Proper maintenance of the pachistachis at home

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In order to grow a healthy and fluffy blooming pakhistahs, home care for this plant must follow certain rules. It is important to correctly pick up the soil and dishes for growing, maintain the necessary temperature and humidity, regularly water and feed the flower. Then he can show himself in all its glory.

Creating an enabling environment

The forests of the tropical belt of Central and South America are home to pachistachis. In order for a plant to develop successfully in a room, it is necessary to create conditions for it as close to natural as possible:

  1. Maintaining air temperature. In spring and summer, it should not fall below 18–20 ° C. If the thermometer rises above this mark, then it is important to increase the humidity in the room to prevent leaves from drying out. In autumn and winter, the optimum temperature for pachistachis is 15–19 ° C. With cooler air, the leaves of this heat-loving plant begin to fall off, and in the spring, with the beginning of the vegetative period, it will need a long recovery period for the bush to regain volume.
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  2. Cool drafts are a big threat to pachistachis. This should be taken into account when choosing a place for a plant. In the cold season it is better to remove it from the window sill and put it at some distance from the window.
  3. Pachistachis lighting should be moderate. An exotic flower should receive a sufficient amount of sun, but its direct rays leave ugly burns on the leaves. The ideal choice would be a window on the east or west side of the house. If pahistahis is grown on a southern window, then he needs to create artificial shading.
  4. This tropical plant is accustomed to high humidity - from 60%.When growing indoors with dry air, it is necessary to take special measures: put a container with water next to the pot, hang a wet towel on the battery or use a special device - an air humidifier. In winter, it is better to move the pachistachis away from the heating devices.

Creating an enabling environment is the basis for the active development and flowering of pachistachis. His requirements for the environment are not much different from the requirements of most houseplants, "migrated" on the sill of tropical forests.

Planting pachistachis and fertilizer

The size of the pot for a plant should depend on the dimensions of the root system: it is better that the volume exceeds them by 3-4 cm, because the pachistachis love free space. It is recommended to give preference to wide utensils. At the bottom of the pot a layer of drainage is required for less than 2 cm. This will ensure sufficient air flow to the roots and prevent stagnation of water at the bottom, which leads to the appearance of rot.

For drainage, you can use small stones, necessarily decontaminated, or clay purchased in the store.

Fertilizing and soil selection for pachistachis also play an important role in plant development. It prefers fertile soil with low acidity and good aeration, therefore the ground should be loose. The easiest way to buy a universal mix for flowering houseplants, adding to it coarse sand or vermiculite in a ratio of 4: 1.

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You can prepare the soil yourself by mixing:

  • leaf soil;
  • turf ground;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • humus.

All components are taken in equal parts.

From April until the beginning of autumn, pachistachis are actively developing and blooming, so regular feeding is necessary for it. They are made 1-2 times a month. For the plant to get all the necessary substances, you can alternate the introduction of organic matter( for example, infusion of mullein) and complex mineral fertilizers for flowering species. In the fall and winter in the dressing is not necessary.

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Regular care

In home care for pachistachis, a key role is assigned to regular watering. This plant likes moisture, so the soil should not be allowed to dry in spring and summer. It needs to be watered as soon as the top layer of the earth dries out. In winter, watering is reduced to 2 times a week, but you should always focus on the condition of the soil and the flower itself. The lack of moisture greatly harms the pachistachis, and can lead to its death.

On hot days and with dry air indoors, the plant responds well to regular spraying from a spray bottle. It is better to produce them in the morning and in the evening, while the rays of the sun do not fall on the pachistachis.

In order for the plant to grow in a bushy bush with numerous bright buds, caring for pachistachis at home must necessarily include regular pruning and nipping of young shoots. If you do not do this, you will get an almost bare, unbranched stem with rare leaves, and such an instance will not look decorative.

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The best time to form the crown is early spring, when the intensive growth of the stems begins. Young shoots pinch at the top of the axils of the leaves, of which in the future there will be new shoots;and old ones are cut with sharp garden scissors. This procedure should be started when the height of the pachistachis reaches 20 cm.

During the growing season, crown formation can be performed up to three times. Extrusion of stems in height will slow down, but at the same time the number of shoots will increase.

Adults are enough to trim once a year, in March.

Cut off parts of shoots are used for plant reproduction. To do this, they are rooted in water or soil, after having been treated with a growth stimulator. The roots will appear in about 10–14 days, and then the cuttings can be transplanted into a small pot or plastic cup.

If you properly care for pachistachis, then flowering occurs from early spring to mid-autumn. Sometimes under favorable conditions, it continues throughout the year. To do this, you need to create favorable conditions for the plant in the room and do not forget about regular care.

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