Everything you need to know about peanut halva: advantages and disadvantages of the product, homemade cooking recipes

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Peanut halvah is one of the most famous oriental delicacies, although lately it has been produced and consumed in virtually every country in the world. But is there any benefit from such a dessert and is it possible to cook it at home?

The benefits and harms for health from eating halvah

The benefits and harms of peanut halvah have been studied for many years. A dessert of peanuts and sugar helps to quickly get enough. But can one often use this oriental sweetness?

The benefits of halvah are determined by its main ingredient, in this case peanuts. Additional ingredients( water and sugar) affect the body to a lesser extent. Eastern sweetness is rich in vitamins D, B2, B6, PP, which improve brain activity and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Also, peanut halva has an excellent amino acid composition. The nut and sugar paste contains 30% polyunsaturated fatty acids( oleic, linoleic, linolenic).Halva contains a lot of fiber, which will help to organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the large amount of folic acid in the composition, peanut halvah is recommended for use by women in early pregnancy.

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Peanut oil is used for the production of sweets on an industrial scale. Suspension is often prescribed by doctors for the prevention of cancer.

Unfortunately, delicious dessert should not be consumed in large quantities. With particular care to Eastern sweets should be considered:

  • diabetics;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • people suffering from obesity.
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Even if a person does not have a peanut allergy, you cannot mindlessly feast on halvah. Sugar is the second main component of the dessert, which means that a lot of “empty” calories will get into the body. Peanut halva, which calories up to 600 calories per 100 grams, is not suitable for those who follow a diet.

Without harm to the figure, you can only eat 10-15 grams of treats per day.

Features of peanut halva with the addition of sesame paste

Of course, it is very difficult to limit yourself to a twenty-gram slice of dessert. Therefore, it is better to use halva once a week, but in larger portions. The best option would be a delicacy made from proven products at home. But if this is not possible, then you should get a natural shop dessert. Tahini-peanut halva contains almost 5 times more calcium in composition than regular paste. So, this nutritious dessert can be given to children in the period of active growth. Sesame is also rich in copper, manganese, phosphorus and is a good source of iron and zinc. You should not worry that sesame seeds will get stuck between your teeth, because special “tahini” paste is used to prepare halva in industrial conditions.

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The process of making tahini-peanut halva begins with cooking pasta. First, sesame is passed through a sieve to separate any foreign objects( garbage).Then the seeds are washed in fresh water, fried, then ground into a paste. Ground peanuts, sugar syrup heated to a high temperature are added to the finished tahini. At the final stage, the resulting mass is settled for 24 hours.

How to make halvah at home?

Peanut halvah at home is prepared much faster than in production. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the taste, texture and color of the dessert will be significantly different from the store product. For example, for the preparation of peanut butter you will need semolina, because you will not be able to heat the sugar syrup as much as in an industrial kitchen. It is semolina that will act as a thickener.


  • semolina( 80 g);
  • roasted peanuts( 80 g);
  • sugar( 200 g);
  • water( 400 g);
  • ghee( 80 g).
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crop grows Put a dry frying pan on the fire, add semolina and calcine for 15-20 seconds. Add 40 grams of melted butter to the flour and fry the semolina until it turns golden brown.

Grind roasted peanuts in a blender in parallel. Fry the mixture in the remainder of the melted butter over medium heat.

Mix two pastes with sugar, mix intensively. Put on a low heat and cook until sugar dissolves and all water evaporates.

In the end, you should get a taut mass that needs to be laid out in a mold and left in a cold place for a day.

The recipe for peanut halva with sesame is similar to the previous one. But only the two initial ingredients will add a third, namely, ground roasted sesame. The dessert turns out less sweet, but more useful and fragrant.

No matter how tasty the peanut halva is, you shouldn’t get carried away with it. A large amount of sugar in the diet will eliminate all the benefits that nuts and sesame could bring to the body.

Video recipe halvah from peanut

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