Can I put a refrigerator near the battery?

  • Is there a way out of such situations?
  • How to place the refrigerator in the kitchen?
  • What else is important to remember when planning a kitchen?

Arranging modern kitchen is one of the most important issues for many consumers. It is very important that the kitchen space is properly involved and all working areas are correctly distributed for comfortable cooking. This is especially true for apartments with small kitchens, where every inch of free space on the account. One of the most topical for today is the question: "Is it possible to put a refrigerator next to a heating battery?"Very often the situation is such that the refrigerator next to the heating battery is a necessary measure, and it is simply impossible to install it in another place.

Modern manufacturers of appliances strictly prohibit the installation of household appliances, since heat and cold are opposite concepts. In practice, such a neighborhood can easily result in increased power consumption and even breakdown of expensive household appliances. Even if we take into account the fact that the heating season lasts for several months, during this time you can easily ruin your refrigerator. Experts say that a refrigerator next to a radiator is a bad idea and it is impossible to arrange household appliances in this way.

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  • Is there a way out of such situations?
  • How to place the refrigerator in the kitchen?
  • What else is important to remember when planning the kitchen?

Is there a way out of these situations?

If the question “can I put a refrigerator near a heating battery?” Remains relevant for you, then you need to deal with some nuances first, since such an arrangement of furniture has the right to exist under certain conditions.

  • Pay attention to the fact that your refrigerator does not come into contact with the back of the radiator, it is desirable that this was the side part.
  • The distance from the battery to the device should not be less than fifty centimeters.
  • It will not be superfluous to create a special foil partition, which will serve as a reflector of thermal energy.

At what distance can I put the refrigerator on the radiator? The most dangerous is the option where the back side is adjacent to the battery closely. The electric motor of the device is quite hard to tolerate heat from the radiator, so the consequences can be critical. Working in such conditions, the engine very quickly fails, so you have to face expensive repair equipment.

How to place the refrigerator in the kitchen?

If you are wondering: “Is it possible to put a refrigerator near the battery?”, Then you belong to the category of conscious consumers, and you want to extend the life of your equipment. Today it is not a secret to anyone that not only the radiators in the house can harm the work of household appliances. Do not forget about other sources of heat that can be very dangerous. Take, for example, a stove - unlike the radiator, which operates several months a year, the plates are used all year round, and they heat up quite strongly. The same applies to the oven, which in the process can also be very hot. Today, a large number of household appliances with built-in thermal insulation are being produced, therefore, when buying, it is necessary to focus on such devices.

Since we have already figured out whether it is possible to put a refrigerator near the battery, let's look at how best to arrange basic household appliances in the kitchen, according to ergonomic and convenience considerations. Modern interior designers have developed a special "triangle rule" that allows you to distribute kitchen appliances in the three opposite corners of the room, so that the cooking process is the most comfortable. Ideally, between the stove, refrigerator and sink should be located work surfaces and cabinets.

What else is important to remember when planning the kitchen?

As mentioned above, the question: “can I put a refrigerator near the battery?” Remains relevant for many consumers, but not only radiators can damage the device. For its normal operation, it is important to ensure proper air circulation, so pay attention to the fact that the side gaps are at least five centimeters. Providing such ideal conditions can be quite difficult in a cramped kitchen, but you need to try to do this in order to ensure proper operation of equipment.

Almost all modern models of refrigerators are equipped with adjustable legs, which can be raised and also provide the necessary air flow from below. This trick will allow you to slightly compensate for the minimum gaps on the side. We tried to find out in detail whether it is possible to put the refrigerator next to the heating battery and came to a definite conclusion. If you use our advice, you can significantly extend the life of your household appliances and save on expensive repairs.

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