Spring and autumn planting irises in open ground

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  • Iris planting Iris planting -

in the open field which requires not too much effort. It is possible to plant flowers both in spring and in autumn two weeks after the end of flowering.

Varieties of irises

There are more than two hundred varieties of "northern orchids", as flower growers often call irises. The most popular species growing everywhere are marsh, Japanese and Dutch irises, which are planted and cared for in the open field mainly in early spring. After planting the flowers do not require additional watering or feeding. The only thing that needs to be done in a timely manner is to remove the withering sheets and the flowering buds.

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Marsh irises - orange, yellow or golden inflorescences on thin saturated green stems, reaching a height of one and a half meters. Planted plants mainly around ponds, pools, lakes. In this case, the flowers get along well on dry soil, feeding on trace elements from it, without requiring additional watering.

Japanese irises do not have any flavor, they reach about 80-100 centimeters in height, have inflorescences up to 25 centimeters in diameter. Planted this species of plants mainly in the soil with low acidity, not containing lime. In irrigation, Japanese irises are most whimsical during the flowering period, when moderate humidity is required.

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Dutch irises or bulbous most popular in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, where the climate is temperate and the post has sufficient acidity. Watering requires moderate, depending on the weather. In this case, flowering occurs when the air temperature stably stays within 20–25 degrees of heat, regardless of the moisture content of the soil.

The planting of irises in the ground in Siberia or in the northern regions is carried out not earlier than May, since earlier Japanese bulbs may freeze or rot.

Spring planting

The spring planting of irises in the soil is carried out after preliminary soil preparation. The selected plot of land is carefully dug up, fertilized with a small amount of manure or other natural fertilizer. If non-Japanese irises land, additional chalk may be added to the ground - swamp, Dutch and bearded species feed on limestone.

Prepared bulbs( Dutch varieties) have developed rhizomes, which are treated with antifungal solution, and then dried for several hours. The holes under the plants are dug in 5-7 centimeters in depth, covered with sand. The bulbs are planted in the hole at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other. Strongly they are not pressed, so as not to spoil the rhizomes, sprinkled loosely with earth and sand.

Immediately after planting, a small amount of watering is required in order for the soil to "fade".

After this, for two to three weeks the plants do not water at all. Then, as necessary, wilt or dry sheets are removed using a shears or a sharp knife.

Autumn planting

Planting of irises in the ground in autumn is carried out only after preliminary preparation of the bulbs. When the plants are bloomed( usually in the middle or end of June), they are dug out, washed in warm water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and dried. Green sheets are not cut, and weave into a pigtail between each other, and then clean in a dry place until the autumn.

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In the autumn, dried stalks are harvested, leaving only the bulbs that are treated with an antifungal compound. The holes are dug at a depth of no more than five centimeters at a distance of 7-12 centimeters from each other. Above the ground there should be no remains of stems, otherwise there is a risk of freezing the entire bulb in winter. After planting the soil is not watered.

The optimal time for landing is the first half of September, when the air temperature does not fall below 17 degrees Celsius.

Care before hibernation

In general, iris care in the open field requires minimal - rare or moderate watering, removal of old sheets and inflorescences. However, they should be thoroughly prepared for wintering, especially if the plants were planted in the fall. After disembarking, the hole is covered with paws of spruce or another coniferous plant. The use of a dense synthetic or artificial material is not recommended - the ground beneath it is rotting away, and the bulbs rot throughout the winter. With the first snow, it is recommended to sprinkle as much as possible a bed with irises. The first shoots appear almost immediately after the snow melts in the spring - in March-April.

The most unpretentious

species in care. Dutch varieties of irises are among the most unpretentious. They can not even dig up after flowering over. Green sheets will delight the eye until winter. Then they can simply be cut off to the very base and they can also cover a flower bed for the winter. The spring photo of irises in the open ground above clearly shows how quickly Dutch species bloom at the optimum temperature. Thawed snow moistens the soil well, so it is not necessary to additionally water plants until flowering.

The flowering period is 4-6 weeks, after which the inflorescence can be removed.

Useful properties of

Irises are unique plants that absorb all bacteria and harmful trace elements from the soil. Due to them, they feed. That is why it is recommended to plant flowers every four years to a new location. Other, more fastidious plants and even fruit and garden crops can be grown on an old flower bed - the soil for them will be decontaminated.

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At the same place, the irises again begin to work on the absorption of bacteria and harmful trace elements. It is recommended a year before landing in a new place to fertilize it with manure, and immediately before planting - with organic garden fertilizers. However, the Dutch varieties perfectly take root without such preparation. The root system of irises is quite well developed, so when digging out the bulbs, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the "tangle" of the roots.

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