Autumn planting hyacinthsthe open field which is planned, can be the most spectacular decoration of the garden. A variety of bright colors of inflorescences allows you to create beautiful compositions. Hyacinths appear immediately after the winter. On average, they begin to bloom in late April. Depending on the region, dates may be sooner or later. Green leaves first appear, and then inflorescences from 20-30 buds rise from the middle. They are ordinary or terry, and exude a rich aroma. How to choose a site for planting
Hyacinth in open ground require special conditions for planting. These are bulbous plants that are demanding to the heat and richness of the soil. You need to carefully choose a place. Solar and open areas that are well protected from possible winds are best suited. To bloom was longer, you should choose a place in a small penumbra.
It is worth paying attention that such flowers do not like when tall trees and shrubs are located nearby. They can take a lot of moisture and nutrients from the soil. Despite the love of water, hyacinths are not suitable places with high groundwater levels. Congestion and dampness can harm bulbs and lead to their diseases. The soil should be loose and slightly alkaline.
Choosing bulbs for planting hyacinths in the ground
For planting hyacinths in the ground suitable bulbs are selected. Depending on the variety, they can be of different sizes. It is necessary to inspect them well:
- The bulbs must be elastic by the time of planting. A suitable diameter is not less than 4 cm. On top there should be scales that speak of a fully formed kidney.
- On top of the bulb should not be mold and diaper rash.
- It is worth paying attention to the quality of the bulbs and the absence of mechanical damage.
- Good are considered bulbs with small root buds on the bottom.
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If the bulbs meet all these requirements, they will become good planting material and successfully root. Despite the fact that it is preferable to plant this flower in the fall, sometimes hyacinth is planted in open ground in spring.
It is better to process the selected specimens with a foundation or leave for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. This will prevent the occurrence of diseases.
Planting hyacinths in open ground
Planting hyacinth in open ground competently and appropriately in the fall. In this case, the flowers for the autumn and winter period will grow stronger and will delight in its flowering in the spring. Before you start planting bulbs, you should prepare the soil. They dig it up a month before planting, so that the earth is loose and at the same time settled and thickened. Fertilizers are applied to the soil in the form of humus or compost. You can add superphosphate and potassium salt. The amount of fertilizer will depend on the nutritional value of the soil.
Hyacinths, planting and care in the open field which is planned to be done, must be placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. Their roots collect moisture in such a radius and should not interfere with each other. Bulbs deepen by 15 cm so that they do not freeze out in winter. When landing on high beds, hyacinths will bloom faster, because they are better heated by the sun.
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Special attention should be paid to the landing dates. Planting and care for hyacinth in open ground in the Urals or in the middle lane is carried out in September. In the south, this can only be done in October, when the air temperature becomes 6-10 degrees. If you do not adhere to the timing and plant the bulbs earlier, they will have time to germinate before the onset of frost and freeze out in winter. Later, planting is also not worth it, otherwise they will not take root until winter. Landing places should be sheltered from frost. To do this, use a mulch from peat, leaves or sawdust. Early spring shelter must be removed.
Hyacinth care.
Hyacinth care in the open field is reduced primarily to watering, timely feeding and loosening the soil:
- . After the first sprouts appear, the first additional feeding will be needed. For this you need to make 30 grams of ammonium nitrate per 1 square meter.m.
- A second time fertilizer can be applied at a time when hyacinths begin to bloom. Potassium chloride and superphosphate are suitable for this.
- After completion of flowering of a bed with hyacinths, it is desirable to fertilize superphosphates at the rate of 40 grams per square meter.m.
Any of the dressings must be applied between plants, and then fertilized by 10 cm. The plantation is watered from above. It is not necessary to water the flowers during flowering. They have enough water from the soil. However, after the flowering and drying of the peduncles, they need to be watered. Planting and caring for hyacinths in the open field is not difficult if everything is done on time.
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Cleaning and storage of hyacinth bulbs
Hyacinth bulbs must be dug up after flowering. It is necessary to mark in advance the place of their location, to find when the leaves are wilted. If the bulbs for the summer does not dig, the flowering in the next season will be less. However, in the southern regions, such as: the Kuban, the North Caucasus and the southern Black Sea coast, you can leave them in the ground.
The best time to extract the bulbs is the end of June or the beginning of July.
Cleaning bulbs gives you the opportunity to inspect them and separate the children to send for growing. Sick specimens must be destroyed, and healthy ones must be treated for diseases and pests. Bulbs dry, clean from leaves and roots.
Hyacinth bulbs are dried for 5-7 days. Temperature conditions of 20 degrees should be maintained. This is done in a dark and well-ventilated area. Then planting material should be deposited. This is one of the most crucial moments, because in the bulbs is the process of formation of inflorescences.
Store hyacinth bulbs in boxes. They are laid out in two layers. If the tubers are small, then you can put them in paper bags with labels in order to sort out the varieties in the future.
Often during storage, bulbs appear numerous children. In order not to break them off, you need to be careful when planting.
The depth of planting such bulbs should be halved. After proper storage, hyacinths can be planted in the fall. In hot areas do it in the spring.
Autumn planting hyacinths in the open ground - video