Unusual fern Platiserium at home

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Despite the fact that it is enough to keep the platicerium at home, in your growth, you will be at your home growth, you can go to your home for business cards, you can also go to pictures, you can also enjoy your home party, you will be able to go to your home party, you can use the pictures in your own home and in one of the home decor patterns that you can buy( 4), you can also see, you can also see the pictures in the home, in the future, in the market, to carry images that you can use for your business education, you can also enjoy your home entertainment, you could just go to the house, you could try it at home time, in your own time, ideas for home cover could be found in your home party, you will be able to go to bed at home for your own visitflower growers. In order for the plant to feel as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to adhere to a certain lighting, watering regime and air humidity.

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Description of the plant

Platicerium is an unusual fern, the birthplace of which is the tropical forests of India, Australia and Africa.

Due to its unique appearance, the fern received such a name, which means “flat horn” in Greek. In folklore it is also possible to meet the names "reindeer horns" or "plateau".

The genus includes about 18 species. These are rather large plants growing not on the ground, but on a woody substrate( stumps, branches, trunks).The main distinguishing feature of the platicerium is the presence of two types of leaves:

  • , the first of them bear controversy and outwardly resemble horns;
  • second leaves are absolutely sterile, flat, and their main task is to fix the plant on the substrate and create a favorable environment for it.

The maintenance of platicerium at home, the cultivation and care of it requires certain knowledge and skills.

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Features of home care

Since platizerium belongs to tropical plants, conditions are required as close as possible to natural ones.

Lighting. Platicerium refers to light-loving plants that need sufficiently bright light. In shady areas, it ceases to grow, to form spores and eventually dies. But, at the same time, and direct rays affect him destructively, forming numerous burns. Therefore, it is best to have a plant in the eastern or western part of the house. The degree of light depends on the shape and size of the leaves: the narrower and smaller the leaves, the more light the plant needs.

Platinum content temperature. For a comfortable existence of a fern, the temperature should vary between + 18-22 ° C. If the temperature rises above + 22-23 ° C, then it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air. In the summer, platicerium can comfortably feel at temperatures up to +30 ° C.

The plant does not tolerate too dry air, so you cannot place platicerium near heating and heating appliances. Drafts should also be avoided.

Watering mode of platicerium. Fern requires constant moderate watering. It is important to keep the soil moist but not wet. In the hot season, once a week you can leave a pot with a plant in a pelvis or bath with water. This procedure should last about 3-4 hours.

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High humidity is also necessary. It is recommended to spray the plant and the air around it often.

You can not wipe the leaves and leave water drops on them, it is very harmful to the hairs on the surface of the leaf plate.

Reproduction and Transplantation of

Platicerium transplantation is performed in early spring every 1-2 years. When transplanting, it is impossible to deeply bury the plant in the substrate, and care should be taken to preserve and maintain the integrity of the roots.

The soil should be selected with a weakly acid reaction, quite loose. For this purpose, a ready mix of soil will be suitable, in which you need to add peat, sphagnum and pine bark. For platicerium, drainage is a must.

So, how to grow platicerium? Reproduction can be done in two ways:

  1. With the help of "kids".For this, a process with 3-4 leaves is separated from the adult plant, which must necessarily have a small rhizome and a bud. Then it is placed in a small pot with loose earth.
  2. Disputes. The method is quite difficult and not very popular among florists. To do this, spores are harvested from an adult plant over 5 years old and then sown in a sufficiently moist soil( a mixture of peat moss and sterilized peat).The height of the substrate layer should be small. Capacity with spores covered with glass and create a microclimate.
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Sometimes, due to the laboriousness and difficulty of breeding platicerium, it is much easier to buy a new young plant.

Fight against diseases and pests

For normal growth and development of the plant, it is important to protect platicerium. Diseases and pests cause slow growth, discoloration of the leaves and wilting of the plant.

Among the most common diseases of platicerium are:

  • brown spots on the leaves: you need to move the plant to a cooler place and moisten the air;
  • leaf fading and lethargy: you need to remove the fern in a more shaded place;
  • slow growth of the plant: need to be transplanted into a deeper and wider pot;
  • leaves have acquired a brown tint: need more watering and abundant spraying;

Platicerium pests include aphids, scale insects, spider mites and thrips. It is best to collect insects by hand, or in extreme cases with the insecticide "Fitoverm" or "Aktellik".

It is not recommended to use chemicals for pest control frequently and in large quantities, otherwise it will result in burns and leaf deformation.

Growing platicerium at home requires compliance with a number of conditions and special care. But the showiness and singularity of this fern pays for the time and effort spent.

Video about the care of the platicerium

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