Cooking fragrant melon jam for the winter according to popular recipes


  • A video recipe for melon and watermelon jam

Winter preservation allows you not only to preserve healthy vitamins, but also to enjoy fruits and berries while their season is over. Delicious melon jam for the winter will bring the flavor of last summer and replenish the body with useful substances.

Incredible, but melon contains more vitamin C than orange citrus, and iron is 17 times more than milk. In addition, the composition of this berry includes calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine. Nutritionists recommend to use melon for diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as for rheumatism, gout and anemia.

A large amount of fiber activates digestive processes and helps reduce high cholesterol. And the silicon which is a part improves a condition of an integument and hair.

For jam, pick well-ripe, and most importantly, fragrant melons. Since the melon itself is very sweet, lemon juice or citric acid is added to the jam - the taste will not be too cloying. Experienced housewives recommend cooking in small portions, since with a large number of products there is a risk to digest the melon.

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To make the jam dense, water is practically not added during cooking.

A few of the most popular melon jam recipes for the winter are presented below.

Fragrant melon jam( slices) with ginger

For cooking, you will need melon and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Cut the melon, pick the seeds, peel and cut into small pieces.

Pour 0.5 kg of sugar into pieces of melon and leave it overnight for juice to flow.

Read also: Cooking spicy rhubarb jam with orange for the whole family

Slowly bring the resulting syrup( along with the melon pieces) to a boil, add another 0.5 kg of sugar, juice of one lemon or 1 tsp.citric acid. Last, put one grated root of fresh ginger.

Cook until ready for an hour, stirring occasionally so that the jam does not burn. The finished delicacy should not be spread if it is dropped on a plate.

When using melon juicy varieties that produce a lot of juice, for one hour of cooking, the jam may not thicken. The cooking time is then increased, and ginger and lemon juice are added at the end of cooking.

Hot jam decomposed in pre-sterilized jars. Wait 10 minutes until steam comes out, roll up and cover with a warm blanket.

Melon and Lemon Jam

This photo melon jam recipe is different from the previous one in its consistency. The remaining pieces are ground in a blender, so that the jam is homogeneous. This dessert is ideal as a filling for pancakes.

Clear 2 kilograms of melon from all that is superfluous and cut them into pieces.

Cut one large lemon into two halves, select bones and cut into half rings or slices. Peel at the same time do not cut off.

In order to remove bitterness from lemon peel, it should be blanched in hot water for 3-5 minutes.(as a whole).

Pour the pieces of melon into one kilogram of sugar and place lemon slices on top. Leave for 5-6 hours for juicing.

Boil the billet for half an hour, adding cinnamon sticks.

Grind the blender jam until smooth( remove the cinnamon stick before).

Mass over a slow fire for another 10-15 minutes and roll up into sterilized jars.

Read also: Compote-platter of cherry plums and zucchini for the winter

Melon dessert cooked in


Delicious melon jam for the winter is obtained if you cook it in three rounds. To do this, pour one large lemon with boiling water, remove the zest with a vegetable cutter and subtly cut it into strips.

With lemon pulp squeeze juice.

Prepare a sugar-lemon syrup: add lemon juice to 50 ml of boiling water, put chopped lemon rind and cover 700 g of sugar. Hold on the fire until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Add sliced ​​melon( 1 kg) and bring to a boil. Turn off the burner and leave the billet overnight( for 12 hours).

Repeat the procedure two more times, after which the jam is poured into containers and rolled up.

A quick recipe for melon jam

If you don’t have time or desire to fiddle with the preparation of melon, you can use the accelerated method of making melon jam for the winter.

Prepare a syrup: pour 50 g of sugar into 0.5 l of water. One kilogram of peeled and chopped melon put in syrup, blanch 15 minutes.

Add another 1.5 kg of sugar to the melon and cook until the jam thickens. At the end put 1 tsp.citric acid and some vanilla. Ready delicacy roll up.

Melon Jam in a Multicooker

The recipe is a bit similar to the previous one, because the melon is not filled with sugar, but is immediately boiled in syrup. Melon jam is prepared in a multicooker as follows:

  1. Clean and melt a weight of 1 kg through a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Remove the zest from a lemon( one) and squeeze out the juice.
  3. At the multicooker, select the “Steaming” mode, pour lemon juice into the bowl, add chopped zest and 1 kg of sugar. Boil until sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Infuse melon mass and transfer the slow cooker to the "Quenching" mode. Set the timer to 1.5 hours.
  5. After the device's signal, the jam can be rolled up for the winter or refrigerated.
Read also: Melon dishes - dessert and snack bars

Melon and apple jam

Instead of lemon for melon jam, you can use sour apples, which add to the sweet taste of the berries.

Peel the melons and apples from the peel and seeds and cut them into pieces. The net weight of the pulp itself should be:

  • for melon - 1.5 kg;
  • for apples - 750 g.

Fold the ingredients into a cauldron and, stirring, boil for 30 minutes.

Crush the hot billet with a blender, add 1 kg of sugar and cook for another hour, then let it cool.

Put 1.5 tsp in the cooled jam.ground cinnamon, bring it to a boil again, screw the fire to minimum and simmer for half an hour. Roll up

Melon jam and bananas

For those who love very sweet preparations, a recipe for melon jam and bananas will suit:

  1. Peel and chop the melon. Net weight without peel and seeds should be 850 g. Pour 800 g of sugar and leave for 8-9 hours.
  2. From one lemon squeeze the juice and pour it into the melon billet. Boil for half an hour.
  3. Scald one more lemon with boiling water and cut into rings.
  4. Three bananas are also cut into ringlets.
  5. Add lemon and bananas to the pan and cook until soft.
  6. Kill the blender jam and reduce to the desired density.

Indulge your family and make them an extraordinarily delicious melon jam. Both adults and children will love it with the first spoon. Enjoy your meal!

Video Recipe of Melon and Watermelon Jam

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