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Beautiful flower “Man's happiness” is beautiful in its decorative, heart-shaped, heart-shaped, heart-shaped, heart-shaped, heart-shaped, heart-shaped, heart-shaped, heart-shaped, heart-shaped, heart-shaped. His flowers are beautiful - the ear in a fiery red, pink or speckled bedspread. If you comply with the conditions of detention, the flower will always be smart. We will try to briefly outline the basic requirements of how to care for the atrium. With experience will come their own experiences, which can be shared with amateurs.
Do you need to replant purchased
anthurium? Before you purchase a homemade anthurium plant, you must be familiar with the requirements for care. If the house has a spathiphyllum, then the care of flowers is similar. For anthurium, vital signs will be a constant temperature of 21-24 in the summer, not less than 18 in the winter. In addition, there are special requirements:
- complex land composition;
- shape and size of the pot;
- watering quality and fertilizer;
- air humidity;
- lack of drafts.
The beauty of a flower depends on healthy leaves and abundant flowering. The slightest deviations in the care will lead to a loss of decoration.
So, a new pet has appeared in the house. First of all, he must pass quarantine, that is, live separately from other flowers for two weeks. The best place for this period can be a bathroom. There is warm and high humidity, and the backlight is not difficult to organize. During this time, diseases and pests will come to light. Watering anthurium during this period should be scanty.
Anthurium poisonous plant with caustic juice. Therefore, it must be out of reach for children and animals. Care with pruning and change only in protective glasses and gloves.
In the future, if everything is in order, you will need to transplant or transship the plant. It should be noted that the roots of anthurium are very fragile, and transplanting invariably leads to injuries. Therefore, it is better to plant the plant in a new pot and pour the earth along the edges without compaction. A pot for anthurium to choose with a smooth inner surface, slightly larger than the previous dishes. Roots should get more nutrition, but too large a pot will become an obstacle to flowering. Until the container is filled with roots, the anthurium will not bloom. Therefore, “for growth” do not need to take a pot. It is better to buy a plastic container, it is warmer.
Recommendations to completely change the soil in the flower relate to cases where there is a suspicion of root disease or overflow. The plant gives a signal stained on the leaves, that the roots of the disorder. Then the plant is not only freed from the old land, but the roots are gently washed, dried and cut out all questionable areas.
Landing Land Preparation and
Fertilizer The main requirement for the substrate is that it should be light, breathable and with low acidity. Soil for anthurium should have the properties to absorb moisture, but not to delay its excess. There are special compounds that you can buy. One of them is the clay granulate Ceramis is a fully prepared substrate. In other, even ready-mixed "Azalea" or "Saintpaulia", you need to add chopped bark, charcoal, coconut fiber or sphagnum moss, vermiculite and brick chips. If the composition is prepared independently, then the mixture is taken as a basis in equal shares:
- top peat;
- leaf humus;
- sand;
- turf land with the addition of biohumus.
In this case, the ground for anthurium is completely steamed and treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After that, it is dried to a free-flowing state, but with residual moisture. For the drainage layer use expanded clay, which is also subjected to disinfection. When planting plants do not compact the land and do not moisturize excessively. Roots must breathe. Deepen the plant to the neck. Over time, the roots appear on the surface. So that they do not dry out, the fibrous material in the form of moss or coconut fiber should lie on top. Suitable and vermiculite.
Since the soil is not particularly nutritious, one month after transplantation you need to feed the plant. In the period of growth in the irrigation water add extracts from organic, or special fertilizers for anthurium, ornamental flowering plants, aroid.
Anthuriums often suffer from excessive care. Everything in moderation. Fertilizers in half the dose indicated on the package. Watering during the drying of the upper layer and in small portions. The pallet with moisturizing materials should not stand directly under the drainage hole without a gap.
Agrotechnics in winter
All aroids, including anthurium, have a dormant period in winter. All life processes at this time slow down. Therefore, the air temperature should be lowered to 18 degrees, but at 15 the plant will freeze. A signal that the roots are cold will be the appearance of brown spots or a completely brown leaf. Then you need to warm up the legs a little plant.
The light time of the day should be about 10 hours. Therefore, in the winter it will be useful to have more light in the regions close to the Arctic. There is a light day in December only 6 hours. Watering in winter is reduced the more, the lower the temperature, but the complete drying of the coma should not be allowed. With excessive humidity, root rot is inevitable.
Spraying of anthurium in the winter is rarely done, once a week. At the same time, you should constantly remove dust from the leaves with a wet cloth. Appeared yellow spots are a signal of insufficient lighting. Brown spots in the middle of the sheet mean cold content. Drying edges of the leaves signal dry air. In addition, it is necessary to examine the plant for colonization by scutes, aphids, thrips.
It is not necessary to transplant an anthurium in winter, you need to wait for its awakening. But if they overfilled, and the emergency situation, then you can try, when you don’t have enough time until spring. In winter, atrium survival rate is low.
Watering Requirements
Water only anthurium with soft settled water. If scale remains on the dishes, such water for anthurium is destructive. Bright brown spots on the leaves will report this. From the hard water on the pot there are white stains on the ground and a light strip along the line of the soil border. Soft water can be obtained by boiling, or by passing it through a softener filter. You can use ice or snow. But always irrigation water should be about 30 and do not contain chlorine. Moisturize the land to produce small portions. If watering bottom, then after 30 minutes, drain the water. An hour later, after the excess water exits through the drain hole, the drain pan is again dried.
The most important condition for anthurium is the creation of a humidity zone. To do this, apply a small spray on the plant in the summer several times a day, in the winter once a week. Rubbing leaves with a damp cloth several times a day in summer serves the same purpose. When humidity is below 65%, anthurium leaves will dry out from the edges.
If the leaf blades are dried out and look miserable, they can be cut with disinfected scissors. It is recommended to trim the leaves to anthurium when there is a lot of growth in order not to overload the root system. In this case, the cut must be sprinkled with powdered charcoal or cinnamon powder.