גידול ליסיאנתוס מזוקק בערוגות פרחים ובסיר

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Bride and groom are joined by eternal marriage before the altar. The witness of this indestructible union, in most cases, becomes the lisianthus. This is a decorative rose( it is also called Irish or Japanese), which is used to create wedding bouquets and accessories. Everyone can enjoy the beauty of eustoma( another name).For this you need to properly plant a flower and care for him.

Culture is unique in that it grows on a garden as a one-year exhibit, and in a pot on a windowsill it becomes a multi-year one.

Ah, how cute

. The first copy bred by breeders was purple. Later varieties were cultivated in a white, purple, pink and apricot palette. Recently, everyone was struck by a unique hybrid in green. Several types of florists are popular:

  1. "ABC".Refined and delicate pink buds.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Florida. Deep purple hue.
  4. "Echo".Light flowers with a pink border.
  5. "Mermaid".Conquer their snow-white view.

When looking at photos of lisianthus flowers in detail, it can be seen that the varieties mainly differ in coloring. Only some varieties surprise with their large double buds. Blooms culture for 3 summer months. A chic look is given to it:

  • bowl-shaped( bell-shaped) flowers with 4 centimeter petals that remain half open;
  • long stems( from 30 to 45 cm at home or up to 70 cm in natural habitat);
  • elliptical light green leaves with a silver shimmer;
  • luxurious bouquet, because on one branched branch blooms up to several dozen blossoms.

So Lisianthus will be with proper cultivation and care. Low-growing varieties are used in both landscape design and room interior. Plants with high stems are more often used by florists in creating festive bouquets.

For sale are capsules with ready-made floral substrates. It is worth knowing that each of them contains from 6 to 10 seeds.

Cultivation: elementary and simple

To begin with, prepare a place in the house. The lighting should be maximized( up to 12 hours per day), and the microclimate should be warm and moderately humid. At temperatures from +18 to + 25 ° C, eustoma feels great. Deviation from these indicators slows its growth. The cultivation of lisianthus from seeds occurs according to the following scheme: the

  • container is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate and dried;
  • is filled with soil prepared in advance or peat tablets are placed on a pallet, having previously moistened the ground( it is necessary to pour water until the tablet expands, then drain the residue);
  • seeds are planted with a toothpick in a small funnel;
  • covered with a film of medium thickness or glass;
  • is sprayed daily and aerated the seedlings( when condensation appears, first open for a few minutes, and then increase the time);
  • After 2-3 weeks the seedlings are ready for transplanting to the pot.
Read also: Planting crocuses of different flowering periods in open ground

Soil substrate is prepared by mixing earth, sand, peat, and perlite. Each component is taken in the same quantity. This composition contributes to the saturation of the soil with a sufficient amount of oxygen. Acidity - 6 pH.Soil should be with a minimum content of nitrogen compounds.

Too much seeds should not be deepened, then they will germinate for a long time. In order not to sow them too thick, some mix planting material with sand or earth. The first buds will appear only after 3-4 months.

Since home cultivation of lisianthus from seeds is a slow process, it is recommended to start sowing in November / December. February / March is suitable for garden specimens, then by the summer they will bloom, and for indoor copies - July / September.

Dive - grow a large and healthy flower

Seedlings are planted in a flower bed when the stems grow to 15 cm. From the moment of sowing 3 or more months pass. Indoor specimens are transplanted after 8 weeks( height of the germ is 10 cm).For experienced flower growers it is not difficult to swoop down a plant in the ground or a pot. But for beginners it is important to know certain details of the process:

  1. Prepare a pot. Capacity choose medium size( diameter - 15 cm) with holes at the bottom.
  2. Fill the ground with a mixture. At the same time leave 2 cm from the edge.
  3. The soil in the container is moistened and loosened. Then carefully take out a sapling.
  4. The land company is not shaken off, but delicately divided the thick bush into several copies.
  5. Abundantly watered the soil in a new place.
  6. Form a well. Depth - 5 cm, and diameter - 4 cm. Make it a pencil.
  7. Immerse the sprout in the hole. Bottom neck should sit down to 2 cm. Then sprinkle with the substrate and gently press.
  8. At the end of a watered young Lisianthus.

When buying planting substrates in specialized stores, preference should be given to the soil for flowering crops. Land for vegetables is undesirable to use in the care of indoor varieties.

The newly minted specimens are placed in a shaded place with the following temperature conditions: + 18 ° С, but not lower. When the plant gets stronger and grows up, it is transferred to the open ground. By this time, the seedling produces from 8 to 10 leaves. The transfer time is the end of April or the middle of May. During this period, the threat of frost passes. A warm and windless evening is the ideal weather for this. The photo shows the landing and care of the lisianthus.

Read also: How to select and preserve fresh pineapple

The distance between the plants in the garden is 30 cm. Loose seedlings are covered with a cut plastic bottle. Such a "spacesuit" serves as protection from the cold and at the same time helps to retain moisture. After 21 days, the "dome" can be removed.

A garden spot is chosen with diffused light and moist soil. It is important to remember that the Japanese rose is a representative of tropical flora.

The caring hands of the grower

The subsequent months of Lisianthus cultivation directly depend on a well-planned plant care routine. It all starts with watering:

  • use only soft water;
  • moisten the soil regularly so that it is moist and not dry;
  • water only the root patch without getting on the leaves.
Read also: We decorate our land with unusual ipomey purple

Increase the frequency of irrigation is necessary during the flowering period. In a new place, a culture takes on a painful appearance, therefore it does not tolerate excess moisture. Spraying is a controversial issue because the plant often suffers from fungal diseases. In winter, frequent water treatments pose many dangers. So, the root begins to rot, and the stem fade.

Grade rarely needs pruning. Nevertheless, for the winter flower growers cut the bush at the root. Dig it, checking for rot, and transfer it to a pot that is disinfected. In the spring of these pods appear new shoots.

Lisianthus flowers are fastidious enough to feed. The first time fertilizers are dissolved in water, a week after the transfer of the culture to the open area. Complex mineral substances( potash and phosphoric) process the soil during flowering. The frequency of the procedure is 4 or 2 times a month. The concentration of the solution is made slightly less than indicated on the package.

The name of the plant comes from two ancient Greek words: "blossoming" and "flower".In the Latin interpretation, another adjective is applied, meaning "bitter", since the Irish rose contains a lot of bitterness.

Although Lisianthus is considered to be a perennial plant, over the years it weakens and withers. Experienced gardeners recommend using the crop for 2 years, and then planting new samples. In the garden you can create a real fairy tale from such a variety of bright colors and subtle eustoma flowers.

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