Si la hortensia se seca, debe buscar la causa


  • Why Hydrangea leaves are curled
    • Let's help the plant - video

  • Hydrangea is a handicraft plant with beautiful large flowers and lush green foliage. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, the leaves dry in hydrangea. This development is frustrating and makes both an amateur gardener and an experienced landscape designer nervous. But do not despair: having determined the cause, you can choose the right way to solve the problem.

    The flower belongs to the moisture-loving plants. This applies not only watering, but also humidity. In arid climates, hydrangea cannot survive and delight the eye with those charming flowers for which it is valued.

    In addition to changing the color of flowers, hydrangea has very sensitive leaves. They react to the quality and moisture of the soil. Leaves can wither, dry and fall off. What if hydrangea leaves dry? How to save the plant? The answer to these and other questions read on.

    Why hydrangea leaves dry

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    A common problem of room hydrangea - leaves dry. As a result, it does not develop, withers like a plant and does not produce large luxurious flowers. There are several reasons why this process can occur.

    Dry ground

    The first reason why hydrangea leaves dry is the dried roots. The flower is very fond of wet soil and requires compliance with watering. Also it is necessary to take into account the time of irrigation and the light of the plant. In order to save the hydrangea, which has dried leaves and flowers - water it in time, enter the spray in the care system and for a while darken the flower a little.

    Inaccurate transplantation of

    The root system is disrupted by improper actions. Hydrangea can dry and wither after transplantation, during which small roots were broken. They are responsible for plant nutrition. To avoid problems with leaves and flowers, replant the flower in spring. Do not crush the earthy lump, but roll it over into a new large pot. Earth choose subacid and loose. Deepen the neck of the plant a couple of centimeters, but not more. Observing such conditions - you will not need to save the hydrangea, in which the leaves dry.

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    Excessive soil moisture

    Over-wetting of the soil is also one of the causes of falling leaves. At first glance, a flower that loves moisture, can not dry due to constant watering. But it is not. Since the root system, especially the small one, is responsible for feeding the flower, its waterlogging may adversely affect the state of the foliage. Roots that get too much moisture just start to rot and die. As a result, the leaves do not receive nourishment and fall off.

    In order to reanimate the hydrangea in a pot with sore roots, gently pull out the plant and cut off the rotten roots. They will be brown. Sprinkle the spots with activated carbon. Transplant a flower in a new pot, which will be smaller in size from the previous one. Also for a week or two, you can cover the flower with a portable compact greenhouse. Also consider ventilation in this design.

    Low air humidity

    A plant that loves moisture is very hard to survive dry air. Therefore, he begins to dry the tips of the leaves, after the entire leaf dries up and falls. What to do if hydrangea dries in a dry climate or a greenhouse? In the open field - spray the plant as often as possible. At night, you can create a small stationary hothouse for hydrangea. To reanimate large-leaved hydrangea, which is grown in a greenhouse easier. It is recommended to humidify the air with a humidifier. It is also worth as much as possible to air the greenhouse.

    It is worth noting that the hydrangea is a flower sensitive to the pH of the soil. If the soil is within the normal range for the plant, the flowers change their color. For example, in a neutral soil, hydrangea flowers become beige or white, in acidic soil red, and in alkaline soil blue or purple. In case the soil goes beyond the limits of a comfortable pH for a flower, it starts to act up and ache.

    Withered leaves in hydrangea - causes and solution

    Thoroughly inspect the plant and look for the reason in order to provide proper assistance to the plant.

    Excessive moistening

    Abundant and frequent watering of the flower, too high air humidity can also damage hydrangeas and cause disturbance of the condition of the roots and leaves. Accordingly, in case of violation of the deciduous-root system, the plant will not be able to form normal flower stalks and gladden with abundant color. If the hydrangea in the pot began to fade - you must first transplant it. Change the old earthen room, but not completely. Remember that the root system, especially the young, is very sensitive - it can easily be injured. Pass the plant in a new soil and a new pot. Reduce the humidity level of the air. Air the room as often as possible, but at the same time protect the hydrangea from drafts.

