attract? The benefits of Kalanchoe from potted culturefor useful properties. Aboriginal it was used as a doctor and savior from thirst in a hot climate. For the inhabitants of the northern countries, the healing properties of Kalanchoe and its beauty made the flower a desirable home plant. What attracts a flower
Kalanchoe refers to succulents, that is, to plants that accumulate water for emergency and do not require frequent watering. The closest relative of this plant are Rhodiola rosea and stonecrop. The genus Kalanchoe is numerous, but only two species have medicinal properties - Kalanchoe pinnate and Degremona.
Flowers are very decorative. But a special property is considered the way of reproduction by children. Regardless of the age of the plant, of flowering, a baby develops on the toothed leaves in each recess, which can fall, take root and become a new plant. This is a kind of medicinal Kalanchoe - bryophyllum, sprouting leaf. In addition, Kalanchoe propagates by cuttings and seeds.
Resistant to adversity, barely aching, a flowering healer has become an ornament to almost every apartment. On the beneficial properties of Kalanchoe tell lovers, passing the stalk.
The benefits of Kalanchoe pot culture
Not so many professionals in the cultivation of succulents and care. They create special conditions for their pets, achieve greater decorativeness, and bring out new varieties. But what attracts Kalanchoe lovers of greenery on the windowsill? First of all, its undemanding. Enough a few minutes a day to brush away the dust from the leaves, rearrange to the best place, check the soil moisture and the pet will be pleased. Flowering in the winter next to the ripening room mandarin, when all other plants are frozen in anticipation of the summer, makes these plants pets.
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It is already known that the plant heals the microclimate in the home. It absorbs magnetic waves, radio emissions, which are excessively many in modern apartments.
Place near the workplace with the Kalanchoe computer. The plant absorbs harmful radiation and brings invaluable benefits.
As bactericidal, plant juice is used to wipe hands before meals, if it is not possible to wash them. The ability of the juice to moisturize, retain moisture on the surface of the skin, is used by cosmetologists when creating care products. Aborigines are still taking baths with Kalanchoe juice to clean the skin for quick healing of wounds.
The healing properties of Kalanchoe will help in the following cases:
- in case of indisposition, you just need to chew several times the leaves, which have a little acidic juice;
- , when working in the heat, rub Kalanchoe juice into the skin of exposed parts of the body so that it does not dry;
- for bruises, cuts, burns;
- for colds.
Kalanchoe Degremona and Kalanchoe feathery are affectionately called the “tree of life” or “home doctor” by the people. In folk medicine, Kalanchoe mainly uses wound healing and antiseptic properties of the plant. The study of the biochemical composition of the plant continues. In many cases, its healing properties have not yet been explained.
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The plant consists of 94% juice, which contains biologically active substances. Such an effect on the body is a complex presence in the juice:
- of vitamins C and P;
- metal mineral salts;
- organic acids and flavonoids;
- enzymes and polysaccharides, tannins.
As a result of the complex effect on the body, a quick recovery of damaged tissues occurs, the release of bile is accelerated, and poisons and radioactive particles are eliminated.
Tannins present in the juice strengthen the walls of blood vessels, vitamins help the oxidation processes, and rutin helps restore the circulatory system. The popularity of Kalanchoe is comparable to another medicinal plant - aloe. The main advantage of the juice is the ability to remove dead tissue and promote the regeneration of new cells.
The great Goethe daily ate a tablespoon of Kalanchoe kids, believing that they restore the strength of the body. But even now, nutritionists advise adding one leaf of a plant to winter salads.
Leaves can be used to stop bleeding from cuts. Sustained in the dark leaves accumulate a greater number of biologically active components.
Kalanchoe healing properties and contraindications in cosmetology
Using a gruel from the leaves of a medicinal plant at home will help with problems:
- fading skin;
- capillary reticulum and enlarged pores;
- dark circles, wrinkles;
- freckles and age spots;
- as a cleaning mask.
Only idiosyncrasy can be a contraindication to the use of Kalanchoe juice in household preparations or in cosmetics. Other known cases of the harmful effects of juice is not detected.
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In order to prepare the product, you need to remove the upper skin from the leaflet, and then wipe the face and cleavage area with a lamina. It is easy to use this treatment, and the skin will look better after several sessions.
With a capillary reticulum, the juice is applied to the top layer of the skin with massaging. A slight burning sensation at the first procedures will confirm that the healing process has begun. After the massage, apply the night cream on the skin.
In order to get rid of acne and a rash on the skin, it must be cleaned with a decoction of the leaves after each washing. The result will be noticeable after 2 weeks. If you add Kalanchoe juice to your hand cream and apply it overnight, your skin will become softer and the nail plate will get stronger.
To remove freckles, a rubbed mass is applied to the pigment spot. Gradually freckles disappear.
. Does all Kalanchoe have healing properties?
Only two types of Kalanchoe are used in traditional medicine. They are decorative, not inferior in beauty to other species. But their difference is that they are viviparous. That is, if the children on the sheets are formed, this plant can be used for medicinal purposes. These types of Kalanchoe pinnate and Kalanchoe Dergemon are called. At the same time, the cirrus has stronger healing properties.
Video about the healing properties of aloe vera, geranium and kalanchoe