The best remedies and drugs from the Colorado potato beetle

A voracious leaf beetle can destroy a whole patch of greens of vegetable or ornamental crops in a matter of days. These pests include the Colorado potato beetle. Despite its small size, it is able to create truly big problems, so special tools should be used to combat it.

  • Contents What is the Colorado potato beetle
  • What plants usually affects pest
  • How to deal with the bug in the garden with the help of poison
  • Best performance-enhancing drugs and insecticides to control
  • The use of folk remedies
    • Recipe №1 - Walnut
    • Recipe №2 - birch tar
    • Recipe number 3 - mustard
  • Preventive methods of the appearance of the pest on plants

How does the Colorado potato beetle

look It is easy to recognize an insect. The oval body with pronounced pronotum bulge has yellow-orange color with black stripes ( each elytra has 5 belts).The wings of a beetle are webbed, with their help it overcomes long distances. The pest dimensions are small: length is about 9-12 mm, width - 6-7 mm.

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The larvae of the Colorado potato beetle are no less dangerous for plants. On the reverse side of the sheet from the laid eggs appear whole hordes of dark brown parasites. A feature of their digestion is the inability to digest carotene, which accumulates in the tissues.

Due to the natural pigment, the color of the larvae turns orange( or carrot).Dimensions reach 15-16 mm, with a good appetite, it is easy to recognize the swollen body of the larva.

Beetle possesses high fecundity. The female lays up to 1000 eggs.

During the summer period, up to 3 generations of parasites develop. A distinctive feature of insects is their adaptability to the chemical drugs used to fight, which makes treatment with time ineffective.

What plants usually affect pests

Specialists and experienced gardeners noted that the pest actively eats leaves of plants belonging to the family solanaceous .

You can see an adult insect or larvae on on trees, bushes and even flowers. :

  • petunia;
  • Brugmansia;
  • Cesternum Night( a variety of jasmine);
  • Physalis;
  • fragrant and ordinary tobacco;
  • dope;
  • Mandrake;
  • schisantus and others.

Of particular interest is the Colorado potato beetle to vegetable crops:

  • potatoes;
  • eggplants;
  • pepper;
  • tomatoes.
Defeat of potato leaves by the Colorado potato beetle
The pest is most dangerous in the period of budding and flowering of plants, especially potatoes.

A gluttonous parasite does not like all plants. This fact can be used to protect against insect invasion by planting several varieties of repellent crops near the flower beds or in the garden. Not to taste of a beetle: marigold, mattiola, beans, spring garlic, calendula and other cultures with a pronounced aroma.

How to fight a beetle in the garden with the help of poison

To combat the pest, it is recommended to use biological agents and chemical preparations that are safe for human health .Popular products with names and instructions how to dilute:

  • Fitoverm - consumption rate - 1 ml per 1 l of water, frequency of spraying - 2 times with an interval of 20 days at the rate of 5 l of the working solution per hundred;
  • Bitoxibacillin - proportion - 40-100 gr.for 10 liters of water, the frequency of spraying when larvae are detected - 2-3 times with an interval of 6-8 days at the rate of 1 liter of liquid per 1 m2;
  • Acarin - consumption rate - 2 ml per 1 l of water, the frequency of treatments - 2-4 times with an interval of 10-14 days at the rate of 5 l of the working compound per hundred.

The best effective drugs and insecticides for fighting

If the affected area is extensive, and the pests have managed to colonize most of the garden beds, it is recommended to use more reliable plant treatment products - insecticides. Among the effective:

  • Aktara;
  • Corado;
  • Fury;
  • Patron
  • Lightning, etc.
When using poison, you should follow the dosage indicated on the label of the drug. After processing, fruit can be eaten only after three weeks. During this time, toxins are decomposed into safe components.

The use of folk remedies

Some gardeners trust little ready-made tools or simply do not want to use chemicals, so the most unexpected products and plants are used in the fight against insects. Among folk remedies, the following recipes are popular.

Recipe # 1 -

Walnut A decoction of green nut leaves and fruits kills beetles and larvae outright. To prepare the product, you will need to pour 1 kg of green with boiling water( 10 l) and cover with the lid for 5-7 days. The resulting liquid spend spraying.

Recipe number 2 - birch tar

Well proven in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle birch tar. In a bucket of water diluted 100 gr. product and after thorough stirring, the processing of beds or trees is carried out.

Recipe number 3 - mustard

For the scaring of pests often use mustard. To prepare the working solution, a bag of mustard powder is diluted in a bucket of water and is added with 100 ml of vinegar( 9%).

Wood dusting of beds of ashes is considered an effective method of

is considered to be no less effective for dusting of beds of wood ashes from .It is better to do this in the morning, while dew drops remain on the foliage.

The effect is noticeable even after a one-time treatment; after 1-2 days, both larvae and adult beetles die. The consumption rate of funds - weave 10 kg of ash per hundred.

Preventive methods for the appearance of a pest on

plants Given the adaptation of beetles to poisons and their intensive reproduction, after the appearance of the first shoots, it is worth taking care of the prevention.

The use of different methods takes a little time and money, but the threat to harvest will be significantly reduced. Experienced gardeners have developed their own ways to prevent pest invasion.

Among the effective recommendations are the following options:

  • Near the vegetable beds or in the aisle it is worth planting plants, which do not like the scent of the Colorado potato beetle .Among the natural repellents: coriander, calendula, marigold, night violet, nasturtium, etc.
  • Periodically( 1 time in 5-7 days) spray the plants with homemade infusions or decoctions( mustard, garlic, onion peel, etc.).It is possible to begin processing when the height of the bush is from 10 cm.
  • Regularly inspect the bushes for the purpose of mechanical assembly of valets.
  • Pests attack weak shoots, therefore it is necessary to conduct regular dressings to increase the plant immunity. However, overdoing with fertilizers should not be.
  • Hilling of bushes contributes to an increase in the protective functions of the plant as a result of enrichment with oxygen.
  • The period of transformation of larvae into adult beetles is accompanied by immersion of parasites in the upper layers of the soil. Loosening the soil to a depth of 5-8 cm will help get rid of the annoying bugs. Especially well worth working between the rows.
  • The voracity of pests is complemented by such quality as vitality and endurance. Surviving in the soil, even a harsh winter will not be of much difficulty. Therefore, in the autumn it is very important to thoroughly clean the vegetable garden from vegetable garbage and dig up the ground just before the frost so that the insects on the surface could freeze out.

Do not wait until "uninvited guests" appear in the garden or on the beds. It is better to worry about the harvest in advance by carrying out preventive measures. The action of biological agents is short, therefore treatments should be carried out regularly. Well-groomed plants will certainly thank the owners generous fruiting.

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