What do we know about the benefits and harms of the squash?

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Disc of pumpkins or patissons are close relatives of squashes and ordinary garden pumpkins. And although this one-year-old vegetable crop cannot be found in its wild form, in South America an unusual type of pumpkin has been grown since time immemorial. Botanists are sure that it was on the lands of the American continent that a spontaneous mutation occurred that marked the beginning of the formation of culture. What are the benefits and harm of the squash?

Modern gardeners in many parts of the world grow patches of white, yellow, green and variegated colors in the garden beds.

These beautiful fruits, tied to powerful plants, effectively decorate not only the plot, but also the dining table. Squashes are a valuable dietary vegetable, which is pickled, fried, baked and stuffed with meat, mushrooms, cheese, poultry and vegetables.

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The young patissons with a diameter of 5 to 10 cm and up to 7 days old are of the greatest value for culinary specialists.

At this time, pumpkin has a juicy elastic pulp and include the most valuable substances for the human body. As it grows, fruits can reach a weight of 800–1000 grams and a diameter of 30 cm, but the flesh in such giants loses its juiciness and becomes loose, and the surface layer thickens and coarsens. Overgrown squaws are no longer fit for human consumption and are useless for health. What is useful squash, and what substances in their composition deserve the most attention?

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Composition of dish pumpkin fruits

The main feature of this representative of the garden pumpkin family is its low calorie content. In 100 grams of young squash contains only 19 calories. At the same time in such an amount of pulp only 0.6 grams of proteins, 0.1 grams of fat and 4.1 grams of carbohydrates. Despite its juiciness and tenderness, the squash pulp includes a lot of fiber. There are pectins in curly dish pumpkins,

. Of the mineral elements that make up a large part of the squash's beneficial properties, sodium and potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron are present in pumpkins. Noteworthy is the content of vitamin A, B1, B2, PP, ascorbic acid and carotene in patissons, which are especially abundant in fruits of orange and yellow color.

If the fruit pulp is a low-calorie diet product, squash seeds, resembling squash in shape, include a lot of oil, unsaturated fatty acids, gums, and glycosides. And in 100 grams of dried grains contains 603 kcal.

Useful properties of squash and existing contraindications

Based on the composition of curly pumpkin dishes, one can confidently assert that a low-calorie wholesome squash is an excellent diet vegetable that can not only become part of a diet for weight loss, but also brings significant benefits to human health. Due to the high concentration of potassium, the scallops are useful to everyone who has diseases of the heart and vascular system. Tasty, low-calorie meals based on this type of pumpkin will help reduce cholesterol levels, protect blood vessels and improve the elasticity of their walls. Regular inclusion in the menu of squash in one form or another will be effective prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension. A pumpkin dish helps resist anemia.

Fresh squash salads are useful as a source of mineral salts, moisture, vitamins, fructose and glucose.

It has been observed that patissons improve the separation of bile, normalize the hematopoietic ability of the organism. Fiber-rich dishes from the squash remove slag and excess fat from the intestinal tract. Pectin, which has an enveloping effect, binds cholesterol, helping to naturally remove it from the body. It is these beneficial properties of squash find vegetables application in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, digestive organs, including peptic ulcer and dysbacteriosis, heart and blood vessels.

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One of the most pronounced qualities of squash is a diuretic effect, evaluated by official medicine, including dishes from this type of pumpkin in the treatment of renal diseases. In addition, pumpkin pulp has a laxative effect, which determines both the benefit and the harm of the patisson, since an excessive passion for a juicy vegetable may not lead to the most expected consequences.

When cooking squash dishes it should be borne in mind that they are best absorbed in the vicinity of protein foods, that is, meat, poultry, soft cheese or mushrooms.

If varieties are grown on beds, giving elegant yellow or orange patissons, the content of lutein is added to the beneficial properties, which promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, which has an antioxidant effect and effectively strengthens the immune system. Regular intake of this substance helps the body maintain visual acuity and counteract the accumulation of cholesterol.

Squash seeds are an excellent protein product that is recommended for intense physical exertion.

And on the content of lecithin, promoting active mental activity, squash seeds successfully compete with chicken eggs. Seeds are able to normalize the endocrine system and activate the body's defenses. Juice from young pumpkin has a cleansing effect, soothes and relieves nervous tension under stress.

As befits a dietary product, with a lot of benefit, the pain is practically not possible.

The pulp so gentle acts on the digestive system that mashed vegetables and baked pumpkin can be given to children. The exception is people suffering from acute digestive disorders accompanied by dyspepsia and diarrhea.

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