How to plant zamiokulkas at homeHow zamiokulkas reproduces at home, what conditions are needed for this, you can read or watch the video. The main thing in reproduction, not to rush things, the development of the roots is not one month. Initially, the plant picks up a tuber, and only then begins to increase the green mass. Each subsequent sprig grows out of a growing tuber. Breeding conditions
Home care for myceliolchuliasis includes reproduction when periodically transplanted into a new container. In this case, the process of dividing the tubers is gentle. They need to be carefully planted in prepared bowls with a good drainage layer and covered from above, before the formation of new leaves.
All parts of the plant are poisonous. When working, use gloves and ensure that animals or children do not eat the pieces of the plant.
Rooting of cuttings, leaflets or cut tubers will become other ways of obtaining new plants. It is necessary to take into account that any breeding method is long-lasting. Therefore, if the germination goes in the water, then it should not turn sour. The germination substrate does not contain humus, sterile, steamed.
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In the process of rooting a nodule is formed due to the nutrients of the leaf or stalk. Therefore, by the time the first young sheet appears, the old part turns yellow and frowns. This is normal.
Rooting takes place in heat and light. So that the ground part does not evaporate moisture, a cap is created above the plant, sometimes it is ventilated to the plant. It is watered very moderately, so that water only moistened the ground at the walls of the cup.
How to plant zamiokulkas at home
If the flower outgrown its dishes and florist do not need new copies, then the roots do not bother. The pot is either cut or broken, the plant is removed and planted in a new dish, a little more than before.
How to multiply Zamiokulkas at home when seeding an adult plant? Each tuber to plant in a separate bowl. The soil is taken light and fertile. Humus and expanded clay add to the composition of equal parts:
- turf;
- leafy ground;
- sand;Peat
- .
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Planting should only be planted in the spring in shallow pots, a quarter of the height of which is occupied by the drainage layer.
For transplantation, you can split the bushes, carefully disassembling the intertwined roots, and you can cut the tuber. If there is more tuber on the tuber than one sleeping kidney, it is divided in half. Sections are dried, powdered with coal dust, planted in a small pot. The first time you can water the land in 3 days, a little.
Any transfer and transfer for a flower is stressful, and it takes time for him to get a healthy look again. Therefore, the flower grows until it deforms the pot. If you plant zamiokulkas in a large bowl, until it is filled, the growth of the branches will not be.
Reproduction of a zamiokulkas by shanks and sheets
It is easier to reproduce a zamiokulkas with a leaf or a shank, as practice shows. You do not need to injure the plant transplant. With a sharp knife you can separate one pinnately-dissected stem. If it is cut into segments in which there are growth buds, then these are cuttings. The upper stem can contain many leafy plates. And the higher the stalk, the more successful rooting.
At home, zamiokulkas breeds in water and in a special substrate. It is important that the tip of the stem does not rot. To do this, add activated carbon or a fungicide to the water to suppress the process of decay. A month or more passes before the roots appear. Rooting can also be carried out in clean wet sand or sphagnum moss.
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dollar tree. The breeding plates are cut with a sterile tool with a piece of stem. They can be rooted in water or immediately in a sterilized substrate. This rooting will last 2-6 months, you need to be patient until the nodules grow at the base of the leaf.
If you plant the upper part of the sheet with several leaf plates, the development will be faster. But then each sheet should be planted in a separate glass and provide a backup. In the bowl should be a drainage layer, a hole for draining water. The handle is placed in a sealed bag or under a can. Occasionally the plant is ventilated and watered sparsely along the walls of the vessel. And only with the appearance of the first leaf cover is removed.
Reproduction of zamiokulkas leaf - video from four parts of
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
Part 4.