces of spikes on a small disk, 10 pieces per medium, 15 pieces per maximum. It happens that the required welding studs on the axle. The length of one spike is 14 centimeters.

Today there are several types of hedgehogs:

  • Rotational .The main task of such hedgehogs is weeding and hilling. They fit any device.
  • Cone .Required to remove the grass before the shoot.

If you summarize the results, it can be noted that using devices for planting, harrowing, weeding and hilling potatoes at the dacha will make this process easy and is not time-consuming .Using a variety of samples, it is safe to say that the harvest will be abundant and will please the gardener.

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