
How many degrees in the microwave: the relationship of temperature and microwave operation

How many degrees in the microwave: the relationship of temperature and microwave operationMicrowave

Microwave ovens have already entered our lives and now it’s hard to imagine a typical day without heating the food in this box. The device has existed for more than half a century. And all this ti...

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How much copper in mikkrovolnovke and where it is. How to extract copper from the microwave and how to use

How much copper in mikkrovolnovke and where it is. How to extract copper from the microwave and how to useMicrowave

Currently, there is considerable demand for copper. In most points receiving nonferrous scrap metal per kilogram are willing to pay about 300 rubles. In addition to the foregoing, it can be used f...

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How much does the microwave consume: per hour and depending on the class, the power consumed by the microwave

How much does the microwave consume: per hour and depending on the class, the power consumed by the microwaveMicrowave

Choosing any electrical equipment, the consumer focuses on such a characteristic as power. And this is correct, because it is precisely that parameter that affects the possibility of cooking food....

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How much does a microwave weigh: what determines the mass of different models

How much does a microwave weigh: what determines the mass of different modelsMicrowave

Choosing a modern microwave, the buyer is primarily interested in its functions and capabilities. In addition, pays attention to the brand, the design of the device. Trading offers many models, yo...

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How to replace micas for a microwave - tips for replacing and instructions on how to do this

How to replace micas for a microwave - tips for replacing and instructions on how to do thisMicrowave

One of the necessary elements of the furnace, allowing the unit to fully function, is a plate of mica. It needs proper care, because without it the microwave will fail. If this part is damaged, it...

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Spotter from the microwave: how to do it yourself, step by step instructions

Spotter from the microwave: how to do it yourself, step by step instructionsMicrowave

An old or old microwave does not have to be discarded. Kitchen appliance components can be used to make new electronic devices. One of these is spotter - a loyal assistant to every motorist. Appl...

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Microwave life - medium shelf life

Microwave life - medium shelf lifeMicrowave

What household appliances can a modern hostess do without in her kitchen, in pursuit of comfort? To save time and effort spent daily for cooking, women use little helpers - a useful technique. Mic...

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Spot welding with their hands out of the microwave: how to do, step by step guide

Spot welding with their hands out of the microwave: how to do, step by step guideMicrowave

The welding machine is useful to every handyman. It is used for many products. For its acquisition does not necessarily apply to the pro shop. The unit of resistance welding can be done independent...

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Transformer from the microwave: characteristics and application

Transformer from the microwave: characteristics and applicationMicrowave

A microwave has long been an integral part of every kitchen. The constant use of household appliances requires attention and care, timely replacement of failed parts. In some cases, a manifest def...

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Microwave magnetron device: principle of operation

Microwave magnetron device: principle of operationMicrowave

Even a child can easily operate a microwave today. She became a familiar and reliable assistant. And at the same time, we rarely think about how food is heated in a matter of minutes. And this ha...

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