Proper feeding of beets in the open field

Beetroot is a very unpretentious plant that prefers loose soil with a neutral reaction. When grown in open ground, the plant needs additional feeding. But the use of fertilizers will significantly improve the taste of the root and the crop itself. The use of the fertilizer complex has its own characteristics. This is what we will discuss in detail later.

Table of contents

  • Does the beet need additional fertilizer for growth?
  • Types of solutions for open ground
  • Organic formulations
    • How to fertilize the root crop with chicken manure
    • Treatment of seedlings with salt solution
  • Mineral fertilizers and the peculiarity of their use
  • Folk remedies
    • Litter from infused young weeds
  • Advantages and disadvantages of fertilizers

Does the beet need additional fertilizer for growth?

Beetroot( another name for a vegetable is beet) is, albeit an unpretentious plant, but unlike other root crops, it needs to be supplied with the necessary amount of mineral components. But if on the eve the soil was well fertilized and prepared for planting cultivated plants, you can safely do without top dressing. By the same analogy, there is the use of siderats, in other words, plants that, after mowing, fully enrich the soil with minerals.

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Beet feeding in July
This situation is the exception rather than the rule, and the land is mostly in need of mineral elements.

They may be missing a few or just one. In any case, it is necessary to use different fertilizer complexes, differing in their composition.
These funds are divided into specialized complexes and folk techniques. In the first case, fertilizing is easy and convenient. Whereas in the second case, you will need to make an effort to make your own composition. But the result will be worth it, since the complex will be environmentally friendly and safe for humans and the environment. But, even better, almost free when compared with the original purchase option.

Types of solutions for open ground

There are a lot of various dressings that you can use to feed the beets. They can be added directly to the soil, watered at the root or directly on the leaves. It all depends on the fertilizer itself and its particular application. They can be organic, mineral, or created by hand from improvised means.

Preparation of

Ash Solution Organic Formulations

It is best to grow beets without nitrates, using only organic mixtures. A large amount of nitrogen is found in manure and chicken droppings. Wood ash is the real source of potassium, while sodium salt is rock salt.

How to fertilize the root crop with chicken droppings

Farmers always preferred chicken droppings when fertilizing cultivated plants. This is because it contains a huge amount of beneficial trace elements and substances. Plus, these components have the feature of being released within a few days.

It is strictly forbidden to feed both canteens and fodder beets with fresh droppings. After all, it is rich in highly concentrated uric acid. And this will obviously bring damage to the root system.

It is best to spice up the soil with chicken manure in the autumn. In this case, it is worthwhile to embed the soil in such a way that nitrogen evaporation does not occur. While in summer you can use liquid fertilizer. To do this, dilute the litter with water in the ratio of 1.5: 10.But you can not use the solution immediately. It must be infused for 10 days.

Infusion of chicken litter

In this case, the resulting solution must be properly drained. Do not allow the mixture to fall on the green leaves of plants, because they will get burned. Pour the solution is solely in the ground, not under the root. And in the end it is better to pour the beets on top with plain water. So there will be a decrease in concentration.
How fertilizer plants with wood ash( potassium): to fill the shortage of potassium, you can use the usual wood ash at the rate of one cup of the mixture per half square meters of land.

Treatment of seedlings with salt solution

Due to the use of a solution based on rock salt, it is possible to significantly improve the taste of the root and protect the plant from many diseases and parasites. So, for one square meter of land it is necessary to make a solution of one tablespoon of rock salt and ten liters of water.

Cooking salt

The use of this method of feeding seedlings is recommended three times over the entire period of plant development. The first time with the appearance of the first two leaves;the second time - when the plant grows by 30 mm and the third time - two weeks after the previous fertilizer.

Mineral fertilizers and the peculiarity of their use

If it so happens that there wasn’t enough organic fertilizer to feed the beets, you should use mineral fertilizers. In this case, you should use the following sequence of fertilizer complex application:

  • in early May, when you dig up the land, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with a special mixture based on ammonium nitrate( 20 g), ammonium sulfate( 25 g), double superphosphate( 20 g) andpotassium( 15 g). If the land is located on very poor soil, then the concentration of components can be increased by 1.5 times;
  • as soon as the plant has the first few leaves, it will be in June, it is recommended to make a liquid fertilizing of beets with urea or sodium nitrate;
  • in July is to fertilize the root crop with a solution of rock salt;
  • then it is possible to sprinkle ammonium nitrate( 10 g) and potassium sulphate( 5 g) between the individual rows of beets in the furrows. Then you need to actively fill the land with water so that at least 50 mm of soil is soaked with it;
  • after you harvest your crop is recommended to take care of fertilizing the soil for next year.

    Potassium salt

For this, it is best to enrich each square meter of soil with double superphosphate in the amount of 30 g.

At the same time, remember that organic and mineral fertilizers are never applied to the root crop, they are filled with earth.

Folk remedies

There are a lot of folk methods that allow to make feeding of beet from improvised means. They are different and have their own characteristics, and which option to give preference, it all depends solely on your capabilities and preferences.

Prikorm from infusion of young weeds

Herbal infusion

This kind of infusion is particularly popular among gardeners. In this case, it is worth picking up young weeds except for those that have small inflorescences, and put them in a container. Such manipulations should continue throughout the week. Then everything is plentifully filled with water, covered with a lid and infused in the shade for a week. Then the mixture is filtered from the remains of weeds and the soil is watered with fertilizer. This feed water should be used twice a month.
But it is well understood that is important in time to feed the vegetable with a certain type of fertilizer .Nutrition beets should alternate, distributing in advance and assessing the condition of the soil. Many people are mistaken in thinking that a large concentration of fertilizer is good. Everything is exactly the opposite. It is important to find a "middle ground".

How to feed with nettles?

Nettle is a source of a huge amount of beneficial components, for example, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, which are so necessary for normal growth of beets. Moreover, nettle can repel pests. But in this case it is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • are suitable only for those plants that have not yet thrown off the inflorescences;
  • plant must be completely healthy, without symptoms of the disease;
  • during infusion of nettles should definitely be mixed;
  • yeast should be used additionally to improve the starter;
  • use this fertilizer only once a week, not more often. Moreover, after watering the soil must be watered abundantly with water.

    Nettle infusion

Advantages and disadvantages of fertilizers

If you use fertilizers correctly, it does not matter whether they are commercially or naturally, hand-made, in any case for the plant it is only a plus. After all, in this way it receives a complex of essential nutrients and components that, for various reasons, may not be enough in the soil. But this is only under the condition of competent use of dressings.

If you exceed the allowable concentration of a particular component or it is wrong to fertilize, for example, pour it under the root or water the leaves, some fertilizers can damage and even kill the plant.

To get a good harvest you need to put a lot of effort, and beets in this matter is no exception. Although it is unpretentious, fertilizers cannot prevent them from using them correctly and in time. In our article we have described everything in detail, therefore, following all the recommendations, you will definitely be rewarded with tasty and large root vegetables.

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