Learning to grow basil from seed indoors

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video Basil has a marvelous pattern. Growing basil from seeds in a city apartment will provide the family with healthy herbs for the whole year. The value of the leaves is in the content of essential oils and vitamins PP, B1, B2, C.

This is an annual plant with a straight, branched stem, densely dotted with leaves and a superficial root. The leaves of different varieties of basil differ in color( light green to violet), corrugated, carved, flat in structure. Flowering occurs at the end of July - beginning of August, when a sufficient amount of essential oils that have a pleasant aroma accumulate in the leaves.

Varieties of basil

There are varieties of basil seeds intended for growing in pots and containers on a windowsill:

  • Spoon-like, clove smells like a mixture of laurel and cloves, it has light leaves.
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  • Yerevan has a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of tea with allspice.
  • Baku smells of cloves and mint, the leaves are purple with a brownish tinge.
  • Violet is characterized by large leaves, colored with a purple tint, and has a very delicate flavor.
  • Lemon belongs to the rare varieties growing in the form of a small bush with pale green leaves, has a pronounced lemon flavor.
  • A dwarf grows no higher than 20 cm, is a bush with small green or purple leaves, collected in a ball.
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Basil is selected depending on taste preferences. The earliest ripening period for the varieties “Gvozdichny”, “Lemon”, “Dwarf”.

For growing basil from seeds on the window sill in an apartment or house, they acquire low-growing species.

When planting basil seeds

To get a good harvest, you need to know when to plant seeds for growing basil in an apartment. This plant loves heat and sunlight, with their lack of leaves will be thinned and weak.

The best time to plant seeds in pots is the end of February, the beginning of March. The plant will have time to form and the period of active growth will be on a long light day. If the landing is carried out at another time, he will not have enough sunlight.

When year-round basil is grown on a windowsill, fluorescent lamps must be installed and turned on for 4–5 hours in the evening, and on a rainy day, the light should be lit 10–12 hours.

Cultivation of basil from

seeds Consider how to grow basil on the windowsill of a house. When we have decided on the type of plant, we prepare the containers and the soil for its planting.

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Small pots or plastic cups are suitable for planting seeds. At the bottom lay a layer of drainage of expanded clay. The soil will need fertile with organic fertilizers. You can buy it ready or prepare it yourself.

Sequence of action when planting basil seeds:

  1. Seeds are kept for 2 weeks in a warm place.
  2. Before planting, soak it for a day in warm water, then keep it in a weak manganese solution for 2 hours.
  3. Moisturize the ground and plant several seeds in one container to a depth of 10 mm. Extra, weaker sprouts are removed after shoot.
  4. If planting is carried out in large containers, the distance between the seeds should be more than 5 cm. The seedlings are covered with plastic wrap, which provides the effect of a greenhouse. To the soil is not moldy, raise it every day for 10 minutes.

When maintaining the temperature regime within 22-28 degrees, the first shoots will appear in 1-2 weeks. After that, remove the film and put the container in a bright, warm place, protected from drafts. When 3-4 leaflets appear on the stem, it must be transplanted so that one liter of soil falls on one stem.

Caring for basil in an apartment

Regular watering and spraying of leaves is needed. To saturate the soil with oxygen in pots with formed plants, it is gently loosened every 10-14 days.

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Feed mineral or organic fertilizers once in 30 days from the moment the branches grow on the sides of the stem.
When the bushes grow of sufficient size, they begin to tear off the extreme leaves, this contributes to a better growth and postpones the flowering time.

Fresh, dried, frozen leaves are used for cooking.

Allow flowering. When the color appears, the leaves become bitter and unusable.

Growing basil from seeds on a window sill in an apartment or a country house does not give owners a lot of difficulty. Subject to the rules described in this article, the plant will please the owners all year round.

Growing Basil on a windowsill - video

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