Haciendo una mascarilla única de aguacate en casa.

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Nature is rich and generous with natural gifts. A face mask made from avocado is one of them. Pleasant to the touch, soft, nutritious, healthy gruel made from the pulp of the fruit - an invaluable source of vitamins, vegetable oils, microelements. The value of this procedure is difficult to overestimate: avocados for the face - physiologically justified, optimal care, providing the skin with everything necessary for health.

How useful avocado face mask?

Smooth, even skin with uniform coloring and relief needs such trace elements as potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, calcium. It is this set that will provide an avocado face mask.

In addition, there are:

  • vitamins of group A, B, provitamins C, D, K, PP;
  • is a powerful antioxidant vitamin E;
  • retinol - provitamin A;
  • instagram viewer
  • fatty amino acids, including polyunsaturated omega-9;
  • phytohormones;
  • vegetable proteins.
Read also: The benefits of avocado pits

It is this composition that ensures the effectiveness of avocado face masks from wrinkles and other first signs of aging. Enriched with them, the dermis is hydrated, filled with energy, smoothed.

Freshly cooked avocado gruel is especially valuable.

Natural vegetable pulp is healing and useful both by itself and as part of multi-component mixtures. Their structure must be thought out on the basis of the characteristics of oily skin, as well as the individual characteristics of the blood supply and the location of nerve fibers in it.

If the skin of the face is oily. ..

When choosing the composition of the mask for care, it should be noted that the effect should be based on the normalization of sebaceous excretions, drying, pore cleansing, smoothing of small defects. With this task, the mask from avocado for the face, supplemented with lemon juice, beaten egg white, natural yogurt or whey will successfully cope. You can create a comfortable texture by adding rye flour or crushed oatmeal.

Before applying the mask, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned and soothed, for example, with a bath of warm mint water.

If the skin is dry. ..

With dry face and neck, you can successfully cope with an avocado oil mask for the face.

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The fatty basis of an alligator pear( the name of the fruit) is up to 30% of its structure. It is represented by highly digestible substances that are useful for external and internal use. Especially valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids - the source of health of tissue components and cellular structures.

Fat-soluble vitamin E has a particularly beneficial effect on the elasticity of the skin and its relief in the presence of the oil of this plant.

For ultra-sensitive skin. ..

Skin care of different ages is versatile, if the mask contains several active and substance-rich components.

Apple will enrich with fruit acids and vitamin C, parsley and cabbage will add a lightening effect, a crushed leaf of mint will have a calming and relaxing effect.

With such a mask you need to be careful. Samples for allergic reactions should completely eliminate unwanted redness and irritation.

If the skin needs cosmetic treatment and nutrition, it is useful to prepare an avocado face mask at home using, for example, seafood. Numerous reviews indicate a decent effect from the use of the composition:

  • citrus juice;
  • celery juice;
  • cottage cheese;
  • components of raw chicken eggs;
  • ginger root.
Read also: How to grow an avocado tree at home from the stone

By carefully grinding and mixing the components, the mixture is applied to well-cleansed skin, possibly with a pre-held steam bath for opening the pores.

It is better if the temperature of the mixture is at room temperature or slightly warm( up to 40 ° C).Applying the composition to the skin, you can put a soft cloth on top to preserve natural heat and prevent quick drying.

Wash off the mask in 15-20 minutes with warm water without soap.

The use of avocado pulp in the face gives the skin an optimal level of moisture, a matt healthy tone, acne prevention, smoothes wrinkles, fights pigmentation defects. Such a simple, but useful care is able to replace expensive cosmetics, giving the skin tenderness and competent care.

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