We get acquainted with the most famous types of cyclamen

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Among indoor decorative and flowering plants, cyclamen occupies a special place - an incredibly beautiful plant with spectacular flowering and uneasy character. To date, there are more than 50 species of cyclamen, there are among them both deciduous representatives, and flowers that hibernate along with the leaves. All of them are very beautiful, and it is sometimes very difficult to choose one copy. We bring to your attention a brief selection of the most common varieties of cyclamen. Perhaps, having become acquainted with them more closely, it will be easier to determine the desired flower.

Persistent Persian cyclamen

One type of plant that can grow in the open ground, provided a warm winter. Thus, the cyclamen growing in Italy (in its northern part) not only beautifully winter on the flower beds, but even blossom there at this time of the year.

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The Persian cyclamen has romantic leaves in the form of a heart with a diameter of up to 14 cm, on the green surface of which a light pattern appears, while the total height of the bush is 30 cm. Tuber in a small plant (up to 15 cm in diameter), with one growth point. Butterfly flowers can have a variety of colors, from delicate white and pink to rich purple and red tones, it all depends on the particular plant species.To date, the Persian cyclamen has many hybrids.

Hybrid varieties bloom longer than the cyclamen-parent, and have larger inflorescences.

A Persian cyclamen is characterized by a short period of vegetation - no more than 4 months, but all this time the bush is abundantly blooming. Then the cyclamen seems to freeze, that is, it does not grow, but it does not fade, although some hybrids can discard leaflets in the summer.

Fragrant European cyclamen

Types of cyclamens are very similar to each other and beginners often confuse them. Most "get" the European and Persian variety, moreover, many believe that this is the same plant. However, this opinion is fundamentally wrong, because the European cyclamen represents a separate kind of flower and he came to us from the Alps.

As a flower, the cyclamen-European is rarely grown, but in natural conditions, at home, it is very common. There, the flower is called an alpine violet, as well as a purple or blushing cyclamen, although the color of the inflorescences is dominated by white and pink tones.

European cyclamen are characterized by such characteristic features, thanks to which it is easy to distinguish from cyclamen-Persian:

  • the European and all his hybrids are not deciduous plants and simply cease to grow during the rest period, but the leaves do not shed;
  • at a time when the Persian is resting (in the summer), the European blooms, and vice versa;
  • has a more compact form (leaves and inflorescences are smaller than in the Persian cyclamen);
  • flowers have a pleasant scent, while the lighter the inflorescence, the thinner and nobler;
  • the reverse side of rounded heart-shaped leaves has a gently purple hue;
  • inflorescences consist of five elongated petals, slightly twisted in a spiral, and rise above the bush on long peduncles.

The roots of the European cyclamen grow throughout the corms, so it can almost completely "dig in" in the soil. In addition, the species multiplies easily due to the ability to form daughter bulbs.

To date, there are several hybrid forms of this plant species. The most popular of them are:

  • Purpurascens;
  • Carmineolineatum;
  • Lake garda;
  • Album.
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Thermophilic and fast-growing African cyclamen

Among the pink-colored cyclamens, an African cyclamen is represented as a separate species. His tender and scented inflorescences appear in the spring and decorate the bush until the fall. They can be either pale pink or deep pink. Directly from corms grow rather large, up to 15 cm in diameter, green leaves with a silvery outflow.

For the African variety of cyclamen, the appearance of peduncles is typical first, and at the end of flowering (in September), it begins to release young leaves.

African cyclamen refers to deciduous, and during the rest period dumps foliage. He is resting in the cool (not more than 15 degrees Celsius), but because of his thermophilic nature he is very afraid of low temperatures and, oddly enough, of the sun. When growing it in the open ground requires a shadow and in an additional shelter for the winter. Of all the cyclamen species, the African has an accelerated growth rate and is rapidly developing.