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    Temperature drops, drafts

    Frequent and sudden changes in temperature, the presence of drafts harm such a tender plant as hydrangea. From temperature drops( night and day shifts), hydrangea leaves turn black and dry. For resuscitation of the flower - normalize the air temperature. Try to achieve + 20-23 degrees. This figure is considered comfortable for hydrangea. With a strong wilting of the leaves - some of them can be cut off.

    If your beauty does not bloom, and all of you are not depriving you of hope to contemplate these lovely bouquets of flowers, arrange hydrangeas for a restful period. This means that it is necessary to reduce the temperature to + 10-13 degrees.

    At the same time, it is necessary to reduce watering to a minimum - just see that the flower does not dry out. Also, during the dormant period, the plant must be hidden in a dark and secluded place. After a couple of weeks, small flower stalks will appear on hydrangeas, which will delight you with beautiful and lush flowers.

    Heavy and dense ground

    Pay attention to the consistency of the soil in which you plant a flower. Hortensia needs a loose, light and at the same time - nutritious earth. Heavy and dense soil will retain moisture and as a result the flower will not be able to properly feed and "breathe."

    Please note that garden hydrangea is particularly capricious in the composition of the soil. In addition to the incorrect density of the earth, the level and balance of micro and macro elements are also important for it. Violating these wishes of the flower - at the garden hydrangea can begin to wither leaves, and then - fall off.

    Why the leaves turn yellow in hydrangea

    Dry leaves in hydrangea are sometimes accompanied by yellow or black spots. In addition to improper care and the fact that the yellow leaves spoil the appearance, they can be a sign of the presence of the disease in the plant:

    1. Watering with hard tap water. Yellowed leaves, which preserve the green streaks, are a sign of a disease called chlorosis. This is due to watering the plant with high lime content. The latter accumulates in the soil and raises the level of alkali in it to critical. The plant stops feeding and leaves turn yellow. In order to reanimate a flower, it should be transplanted into fresh soil. After that, hydrangea is watered with soft water, which can be boiled and defended before.
    2. Low acidity of the soil may be the reason for the appearance of yellow leaves. The reason which is easily eliminated and does not have a detrimental effect on the flower itself. To eliminate this effect, you need to add a couple of drops of lemon juice per liter of water during watering. The procedure is repeated for several days in a row.
    3. Abundance of sunlight. Hortensia likes sunlight, but not direct. If you plant a flower in the open ground and do not create penumbra for it - it may begin to disappear. Better place the plant near fruit trees or near shrubs. So you can avoid burns on the leaves from direct sunlight and the death of tree hydrangea. After all, she is the best to endure the landing in the ground on our climate.
    4. Lack of trace elements in the soil. The leaves may turn yellow, lose color and blacken due to a lack of iron and nitrogen in the soil. This phenomenon is often observed during the period of active growth of the plant( spring).Resuscitation of hydrangea, which turned black and / or yellowed after the winter, is carried out by foliar feeding with microelements or iron chelate.
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    Why hydrangea leaves

    curled A separate problem when growing hydrangea is leaf curling. For some gardeners, this question remains open. As practice shows, there are 2 reasons for this flower behavior: pest damage( aphid, mites) and a viral infection.

    To begin with, to understand the reason why the hydrangea leaves curled, inspect the plant and eliminate the presence of pests. To do this, inspect the sheets from the inside. If you find unwanted guests - proceed to their destruction drugs.

    If the flower turned out to be clean, then the reason for the twisting lies in the viral infection of the plant. In this case, the struggle for a healthy plant should be aimed at restoring its immunity.

    Observing all the rules of care for such a fascinating flower, he will very quickly give you luxurious flowers!

    Let's help the plant - video

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