Pruning peach in different climatic zones in spring, summer and autumn

Contents of the article:

video One of the most important activities for summer and autumn. The tree needs maximum illumination, but it increases the ground part intensively. As a result, the crown is thickened due to branches without a crop; there is not enough light. Pruning adjusts the shape of the tree and removes the fatty undergrowth. The forces of the tree are sent to the formation of the crop.

What determines the choice of the krone form

Peach is a heat-loving tree. With the help of breeding achievements obtained varieties that have advanced in central Russia and the Urals. However, the tree is unable to withstand stable frosts without shelter - twigs frost over, roots are affected. If the tree is sheltered early, the bark is inflamed. In moments of winter thaws, sap flow may begin in the middle of winter.

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Depends on the climatic features, how to correctly trim the peach, what form of crown to choose:

  1. The cup-shaped longline crown is used in areas with warm climates and mild winters.
  2. Formation of the "fruit link" creates a creeping bole of two skeletal branches that bear fruit alternately. Planting thickened, called differently "meadow garden", is used in a cold climate under the shelter.
  3. The bush form represents some of the most developed shoots from the ground, which are cut out after they have been bred. This form of peach is often used in the suburbs.

Peach pruning dates in spring depend on the climatic features of the region. In cold winters, when there is a risk of frostbite, the first pruning from the spring is postponed to the time when the leaves bloom - it becomes clear how much the affected branches should be trimmed.

Tasks of forming a tree

Pruning is carried out to increase the yield of the tree and extend the productive life of the tree. Nutrients, extracted by roots from the soil, are distributed evenly along the trunk. At the same time, branches without fruits grow faster, thickening the crown. The tree inside is bare, and the crop is minimal. If the young twigs will not grow, fruiting will stop.

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Pruning is done in order:

  • to improve the illumination and ventilation of the tree;
  • facilitate harvesting;
  • stimulate the formation of fruitful shoots;
  • remove old branches, rejuvenating the tree;
  • give the desired shape to the crown.

There are several types of pruning, each of which is performed at a specific time. The ground part is formed from several types of growth: growth generative and annual bouquet branches. Mixed and spinners are also branches, but they cannot be harvested from them.

Pruning peaches in spring forms a stem of the desired shape from a seedling, before fruiting and in subsequent years. During the entire growing season, sanitary pruning is carried out - removal of frost-beaten or broken branches. Thinning of a peach tree, removal of the fattening branches also belong to this type. Spring pruning forms the crown of a young tree and shortens some of the fruitful twigs to develop new shoots. Such care is called forming trimming.

Peach pruning in the spring for novice gardeners is the most crucial period. It is impossible to be late, with strong sap flow, the operation is not performed. To form a tree you need according to the scheme, thinning, but leaving fruitful shoots with buds. Of course, it should be removed on the ring vertical branches growing on skeletal branches at a distance of 1 meter from a tree trunk. It happens when a highly sparse lower tier, such branches are gradually rejected on the external eye. The effect is complemented by pulling the branch down with a rope.

If the old branches give little gain, they are removed with the help of anti-aging pruning. It is important that the rejuvenation lead for several years, gradually. At the same time cut a lot of wood can not, the tree will die.

. Sequence of formation of different types of crown.

. Pruning is carried out in dry weather. Simultaneously removed radical growth.

A peach pruning pattern is typical for giving a sprawling shape, adjustable upwards.

Read also: Prevention of peach leaves curl

When planting a seedling, all the branches on the trunk are removed 50 cm from the ground.3-4 branches are left, which will be skeletal for the lower tier. Pinch the top growth point. The next spring, the grown shoots are shortened by a third, forming branches of the second order on them. For the third year on this tier, all the branches growing deeper or horizontally are removed.

As they grow, they form a second tier of 5 skeletal branches, but the tip is constantly cropped to limit growth. But it leaves 2 kidneys. A properly formed tree in 5 years has 2 fruit tiers, rare branches and no more than 3 meters tall.

When forming a crown with a bush, there is no central conductor. Making a bush lead from the 4 lower branches as soon as the seedling is placed in place. This planting ensures quick recovery, even if part of the wood freezes. The bush is light enough, as the twigs are few. In the summer, such twigs pinch to 30-40 cm to create a new wave of growth of young shoots for next year's harvest.

Fruit link formation - creeping shape, twigs easy to cover for the winter. Peaches are planted thickly - 2x0.5 m. In order to get no more than 15 fruits from each tree. The first year give peach grow and gain strength. In spring, the seedling is pruned, leaving 2 branches close to the ground. One branch will give a crop, the second - safety. Every year they are changed.

Read also: Pruning apple trees, forming the crown of the tree

In the summer, one branch is covered with young fruit sprigs, which will yield a crop. On the second twig pruned. On each of the branches leave 2 branches closest to the trunk, to continue the development of the tree. After harvesting the old branch is cut off. During this time, the substitution branches have grown. It turns creeping bush.

Forming peach care in summer

Summer is a period when weekly care with pinching, pinching or removing 10 cm shoots can be reduced by trimming injuries in the fall and spring.

Peach pruning in summer is the most gentle operation. Only in summer you can see whether there are frostbitten branches on the tree. They must be removed, the wood is no longer able to maintain sap flow. In the summer, young shoots that grow inside the crown are removed. When the fruit is poured up to 1 cm in cross section, it is necessary to remove excess ovaries. It is considered correct if the adult tree has 80 plentifully fruit-bearing branches or 200 small-fruited. The smaller the fruit on the tree, the larger and sweeter they will be. Summer peach pruning regulates the crop, prevents thickening of the tree.

Autumn pruning of the tree

After harvesting, the peach begins to be prepared for rest. Until November, the tree gradually reduces sap flow. After the harvest, it is necessary to remove the broken branches, shortening the part of the fruit-bearing branches. At this time, the movement of the juice is smaller, the wounds do not get wet, and the tree does not get much stress.

Pruning peach in autumn is from September to October 15.Do not tighten, each pruning weakens the tree. He needs to go into the winter strong.

Only peach care during the growing season forms the correct crown with the least stress. Each pruning is a surgical operation associated with bringing diseases into the open wound.

New Peach Trimming Method in Summer -

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