Freedom-loving alpine cyclamen

One of the wild plant species is the alpine cyclamen. For a long time it was considered to have disappeared, but even today a flower can still be found, most often in natural conditions. The species is characterized by the arrangement of petals of the inflorescence at a right angle (vertically standing), in addition, they are slightly twisted.

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The alpine cyclamen blooms in spring, exuding a tender honey smell, the main color of flowers - different shades of pink. The plate is oval in shape and slightly casts gray.

Disappearing species - Colchis cyclamen

Pontian cyclamen, as this species is also called, has recently become a plant that is protected from mass destruction. The flower is listed in the Red Book, although its plantations are still quite large. But as a result of the active use of cyclamens for medical purposes and for the compilation of bouquets every year, its numbers are decreasing.

Colchis cyclamen differs by slow growth, and seeds ripen the whole year. The roots grow throughout the corms, the leaves grow at the same time as the appearance of peduncles. Inflorescences are small, pink, with a more saturated-colored edge, from which emanates a strong aroma. The figure on the leaf plate is absent or weakly expressed. Pontian cyclamen prefers wet and shady places.

The time of flowering of the plant depends on the growing conditions. In nature, flowering lasts no more than a month and falls on the beginning of autumn (from September to October). At home, the bush blooms in July and pleases the eye until the middle of autumn.

The many-faced Greek cyclamen

Already from the name it becomes clear that the Greek cyclamen came to us from Greece, he also grows freely on the islands of Crete, Cyprus and on the warm coast of Turkey. Depending on the particular variety, the cyclamen may possess both cordate and simply oval leaves. They are painted in different shades of green, on the surface clearly appear more light spots with a characteristic pattern.

As for the color of the inflorescence, all shades of pink prevail here, and in some instances the base is colored purple and slightly curved. Peduncles appear as with leaves, and before them.


In nature there is also a white Greek cyclamen, but at home it is not grown. White-flowered variety is listed in the Red Book.

Early-Born Cosi Cyclamen

From the distant island of Coss came to us a decorative view of the cyclamen with the appropriate name. His lush bushes with rounded leaves-hearts produce flower stalks even in winter or early spring. Color inflorescences can be the most diverse: from white to saturated shades of pink and even red. Regardless of the basic tone, the base of the petal is always darker than its rest. The leaves themselves appear only at the end of flowering, in the autumn, and the cyclamen leaves for wintering with them.

At the Cyclian cyclamen rootlets grow only in the lower part of the corms. It is painted in a very beautiful, rich brown color, and has a velvety surface.

Miniature Cypriot cyclamen

One of the most compact forms of cyclamen, Cyprian, grows to a height of not more than 16 cm. Despite its modest size, has a persistent nature: in nature, the flower is able to live and Even on stony soils, it is not for nothing that its most numerous "settlements" are found in mountains.

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The perennial "baby" blooms very gently, with white or light pink inflorescences with a darker spot at the base. The flowering period of the Cyprian cyclamen falls on the beginning of autumn and lasts sometimes until the very end of winter.

The most frost-resistant ivy-leaved cyclamen

One of the most common types of cyclamen, which is grown in the vastness of our homeland, including indoor floriculture.

Characteristic features of the plant include:

  • pink color petals (not counting white-flowered hybrids that are not found in nature);
  • surface root system;
  • winter-spring flowering period;
  • gentle fragrance;
  • small horns near inflorescences;
  • The rounded shape of the leaves with notches, due to which reminds foliage ivy.

Plyuschelistilny cyclamen (or Neapolitan) can blossom before the appearance of leaves, and at the same time with their dissolution.

Enumerate varieties of this diverse plant can be very long, but its hybrids and do not remember all. Sometimes to distinguish them from each other is simply unrealistic, and is it really necessary? All of them are very beautiful, regardless of when the tender butterflies-flowers bloom and in what color they are painted. Let's just grow on these sites or in pots these amazing kinds of cyclamen and admire their beauty, because sometimes we do not have enough sense of unity with nature.

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