Decorative varieties of barberry Thunberg in the design of the dacha

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To make the siteSome attractiveness and originality, in landscape design often use barberry shrub. An ornamental plant is valued for the fact that throughout the year its appearance is constantly changing. It brings a certain variety to landscape compositions.

One of the most spectacular and popular types of shrubs is the barberry of Thunbergii. Its homeland is the Far East, where the shrub grows on rocky mountain slopes. And since 1864 it has been cultivated almost throughout the entire territory of Russia.

General Characteristics of Thunberg Barberry Varieties

Shrub Thunberg Barberry has a wide variety of decorative forms and varieties. The most popular of them are:

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  • Atropurpurea Nan;
  • Golden Ring;
  • Aurea;
  • Bagatel;
  • Green Carpet;
  • Kobold.

Depending on the variety, this species of barberry has green, yellow or purple foliage and arched branches with thin single spines. The flowering period he lasts from May to June. The fruits ripen in autumn and often do not fall until the end of winter.

Thunberg barberry varieties are rather unpretentious in terms of soil, they tolerate heat and drought perfectly. However, they do not grow well in wetlands and where groundwater is close. They grow this type of barberry in the sunlit places, and some varieties are in partial shade. The shrub is easily restored after frost, but it is desirable to cover young plants for the winter. One of the advantages of the species is resistance to fungal diseases.

Typically, Thunberg barberry varieties are used in gardens and parks as hedges and borders for zoning a territory, for creating decorative groups and in single plantings. This type of barberry is great for creating a Japanese garden, and is also used to anchor the banks of irrigation systems.

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Barberry Thunberg Atropurpurea Nana

Red variety, dwarf form of Barberry Atropurpurea. Main characteristics:

  • adult bushes grow at a height of about 61 cm and a width of not more than 91 cm, the crown is compact, pillow;
  • in summer, the foliage has a purple color, with the arrival of autumn it changes its color and becomes bright red;
  • in spring( April - May) the barberry of Thunberg Atropurpurea Nan is hung with small yellow flowers;
  • fruits are rich red, glossy, ripen in October and remain on the branches even in winter;
  • good frost resistance;
  • loves the sunny location;
  • is commonly used in single plantings, decorative groups, rockeries and for curbs.

For planting, it is recommended to purchase acclimatized barberry Tunberg Atropurpurea Nan saplings grown in a plastic container along with fertilizers. Because in the process of digging up a seedling from the ground, damage to the roots is possible, which can adversely affect the further development of the plant.

Barberry Thunberg Golden Ring

Tall variety with a unique color. Key Features:

  • in height and width the bush reaches 2–3 m, the crown is branched, spreading;
  • has dark purple foliage with a thin yellow-green border, and with the arrival of autumn leaves become saturated-red;
  • in spring( in May), the barberry of Thunberg Golden Ring is decorated with small yellow inflorescences;
  • fruits are coral-red, glossy, ripen in October;
  • winter hardiness in high grade;
  • grows well in areas lit by the sun, and leaf decorativeness disappears in the shade;
  • is great for landscape compositions, hedges, and is also used as a tapeworm and cuts well.

Barberry Thunberg Golden Ring is prone to the defeat of barberry aphids. To prevent bushes from damage, in the spring it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying of plants with insecticides.

Barberry Thunberg Aurea

Low-growing yellow-leaved barberry variety. Main characteristics:

  • bushes grow to 0.8 m in height and 1 m in width, the crown is compact, rounded;
  • for the variety is characterized by yellow foliage with a soft golden tinge, with the arrival of autumn it becomes yellowish-orange;
  • blooming of barberry Thunberg Aurea begins in May, the flowers are golden yellow, gathered in neat inflorescences;
  • fruits are rich red in color, ripen in September and keep on the branches all winter;
  • has good frost resistance;
  • shrub foliage quickly shrinks and falls under the influence of direct sunlight, and in the shade the color of the leaves becomes light green, so it is recommended to plant it in partial shade;
  • is used in single plantings and decorative groups to create borders and hedges.

Barberry Thunberg Aurea can be planted near dark junipers and blue spruces. Thanks to the original bright yellow color of foliage, it will look impressively against this background.

Barberry Thunberg Bagatel

Decorative dwarf shrubs. Main characteristics:

  • bush with a height and crown diameter of maximum 40 cm, crown dense, pincushion;
  • in summer, the leaves are crimson-red, in autumn they become bright red;
  • barberry Thunberg Bagatelle begins to bloom in May, the flowers are white, sometimes with a yellowish tinge;
  • fruits are rich red, ripen in October and keep throughout the winter;
  • has good winter hardiness;
  • variety is light-requiring and drought tolerant;
  • is used to create miniature borders, design alpine slides, balconies and terraces, looks great in all flower beds.

If this variety is planted in the shade, it can lose its original leaf color and become greenish. Therefore, for a more intense color barberry Thunberg Bagatel desirable to plant in the sun.

Barberry Thunberg Green Carpet

Srednerosly Dutch variety. Main characteristics:

  • bushes grow to a height of 1 m, the diameter of the crown is 1.5 m, the crown is compact, round;
  • in summer, the foliage is light green; when autumn arrives, it becomes bright red;
  • blooming of barberry Thunberg Green Carpet begins in May, the flowers are yellow, collected in small clusters;
  • fruits are glossy, coral-colored, ripen in September;
  • good frost resistance;
  • recommended location in the sun, does not like shade, heat and drought-resistant;
  • variety looks great in combination with deciduous and coniferous shrubs with different colors and form of crowns, used in single, group plantings and as a ground cover plant.

Thunberg Green Carpet is recommended for planting in spring or autumn. If the planting is single, then the gap between the bushes should be at least 1.5 m. And when creating a hedge it is necessary to dig a trench and arrange the plants 2 bushes for 1 running.m.

Barberry Thunberg Kobold

Low-growing densely branched variety. Key Features:

  • height of the bush and the diameter of the crown does not exceed 50 cm, crown cushion, compact;In summer,
  • is a pale green in color, with the arrival of autumn it turns into golden yellow or bright red;
  • blossom of barberry Thunberg Kobold begins in May, yellow flowers are collected in neat inflorescences;
  • fruits are glossy, pink or red, ripen in September;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • light-requiring, does not like the shadow;
  • is used in group plantings, garden and park tree-shrub compositions, to create borders and design of alpine slides, it is easy to trim and trim.

In the second year after planting, the barberry of Thunberg Kobold is recommended to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Subsequent feeding is carried out every 3-4 years.

With the help of barberry bushes you can create interesting and unique landscape compositions. A large number of different varieties of barberry Thunberg allows you to select the appropriate color of foliage and the desired height. A simple agrotechnology makes it easy and fun to care for shrubs. Read more

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