Rules for growing Tui Eastern Aurea Nana

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video Thuya Oriental Aurea Nana is the most popular thing about the vegee of the vegee who’s an…This shrub is very moody to the conditions of detention compared to its western species. But if during cultivation it is correct to follow all the necessary rules, then the plant can quickly take root in its place. In order to properly plant and grow this evergreen plant, it is worth considering all the rules and features of cultivation.


Coniferous plant attracts many with its beauty and compact size, so they try to grow it in their summer cottages or near the house. If earlier it was grown mainly in the North-West of China in Beijing, it is now widely spread throughout the world, and this is due to the unusual beauty of this evergreen shrub.

"Tree of Life" - this is sometimes called thuya Aurea Nana, the description confirms that it differs by its slow growth and durability. The size of the annual increase is not more than 5 centimeters. Life expectancy reaches 1000 years.

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Several important features of the appearance:

  1. The shrub has a dense crown with an oblong shape. The size of the diameter of the crown 0.7 meters.
  2. Branched branches, golden.
  3. In winter, the coniferous shrub becomes even more beautiful - it acquires a bright bronze tint.
  4. Young shoots are arranged in two rows. In the fourth year, they acquire a rounded shape, their shade becomes dark.
  5. The largest size of the height of an adult shrub is one and a half meters, but there are shrubs with a height of 2.5-3 meters.

Tuya Aurea Nana withstands reduced temperatures quite well. It also quickly gets used to urban conditions.

Varieties of

The decorative evergreen plant of thuya nana, which description should be studied with special care, is of several types. In nature, there are almost 60 varieties of this coniferous shrub, but not each of them can grow in the climatic conditions of our country. The following species are considered the most famous:

  1. Pyramidalis aurea - thuja, which has needles with a golden yellow shade. This type is often used to create a fence to protect against wind. In summer, it tolerates severe drought well, and in winter it can grow even with elevated frosts - it can withstand up to -25 degrees Celsius.
  2. Thuja eastern Aurea Nana - dwarf. This species can grow up to two meters, while it has a high density of needles. In the summer, the needles have a golden hue, in the winter - bronze. It is recommended to grow in sunny areas with sufficient lighting, in dark places the crown is incorrectly formed.
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Features of growing Tui Aurea Nana

In order to grow a beautiful and healthy thuja Nana shrub, planting and care must be fully studied. It is on the correct observance of all conditions that the full growth of this plant will depend. It grows well in areas with neutral, slightly acidic, stony soils, as well as with artificial substrates. In addition, it withstands drought withstand, but at the same time it withstands the close fit of groundwater.

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It is recommended to plant thuja in the garden in spring, closer to the beginning of May. Allowed planting seedlings in the area until mid-September. However, many gardeners argue that if the shrub is planted in the spring, it will have a much better chance of adapting before the start of frost.

When planting a thuja of the eastern Aurea Nana, several important recommendations should be taken into account:

  • for planting is recommended to choose a site with good lighting without direct sunlight;
  • should make a suitable soil composition, which will ensure the full and healthy growth of plants - 2 parts of sheet or sod soil, 1 part of peat and 1 part of sand. This mixture should be poured into the well for planting shrubs;
  • level of the depth of the hole should fit the size of the roots of the shrub - about 60-80 centimeters;
  • at the bottom of the hole is recommended to put a layer of drainage. If the groundwater adjoins nearby, then the layer size must be at least 15 centimeters;
  • root neck is not worth much to deepen, it should be on the same level with the soil.
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The rules of

care In the first year after planting, the shrub is particularly in need of regular watering. When watering it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • it is recommended to water the bushes at least twice in 7 days;
  • after about a few months watering can be reduced to once every 7 days;
  • on hot days can be watered more often;
  • be sure to carefully monitor whether the soil is not very dry;
  • is recommended to regularly water the needles with water using a spray bottle.

In order to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil, it is recommended to do mulching using wood chips or pine bark.

In April-May, the bushes are fed with a nitroammofoska - 30 grams per 1 square meter. In October, it is recommended to fill in fertilizers with potassium.

Tui Aurea Nana normally withstands frosts in the winter, but young seedlings are recommended to be covered with covering material. Solar lighting in the spring may adversely affect the delicate needles, it is better to close it with agrofibre. Sanitary circumcision is done every year in spring time.

If you strictly follow all the necessary rules and recommendations for planting and care, then you can grow a beautiful coniferous plant in your garden or at your summer cottage. Tuya Aurea Nana can become a beautiful hedge that will not only decorate the site, but also protect well from strong wind.

Introducing Aurea Nana - Video

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