Calathea rubifarba( Calathea, Calatheaeach kind of coloring. The homeland of this genus of herbaceous variegated plants is the tropical zone of the South American continent. Large, up to 70–80 cm high, calatheas are valued by lovers of indoor crops for foliage of a fairly simple oval or elliptical shape, with an original pattern on the leaf side of the plate and thick burgundy color of the back side. Each type of Calathea, as in the photo, has its own unique ornament. In some species, leaf plates up to 20–40 cm in length are noticeably corrugated.
There are decorative and deciduous indoor crops and those that delight flower growers in spike-like inflorescences of various colors. Having collected a bright mix of kalatas in your home collection, you can turn a room window sill into something like a real rainforest.
Calathea Warszewicz( Calathea warscewiczii)
This species also belongs to the flowering species of Calathea. Calatheus Varshevich can be recognized by dense dark green leaves with light strokes, diverging from the central veinlets. If the upper side of the leaf is velvet-patterned, then the back surface, like in many other indoor kalat, is maroon.
The inflorescence of the Varshevich Calathea appears from the leaf bosom, has a fork of a spirally twisted white or pinkish bract from which corollas look small, attracting insects. After the wilting of the calathea flower, in the photo, young rosettes are used on its stem, used by florist for reproduction of an unusual indoor plant.
Calathea saffron( Calathea crocata)
One of the most decorative types of katalei grown in the home. Not only does the species have a surprisingly beautiful wavy foliage of deep purple-green hue. A striking feature of this species is the numerous large inflorescences, which are unusual for a calathe of an orange-yellow shade. It is due to the color close to the color of saffron, Calathea Crocat got its second name.
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Many growers know this elegant look as calatheus saffron. Compared with closely related species, this plant is compact enough and does not take up much space even on a room window sill. But the nature of the plant is not too docile, to achieve flowering and stable growth of dark foliage can only be subject to all the requirements for the care of this guest from the distant tropics.
The photo of the flower of this species clearly shows how bright orange inflorescences appear on the background of almost black foliage. The leafy culture responds well to supplements, does not tolerate direct sunlight, and tolerates transplanting quite well, giving it the opportunity to increase its green mass.
Calathea adorned( Calathea ornata)
Adorned Calathea is distinguished from a number of related species with oblong-ovate leaves with a pronounced central vein and contrasting pattern of white stripes. At the disposal of flower growers today there are quite a few cultivated varieties belonging to this beautiful type of calathea. But most often in the collections you can find Caldea Sanderiana with dense broad-oval leaves of dark green okarski.
Fine pink or white stripes attach to the plant, going in pairs from the midrib to the edges of the leaf plate. The underside of the leaf has a brownish or burgundy color.
At home, the Calathea Sanderiana does not grow above 50 cm, but in nature the crown can grow significantly and even reach two meters in height.
Calathea Striped( Calathea zebrina)
Although all types of Calatheas do not have an easygoing temper and force the grower to constantly pay attention to itself, in this species the character is completely capricious.
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Calathea striped or zebrin is very sensitive to dry air, for its cultivation you need a very nutritious very loose soil and attention to watering. In nature, the flower of this type of calathea, as in the photo, grows rapidly and forms a powerful evergreen shrub up to a meter in height. With good care, Calatea becomes equally tall in the house.
The special pride of the striped Calathea is large leaves. Bright, glossy sheet plate 50 cm long decorated with decorative strokes of dark green color, the bottom side of the sheet - densely burgundy.
Calathea Lancifolia( Calathea lancifolia)
The type of calathea shown in the photo is one of the few but very valued florist in flowering plant varieties. At home, in the tropics of Brazil, Calathea lancifolia lives in virtually unchanged temperatures, high humidity and abundance of food. The same atmosphere will have to be maintained by the lover of indoor plants in order to admire the flowers of calathea depicted in the photo.
Calatea lansifoliya is a large domestic plant whose height can reach 80 cm. The flowers are located on short peduncles located at the base of the leaf outlet. Corolla white, or slightly pinkish. The leaves are elongated, thin, light green shade with dark spots located along the central vein. From the back, the leaf plates of the calathea species of lanesifolia have a reddish-purple color.
Calathea makoyana
Close to the previous plant species is Calathea Makoya, originally from Brazil. The foliage of this variety is also covered with contrasting spots, but the leaf plates themselves are more rounded, and on their back side the pattern is completely repeated, then not only in green, but in brownish-red tones.
Calathea rubifarba( Calathea rufibarba)
Pointedly elongated leaves of this species of calathea, as in the photo, compared to other species of this plant may seem ordinary. The foliage has a smooth green color, which in some varieties extends to the back side. And yet, Calathea is very attractive due to the wavy shape of dense leaf plates sitting on long brownish-purple cuttings.
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At home, the plant requires good nutrition and placement in the diffused light. Under the conditions of keeping the florist can receive small yellow, as in the photo, the flowers of calathea.
Calathea Bachem( Calathea bachemiana)
The leaves of this type of calathea are rather narrow and long, up to 35 cm. They are held on thin elongated cuttings and form a dense outlet above the ground. A characteristic feature of the species is the silver color of the upper part of the leaf plate, on which a dark green ornament in the form of a graceful twig stands out brightly.
The flowers of the Bachem calathea are not as decorative as those of the saffron calathea, but they very much enliven the overall picture and are of interest to lovers of tropical cultures.
Calathea roseopicta( Calathea roseopicta)
Calathea Roseopicta comes from Brazil, where plants reach 80 centimeters in height and delight with motley foliage, which is hard to find even in other types of calathea.
The most common collection of indoor plant lovers is Calathea Medallion. This variety can be recognized for round-oval leathery leaves with a multi-color ornament. The central vein is pink, olive strokes are noticeable around it, and a figured strip of creamy or white color passes closer to the edge of the sheet plate. The back side of the leaves of this calathea flower, located on pancake petioles, is raspberry, very bright.
Calathea Loseneri( Calathea loeseneri)
Calathea Loceneri originates from the equatorial regions of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. This plant is not distinguished by the originality of the colors of the foliage, but occupies a worthy place in the collections of gardeners thanks to the bright lanceolate foliage and elegant star-shaped flowers of calathea.
Video about calathea Zebrina