Nematantus cura a casa: semina, irrigazione e illuminazione

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Caring for nematantus at home is simple and not at all troublesome. The flower does not require special conditions or hourly watering. But, still there are several features that you need to know before you bring home a beautiful plant.

Brazil is the home country of the nematantus, where it has been growing for many years until it was noticed by breeders. The flower itself is winding, and is excellent for growing in pots and hanging pots, from where it will subside in beautiful waves.

In nature, nematantus usually grows among fallen leaves, so it loves light, loose soil saturated with moisture. This is required to consider when planting a flower at home. What other aspects you need to know to get a beautiful and healthy nematantus at home, we will discuss in the article.

Planting a Flower

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Describing flower care should begin with planting. In order for it to grow healthy, you need to properly land it in the prepared soil.

To begin, prepare the ground. For a nematanthus, soil and transplanting are very important moments of its vital activity. To prepare the substrate, mix one part of the humus, the same amount of peat, and sand, add two parts of the leaf to the mixture. Often, more charcoal is added to it, but this is not at all necessary. This mixture for planting will help the flower to actively develop and feed on all the necessary substances.

Not superfluous fertilizer for nematantus. It is recommended to feed the plant every 2 weeks, and in the winter every 4-6 weeks.

The pot should be changed only when it has become too small for a flower. You should not replace the nematantus in a container that is much larger than the previous one. It will be enough to increase the diameter of the pot by a few centimeters. So, the root system will be able to master the entire soil quickly. In addition, if the roots of the flower are in a slightly compressed state, the outer part of the flower grows faster.

Read also: Planting and care in the open field for the early-flowering perennial primrose

Features of the nematantus care

There are some features of the care for the nematantus, for which the flower will thank you with green, lush foliage and abundant long-term flowering.

Provide good lighting for nematantus. Best of all, the plant perceives diffused but bright light. It is recommended to place the nematantus on a window that faces west or east. If the window faces north, the flower will not have enough light, as a result of which the leaves will lose color and juiciness, and the flowering will not be long.

By placing the nematantus on a southern window, it can get sunburns that look like dark spots on the leaves, and the growth stops.

The light should reach the plant at least 12 hours a day, and on particularly hot days, the nematantus should be covered with gauze or another translucent cloth.

Watering and humidity for the nematantus need moderate. In the hot season, the flower should be watered regularly, but do not allow overflow. The earth must dry out, otherwise the root system will start to rot. In winter, the same number of water procedures should be reduced, give the plant a rest. Do not worry that he will not have enough nutrients. It has accumulated a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the leaves, and due to them it is well perezimuet.

For irrigation it is best to use purified water, or distilled, at room temperature.

Temperature for nematantus requires special attention. The flower is unpretentious, but you need to comply with a certain temperature regime, which will positively affect growth and flowering. During the period of active growth, in the summer and spring, provide him with warmth. The temperature should be within + 22-26 degrees. In the daytime, the flower can bear a lot of heat, but at night the plant will still need rest and a decrease in temperature to recuperate. Therefore, if the house is too hot, in the evening you can take out the nematantus to the street.

In the cold season, the minimum allowable temperature is 12 degrees Celsius. But a long stay in such a cold can have a deplorable effect on the flower, so raise the temperature a little for a normal wintering of the plant. It is best to stick to the temperature range of + 15-16 degrees.

Read also: Types of platicerium for growing at home

How a flower multiplies

There are two ways to reproduce a flower: cutting and using seeds for planting. Let us examine each of them in more detail:

The cutting of the nematantus can be performed all year round. To do this, just take a piece of the stem, 10 cm long, clean it from the lower leaves, and transfer it to an airtight soil. In one pot you can put several shoots at once.

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For rooting, the cuttings will take on average 10-12 days, after which you can replant the sprouts into separate pots in which they will grow over the next year or several years.

Another breeding method is through seeds. They can either be purchased at a specialty store, or prepare them yourself. To begin, collect the seeds from the ripened capsules of the plant and dry for several days on a regular sheet of paper.

While continuing to take care of the nematantus at home, prepare a loose soil, make small indentations in it and sow the change in them. Next, cover the pot with a film or glass, thereby creating the effect of a greenhouse. Under the bottom is placed a pallet with wet claydite, which is periodically filled with water.

If everything is done correctly, after 2-3 weeks you will see the first shoots. Dive them into the soil mixture, for the preparation of which you will need two parts of peat soil and one part of leaf soil. Once the seedlings are strong enough, they can be transplanted into their own pots.

As you could see, caring for a nematantus at home is not at all troublesome, it is enough to water the plant in time, provide it with daylight and from time to time feed it with fertilizer. But in return for your efforts, you will receive an ever-green, and long-flowering plant that will surely decorate your home.

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