
How to connect aluminum and copper wire: is it possible, how correctly, methods

How to connect aluminum and copper wire: is it possible, how correctly, methodsCables And WiresElectrics

The problem of how to connect aluminum and copper wires sooner or later arises for any home electrician. Most often, you need to expand or move the socket, or connect the input from the street with...

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How to solder an LED strip: how to connect correctly, which soldering iron, methods, instructions, pros and cons

How to solder an LED strip: how to connect correctly, which soldering iron, methods, instructions, pros and consLamps And Light BulbsElectrics

If you have no experience, choosing a way to solder an LED strip is quite difficult. It seems that one wrong move with a hot tip, and the lamp will go to the trash can. To master the technique of c...

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