The best recipes for a delicious grape wine at home

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Wine from grapes at home, the recipes of which you will find below, is easy to make. It is enough to choose the appropriate method and strictly adhere to all recommendations. Homemade drink from ripe juicy grapes will turn out extremely tasty. It will be central to any holiday table.

What kind of grape is suitable for making wine?

All grapes can be divided into two large groups: table and technical. The first are more suitable for fresh consumption or cooking desserts. A delicious drink can be obtained only from technical varieties. Their clusters are quite large, and the berries themselves are small, tight to each other.

Fragrant and refined is obtained from Isabella, Merlot, Chardonnay, Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir grapes. The resulting drink will have a slightly tart taste with unobtrusive sweetness. If you want to get a very sweet rich wine, you will need nutmeg varieties. They grow only in the southern regions of our country.

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A simple recipe

Making wine from grape juice at home is not difficult. First of all, you need to stock up on the required number of grapes. For a drink fit only ripe berries. They should not be signs of rot.

Grapes intended for wine should not be washed. Its skin contains substances that contribute to the fermentation process.

The whole cooking process can be divided into several basic steps:

  1. Prepared berries remember hands. The resulting juice, mixed with the remnants of the berries, which are called pulp, pour into a large enameled container. It should be 2/3 full. Cover with clean gauze and put in a warm room for three days.
  2. Two days after the start of preparation, you should notice signs of the fermentation process. Light foam begins to appear on the surface of the grape mash. Twice a day, the resulting foam must be lowered into the liquid. If at this stage the recipe for homemade grape wine is not honored, then eventually you will get vinegar.
  3. After the pulp acquires a light shade and begins to make a hissing sound, you can begin the process of squeezing the juice. To do this, the entire contents of the pan must be put in parts in a piece of gauze and squeezed.
  4. Wine from grapes at home, the recipe for which is given, will turn out beautiful and tasty, if you carefully filter all the juice several times. The resulting liquid must be drained into a glass bottle so that it is 2/3 full.
  5. The next rule on how to make wine from grapes really tasty, will prevent oxygen from entering the bottle. But you can't just close it with a lid, since a lot of carbon dioxide will form during the fermentation process. You can ensure complete gas discharge with a hydraulic seal. It can be purchased at the store or make yourself. Wine should ferment at about 25 degrees.
  6. After a couple of days, remove the sample. If the taste of the drink is too sour, add some sugar. Its quantity should not exceed 50 grams per liter. In this case, you can not pour sugar directly into the bottle. Drain about a liter of liquid, dissolve the necessary amount of sugar in it and drain it back into the container. Shake the bottle well.
  7. Sugar will help make the drink stronger. To increase the strength it is necessary for each liter of juice to make a glass of sugar. It is necessary to make a little in the first month of fermentation. At the same time always control the taste of the drink.
  8. During the fermentation period, sediment will be deposited on the bottom of the bottle. Therefore, from time to time the liquid must be poured into a clean container. At the same time try not to disturb the sediment.
  9. After the fermentation process is complete, the drink is ready. But the wine from the grapes at home for this recipe must be kept for another three months before use.

If the grapes were harvested in rainy weather, it may wander too little. In this case, you need to add some high-quality raisins.

The finished wine is poured into small bottles that need to be sealed tightly. It should be stored in a cool place.

Read also: A sip of vigor in blackberry compote for the winter

Video-recipe for grapes from wine Moldova

Video-recipe for grapes from Isabella

Grape liqueur recipe

You can cook grapes and homemade grapes for homemade grape liqueur at home. This drink turns out saturated and strong. Such a drink can be prepared not only from fresh, but also from frozen berries. For its preparation you will need the following components:

  • half liter of vodka;
  • half a kilogram of dark grapes;
  • liter of water;
  • 400 grams of sugar.
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The easiest way to prepare homemade grape wine like liqueur is as follows:

  1. Peel the twigs. Pour them into a glass container and fill with vodka. Alcohol should cover berries by three centimeters.
  2. Tightly seal the container and leave it for two weeks in a room where the air temperature is maintained at 25 degrees.
  3. Pour sugar into a pot of water. Wait until the mixture boils. Cook on a small flame for about five minutes. Do not forget to permanently remove the resulting foam. Leave the syrup to cool.
  4. Filter the grape brew and mix with the cooled sugar syrup.
Read also: New and old grape varieties( part 2)

Pour the liqueur into small bottles and seal the caps. Before use, soak the drink for several days in the refrigerator.

Wine from grapes at home, the recipes of which are reviewed, will delight you with its refined taste and aroma.

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